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Have humans exceeded..


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our creators expectations? Whoever that may be, god or science, keep it out of the topic.




What Im trying to say is, have humans advanced so much in technology that we are responsible for the enviornmental problems? Have we altered natures






Is it supposed to be like this?






Lets look at overpopulation. With the current medicine, we can live up to 80, 85. By natures laws, isn't human life span around 40, 50 years? More people living longer=overpopulation.




Discuss, and try to think of more situations such as that^.





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Well, if we were created by something omnipotent and omniscient, then we can't exceed it's expectations, as they'd know what our maximum potential is.




So, no, I suppose.




As for the life expectancy thing, I suppose giving anything a fear of death will give it the will to preserve itself.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Blame the cows. Smelly cows.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I'd argue yes from whatever world view you look at it from. We have the potential to wipe ourselves from existance like wiping a window stain with a rag. To a god or evolution, both would be counter intuitive.

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I think the moment we evolved to gain consciousness and therefore have the ability to act against our primal urges of reproduction is the moment when we became something very special indeed.




It's easy to look around at all the destructive tendencies of humanity, but i'm more inclined to look at all the things we've done and think, "Wow! We're amazing!"

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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in some sense, however technologically advanced we get, it is still within "nature".. we are sitll simply manipulating our environment.




but we certainly are on another level to anything else in this world right now

babelfish - level 180 60th place

strongguy - level 173 69th place

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I think we go further each day than we thought we could. But I don't think we've over exceeded. If we had over exceeded we'd have world peace. If a huge catastrophic event were to occur and it effected many countries allies and enemies, politics would still get in the way of uniting against it. And until then we haven't really accomplished the highest goal, yet we've actually driven away from it by drawing barriers.


Me doing staff.

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I think it's concieted of the human race to believe that all the stuff we're doing has absolutely no effect on the planet. We are slowly destroying ourselves and our planet... and the day we exceed expectations will be the day we destroy ourselves.






Although to say that is to say that our Creator, who/whatever it is, has placed a limit on our evolutionary ability and will one day look down and say "Holy crap! They've figured this out? This ain't good!" KABOOM Earth and start afresh.




And yes, I honestly believe that humans have existed before our records and they ultimately destroyed themselves. And I do believe we will do it again. (Kinda makes having my son rather pointless then, doesn't it?)

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I think it's concieted of the human race to believe that all the stuff we're doing has absolutely no effect on the planet. We are slowly destroying ourselves and our planet... and the day we exceed expectations will be the day we destroy ourselves.






Although to say that is to say that our Creator, who/whatever it is, has placed a limit on our evolutionary ability and will one day look down and say "Holy crap! They've figured this out? This ain't good!" KABOOM Earth and start afresh.




And yes, I honestly believe that humans have existed before our records and they ultimately destroyed themselves. And I do believe we will do it again. (Kinda makes having my son rather pointless then, doesn't it?)




Wow, that's a tad negative. No?




First of all, everyone has heard the "We're killing the planet" speech. No-one need hear it again.




Secondly, if humans destroyed themselves, I find it somehow unlikely that new humans would fulfill their void. That defies religion and science. :lol:




Thirdly, how can you consider creating new life pointless? My short existence of fourteen years has been an incredible experience, and if someone were to consider that pointless because of our "impending doom", I would be inclined to kick them in the face.




Fourthly, wear a full face helmet from now on.

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I think it's concieted of the human race to believe that all the stuff we're doing has absolutely no effect on the planet. We are slowly destroying ourselves and our planet... and the day we exceed expectations will be the day we destroy ourselves.






Although to say that is to say that our Creator, who/whatever it is, has placed a limit on our evolutionary ability and will one day look down and say "Holy crap! They've figured this out? This ain't good!" KABOOM Earth and start afresh.




And yes, I honestly believe that humans have existed before our records and they ultimately destroyed themselves. And I do believe we will do it again. (Kinda makes having my son rather pointless then, doesn't it?)




Wow, that's a tad negative. No?




First of all, everyone has heard the "We're killing the planet" speech. No-one need hear it again.




Secondly, if humans destroyed themselves, I find it somehow unlikely that new humans would fulfill their void. That defies religion and science. :lol:




Thirdly, how can you consider creating new life pointless? My short existence of fourteen years has been an incredible experience, and if someone were to consider that pointless because of our "impending doom", I would be inclined to kick them in the face.




Fourthly, wear a full face helmet from now on.




