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Moderator Status: Good or Bad?

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The reason is simple, not all players know how to report, or what to report, or what are more serious offences that need to be reported at once. I have talked with some players before, and some don't even know there was a "report" button.




By having player mods who can mute, they can control the amount of damage rule-breakers do to the community and the game. By having priority reports and communicating with the staff members, Jagex get to know more about the situations in game, and what needs their attention the most.




Player mods are basically the representatives of the community, who can allow Jagex to know more about the community and its changes, at the same time, helping Jagex with handling rule-breakers. They are responsible players, who knows what is right and wrong, and have the self control to not abuse their modding powers.




But they are still humans, they can get tempted and they do make mistakes. It's not right to say "All player mods are power abusers and arrogant people" just because a few are.




I don't make such irrational comments. I realise most (in fact all) mods get chosen for their strength of justice and character.




However, the point I'm making is that while there are some players that don't know the report button exists, the majority of players are perfectly capable of reporting offences, and leaving confidence with Jagex to deal with the offence.




What I'm basically trying to say is why does Jagex need to create (what is effectively) a special heirachy among players? Mods in-game, by their very nature, receive benefits such as priority in trades or more cooperation amongst most players. These are luxuries which most players on RS don't enjoy, and I think this is very wrong. Surely, Jagex should actually be turning to employing staff to deal with the game, instead of creating a special ̮̩̉̉lite of players that, frankly, don't need to be there.




I look at a Player Mod and a normal, decent player, and I think what's the difference? Well, not a lot. One can mute, the other can't, that's it. Yet the mod receives far more benefits which, in my opinion are unfair and make the game easier for the mod, for doing a job which the majority of RS could do fine on their own anyway. As far as rule breaking goes, the book should lie with Jagex to deal with it, and not to resort to creating an unfair situation in favour of mods.




Why should mods have these luxuries (albeit inadvertently and reluctantly), when they don't do much more to help the overall behaviour of players on the game than I do?

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I don't make such irrational comments. I realise most (in fact all) mods get chosen for their strength of justice and character.




However, the point I'm making is that while there are some players that don't know the report button exists, the majority of players are perfectly capable of reporting offences, and leaving confidence with Jagex to deal with the offence.




But the problem here is, not all players report responsibly. What could be the result of this? More important offences get neglected (not reported), and scammers can continue scamming even if they were reported. (only until reports against them are reviewed and actioned, which can take a large amount of time) With mods to mute these serious offenders, other players will remain safe from harm, even if the reports are not actioned in time.







What I'm basically trying to say is why does Jagex need to create (what is effectively) a special heirachy among players? Mods in-game, by their very nature, receive benefits such as priority in trades or more cooperation amongst most players. These are luxuries which most players on RS don't enjoy, and I think this is very wrong. Surely, Jagex should actually be turning to employing staff to deal with the game, instead of creating a special ̮̩̉̉lite of players that, frankly, don't need to be there.




Player mods do *not* receive priority in trades, but their messages do show all the time. But there is a reason, it's to allow players to hear them in case of emergencies. Take the Falador Massacre for example, if player mods' messages do not show up all the time at that point of time, who could really read what the player mods are saying among all the spamming and such? In true fact, the player mods were trying to guide the players in banking their valuables, it is necessary, in this case, for players to see what the mods are saying, so they can get the help they need.




However, I don't see how player mod chats can hinder normal trading. Yes, it's obviously more conspicuous among the other texts, but it does not mean they would have a higher chance of doing their trades successfully. Take me for example, I usually trade cuts for uncuts so as to


train crafting. But it takes me days to even get the amount of uncuts I need. Did my crown improve my trading conditions and allow me to get what I want faster? No. If I want something that no one else has (at the point of time that I am trading), I would not get it, whether or not I have the crown.




Also, as a player mod, I realise that it actually hinders me in trading. Whenever I reveal my crown while trading, I'm bombarded by questions. In the end, I end up answering questions instead of trading. How is my crown a benefit to me in trading then?







I look at a Player Mod and a normal, decent player, and I think what's the difference? Well, not a lot. One can mute, the other can't, that's it. Yet the mod receives far more benefits which, in my opinion are unfair and make the game easier for the mod, for doing a job which the majority of RS could do fine on their own anyway. As far as rule breaking goes, the book should lie with Jagex to deal with it, and not to resort to creating an unfair situation in favour of mods.




Yah, Jagex could hire more staff, but it takes time. By the time Jagex hires another 100 staff, there would already be much more offenders. It's much harder and time consuming to hire a Jagex Staff than to hand pick a player mod, and the result may not be efficient at all.