Yeah, I happen to be in a very cynical mood tonight.




1. I'm not trying to be all 'Save the planet!' In fact, I'm probably one of the last people that would ever tell another person to be more environmentally friendly. But I do believe we are using Earth's resources faster than they can be replaced and that we will probably never be able to undo the damage done in the years before environmental awareness.




2. You're right, I should have been clearer. My theory is that the evolutionary cycle - Ice Age, dinosaurs, gorillas dropping out of trees and becoming homo sapians etc etc has happened before and will happen again.




3. That was tongue in cheek and I should have made that clearer too. Having my son is easily the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I'd go on, but then I'd turn into one of those boring mothers that can only rave about their kid. :roll:




4. Fair call.

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I think it's concieted of the human race to believe that all the stuff we're doing has absolutely no effect on the planet. We are slowly destroying ourselves and our planet... and the day we exceed expectations will be the day we destroy ourselves.






Although to say that is to say that our Creator, who/whatever it is, has placed a limit on our evolutionary ability and will one day look down and say "Holy crap! They've figured this out? This ain't good!" KABOOM Earth and start afresh.




And yes, I honestly believe that humans have existed before our records and they ultimately destroyed themselves. And I do believe we will do it again. (Kinda makes having my son rather pointless then, doesn't it?)




Wow, that's a tad negative. No?




First of all, everyone has heard the "We're killing the planet" speech. No-one need hear it again.




Secondly, if humans destroyed themselves, I find it somehow unlikely that new humans would fulfill their void. That defies religion and science. :lol:




Thirdly, how can you consider creating new life pointless? My short existence of fourteen years has been an incredible experience, and if someone were to consider that pointless because of our "impending doom", I would be inclined to kick them in the face.




Fourthly, wear a full face helmet from now on.




I think it's concieted of the human race to believe that all the stuff we're doing has absolutely no effect on the planet. We are slowly destroying ourselves and our planet... and the day we exceed expectations will be the day we destroy ourselves.






Although to say that is to say that our Creator, who/whatever it is, has placed a limit on our evolutionary ability and will one day look down and say "Holy crap! They've figured this out? This ain't good!" KABOOM Earth and start afresh.




And yes, I honestly believe that humans have existed before our records and they ultimately destroyed themselves. And I do believe we will do it again. (Kinda makes having my son rather pointless then, doesn't it?)




Wow, that's a tad negative. No?




First of all, everyone has heard the "We're killing the planet" speech. No-one need hear it again.




Secondly, if humans destroyed themselves, I find it somehow unlikely that new humans would fulfill their void. That defies religion and science. :lol:




Thirdly, how can you consider creating new life pointless? My short existence of fourteen years has been an incredible experience, and if someone were to consider that pointless because of our "impending doom", I would be inclined to kick them in the face.




Fourthly, wear a full face helmet from now on.




Yeah, I happen to be in a very cynical mood tonight.




1. I'm not trying to be all 'Save the planet!' In fact, I'm probably one of the last people that would ever tell another person to be more environmentally friendly. But I do believe we are using Earth's resources faster than they can be replaced and that we will probably never be able to undo the damage done in the years before environmental awareness.




2. You're right, I should have been clearer. My theory is that the evolutionary cycle - Ice Age, dinosaurs, gorillas dropping out of trees and becoming [bleep] sapians etc etc has happened before and will happen again.




3. That was tongue in cheek and I should have made that clearer too. Having my son is easily the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I'd go on, but then I'd turn into one of those boring mothers that can only rave about their kid. :roll:




4. Fair call.




Nice to see someone who doesn't get defensive at the slightest hint of offense. :D




I'd rather not get into an environmental discussion, but I'd like to point out that I have had very little input into the earth's "future destruction", so I don't think it's a topic I should discuss. If it's too late, it is in no way my fault.




You evolution cycle theory makes a lot more sense, haha. ;P




For the love of god, don't rave. I hate it when parents do that.




You should still wear a helmet, just incase. :lol:

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I think it's concieted of the human race to believe that all the stuff we're doing has absolutely no effect on the planet. We are slowly destroying ourselves and our planet... and the day we exceed expectations will be the day we destroy ourselves.






Although to say that is to say that our Creator, who/whatever it is, has placed a limit on our evolutionary ability and will one day look down and say "Holy crap! They've figured this out? This ain't good!" KABOOM Earth and start afresh.