Again, what benefits do we receive other than the muting power and priority reports? Aren't you exaggerating by saying "far more benefits"?







Why should mods have these luxuries (albeit inadvertently and reluctantly), when they don't do much more to help the overall behaviour of players on the game than I do?




Lastly, player mods are educators. We educate players on the rules, and some of us even educate them regarding real life issues. Players listen to us when we talk, and I feel that our education can help them in some way or the other. Of course normal players can function the same way, and I feel personally players are doing just as much as we are doing for the community.




But we don't receive any benefits that ultimately benefit ourselves. Our crown doesn't benefit us, but only attracts unwanted attention at times. Our muting powers don't really benefit us, but benefits the players and protect them from offenders who destroy the game. Our priority reports don't benefit us either as they just allow Jagex to deal with rule-breakers more efficiently, which in turn benefits the Runescape community.








So, do we receive any benefits? If you were to really consider it, you would realise that we don't.

RS Player Since 2006



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Mods are very over-rated... I've seen Moderators who have played about 3 weeks and dont even know where Yanille is -.-


there ARE f2p mods who have recently reached members, you know...




if anything, mods get less than the average person, the attention you get for having a crown is usually never good, or just annoying.

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Ltfairy, that's your personal experience. I'm not a PMod so I can only go on what I see of others. You've said it yourself though:




Of course normal players can function the same way, and I feel personally players are doing just as much as we are doing for the community.




So if we're doing just as much as you are, why is your specialist status needed?




Also a point on 'educating' players. You don't teach players to think for themselves, as what the word 'education' actually means. You've made the same mistake Jagex have made by thinking 'education' = 'information'. You don't educate players about the rules, you inform them of them. There's a big difference, and they shouldn't be confused.




I could go into an in-depth discussion about the necessity of PMods, but this thread isn't about that, so I'll leave this discussion here as it would be going off-topic.




However, my opinion on the matter is that Mods do receive some benefits, which when even weighed against the downsides of Modship, provide an unfair and unnecessary advantage.

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Player mod status transforms most into snotty little gods and godesses from all the attention and fanclubs.
Couldn't have said it better...


Currently subsisting off of God Wars: 3 shards, 1 bandos hilt, 2 sara swords, 1 steam staff, and 2 zamorak spears.

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Player mod status transforms most into snotty little gods and godesses from all the attention and fanclubs.
Couldn't have said it better...


well then, who's up for treating you guys like mods?


that means at least three random people asking you to unban an account, or to solve every ingame problem they have. there would also be several beggars asking for multiple millions...


you get the idea, hopefully, those 'fanclubs' as you call them are like that

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I believe for me, it would be a negative, as I prefer living in the shadows and not out in the open. As I have seen the reactions to the crown, I would most definitely not want it... Even though much of it has been positive. As for the second part, I am not so easily corrupted, but I believe that some would be.

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Its a good thing being a mod but its a scary thing if you speak a lot. I'm not the only one who gets a lot of dumb questions so I rarely speak in public for that reason.




Speaking in F2P is more than your life:




"0mg!1 p0tato!!111"




"wazz dat krowm next 2 ur name"




"Phr33 st0ff pl0x!!!111"




"0mfg! j4gxe importsator reported haha!"






Yes, those sarcastic but truthful quotes is the downside of being a "potato" O_O






I'd say for me, I find a lot of good friends (not the only guy however) that aren't there for my pretty crown so I'd say sometimes you can pick up a few friends with or without that crown.






The negative attention seems to come from rule breakers (not surprisingly), greedy people, and wanna-be mods. It could be the rule-breakers go under a new account and say that "1/2 of mods are bad" and that "mods abuse their powers" and then you got greedy people and finally wanna-bes.




I am starting to think that the wanna-bes could be responsible for these lies though it kinda has holes as other greedy people spout out the anti-mod stuff. Usually a bit of humor will make things better as the lot of greedy people and wanna-bes are stupid and idiotic.








player1: I hate mods




me: What? You said you hated potatoes!!




friend: lol aba.




me: that was shocking! potatoes are good for you! Wendy's has those potatoes that taste so good!






I never heard from that anti-mod guy but some people just want to be rude to mods to possibly frame them or something.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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"C4n y00z b4n h1m? h3 pk3d m3 4nd t00kz my st00fz." "Nerd, nobody cares about the rules!". :roll:




It wouldn't be a good thing for me to be a moderator. I wouldn't be very good at it either. If someone throws an insult at me, I don't report them or anything. I toss insults back at them and it usually escalates into big arguments. I'm the one who always takes it overboard (insults after noob, your mom, nerd, I could own you, etc.). That's why I have 0.6 blackmarks. :P I got my first 0.3 blackmarks after being Pked. I said sheeyat...The other 0.3 were from a small argument which I tried to break up. I got insulted a few times, I insulted them back, all hell broke loose. About 20 people were in that argument. Anyways, it's just the way I am. Wow...that was very off-topic. Back on-topic, I would not like to be a moderator. I'm not that kind of person. If somebody is breaking rules, I don't care. I just let somebody else deal with it. It's not my problem. I only report autoers because they are putting RuneScape into it's coffin.

My F2P Moneymaking Guide!

Always gargle before a takeoff. Wakka Wakka!

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Its a good thing being a mod but its a scary thing if you speak a lot. I'm not the only one who gets a lot of dumb questions so I rarely speak in public for that reason.


that's why i tend to be as antisocial as a macro :uhh:


i've said it before, only a mod knows what it's like

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I myself would never accept to be a moderator. It's a smart (not to mention cheap) move from Jagex' part to involve the community in policing the RS streets in exchange for social status - an important aspect of a game revolving around a community. But I'm more of a loner in the game, so I'm not really impressed by the community aspect of being a mod.




I play the game for my amusement and relaxation, not to be the unpaid minder of a bunch of kids. It's not just the amount of attention, it's being friendly and answering all kinds of questions all of the time that I would grow very tired of. I like helping players from time to time, not all of the time.




The trouble with many mods is that they get starry-eyed by the crown, without thinking through the responsability when they get asked. Obviously there are also the power-hungry mods, but that doesn't make the system bad.




So, I'd say: player mods are good for the game. Whether RS is good for the player with mod status... I doubt it.

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I think the answer is pretty obvious, being a Player mod seems like a great thing at first, you get a crown, you get to have mod powers, you draw attention, people seek your help.




But at the end of the day I think it becomes all too tiring and you wish you were a normal player again. I've never been a mod but I'm completely going off how it would be for me and I'm sure many others feel the same way.

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Being a mod INGAME has both pros and cons in my opinion. I will start with the Cons...






-I don't appreciate when a person begs to me. I think it is one of the most worthless things to do in the game. Being a Mod INGAME will put you in a bad possition on this. For instance, people will beg for you to mute someone for them. They will also ask for you to unban accounts. This is one of my pet peeves and I absolutely despise it.




-Secondly, you are asked unanswerable questions from what I understand. You are bothered by what is coming next in the game and what not. They know they can't answer it, therefore, it will give them a gigantic headache having to tell a person they don't know what is coming next, thus the kid will complain and whine.




Now I will say the Pros...






-In busy worlds, you are easily heard despite the person's chat being on "hide".




-You are sometimes respected greater and it's sometimes easier to make conversation with a person.




-You have more authority over most people in the game, so if someone tries to scam you, you can get him back!








All in all, being an INGAME mod sounds like more of a hastle than it's worth. That's why if I were you guys, I'd stick to a better goal like maybe becomming a Tip.It Mod. I heard that's where all the fun is. <3:

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The funny thing is, these players are probably 6 or something 'cause a real human being is not such a bonehead unless you count Homer Simpson.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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does being a Moderator in game overall hinder or ease your gaming experience?




Well, I think it depends where you are..... if you are standing in cathuby it is a hinderance, It is not a case of does the crown change anything, it's does the crown change the people around you.




Pmods do get quite alot of hastle in some ingame areas, but yet I think it is a sign of respect. For some people it's a bad thing, people would not cope with it. But for true community peoplewho want to help the game players it's a good thing

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So often I've seen player mods harassed and bombarded with questions; many of them quite stupid. Just the other day someone asked a mod if Jagex gave them a preview of what the Dark Bow would look like :roll:




Not being a mod myself, I can't speculate on whether the utility/authority is worth the distinction and segregation.


The Once and Future Quest Guru

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  • 2 weeks later...

What do i think of mods?


Pmod:they are kind of good people but sometimes they get arrogant


Jmod:Never saw any of them in game,also never seen any of them banning those autos that cut wood,ess,fish etc,i know they say 'this week we banned 8572 accounts from the game for real life trading or macroing' but hey! i anyone can say a number! i can't believe that they did those bans unless i see


Fmod:they does Good job on forum,sometimes they abuse their power though

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That is a bit of an understatement about Pmods. For the frequency of Pmods, it's not uncommon that they actually break rules. If I were a mod, I'd play like I was a normal member, and would just ignore beggars.



You're being watched.

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That is a bit of an understatement about Pmods. For the frequency of Pmods, it's not uncommon that they actually break rules. If I were a mod, I'd play like I was a normal member, and would just ignore beggars.




so that means me and my mod cronies are gonna start breaking rs rules? :shame:



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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