And yes, I honestly believe that humans have existed before our records and they ultimately destroyed themselves. And I do believe we will do it again. (Kinda makes having my son rather pointless then, doesn't it?)




Wow, that's a tad negative. No?




First of all, everyone has heard the "We're killing the planet" speech. No-one need hear it again.




Secondly, if humans destroyed themselves, I find it somehow unlikely that new humans would fulfill their void. That defies religion and science. :lol:




Thirdly, how can you consider creating new life pointless? My short existence of fourteen years has been an incredible experience, and if someone were to consider that pointless because of our "impending doom", I would be inclined to kick them in the face.




Fourthly, wear a full face helmet from now on.




I think it's concieted of the human race to believe that all the stuff we're doing has absolutely no effect on the planet. We are slowly destroying ourselves and our planet... and the day we exceed expectations will be the day we destroy ourselves.






Although to say that is to say that our Creator, who/whatever it is, has placed a limit on our evolutionary ability and will one day look down and say "Holy crap! They've figured this out? This ain't good!" KABOOM Earth and start afresh.




And yes, I honestly believe that humans have existed before our records and they ultimately destroyed themselves. And I do believe we will do it again. (Kinda makes having my son rather pointless then, doesn't it?)




Wow, that's a tad negative. No?




First of all, everyone has heard the "We're killing the planet" speech. No-one need hear it again.




Secondly, if humans destroyed themselves, I find it somehow unlikely that new humans would fulfill their void. That defies religion and science. :lol:




Thirdly, how can you consider creating new life pointless? My short existence of fourteen years has been an incredible experience, and if someone were to consider that pointless because of our "impending doom", I would be inclined to kick them in the face.




Fourthly, wear a full face helmet from now on.




Yeah, I happen to be in a very cynical mood tonight.




1. I'm not trying to be all 'Save the planet!' In fact, I'm probably one of the last people that would ever tell another person to be more environmentally friendly. But I do believe we are using Earth's resources faster than they can be replaced and that we will probably never be able to undo the damage done in the years before environmental awareness.




2. You're right, I should have been clearer. My theory is that the evolutionary cycle - Ice Age, dinosaurs, gorillas dropping out of trees and becoming [bleep] sapians etc etc has happened before and will happen again.




3. That was tongue in cheek and I should have made that clearer too. Having my son is easily the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I'd go on, but then I'd turn into one of those boring mothers that can only rave about their kid. :roll:




4. Fair call.




Number 2 is interesting. Are you saying that there is a cycle that creates or has created intelligence akin to us? If so would you expect to find tools and/or buildings, locomotives or other signs of highly evolved life? Sorry if I've got that wrong. I suppose your idea is partly true due to periods of mass extinction and then large scale evolution following them.

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I bet you just read my post about killing 4 billion people to stop "global warming"




Anyways, I think we are overpopulating the earth but there is nothing we can really do about it(other than restrict how many kids you can have, like Enders Game) but honestly we have done what no other creature on earth has ever been able to do and that is live as easily and conveniently as possible. Also, we have mastered the ability to pass on our genes and make sure the chain does not die. We have only done things that are completely natural, we are the only species capable of creating such an easy life to live.




I mean the ability to survive is generally not the issue with humans these days as it is with every other species on Earth




I think what he meant by the Number 2 comment was that dominating species lived before us and they will come after humans die off. The chance of humans being created again is a freak chance because all evolution is really just an accident.

Nobody can control his own life. The best you can do is chose to fill the roles given to you with good people, people who love you.

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Everyone knows how I feel about overpopulation, which is all in my overpopulation thread.




Anyways, if there is wrong thing wrong with this planet it's idiots who are egotistical greedy bastards like OPEC and our government that won't realize the importance of our environment. We could've been using wind-power, hydro-power, etc, from the beginning, but instead we used fossil fuels, and throughout years like the 60's and 70's we basically screamed a reservation for destroying our world. We didn't need big cars, there should've never been a baby boom like there was, if politicians, companies, and even people would've made wiser decisions and not decisions based on money we would've been way better off.




But what does money matter anyway, once our planet is gone money will be gone with it, and the Universe will move on. It does these sorts of things everyday with giant stars destroying solar systems, colliding galaxies etc, who knows if life out there existed too in those events.




Wow, that latter part was rather bleak.


Me doing staff.

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Nice to see someone who doesn't get defensive at the slightest hint of offense. :D




I'd rather not get into an environmental discussion, but I'd like to point out that I have had very little input into the earth's "future destruction", so I don't think it's a topic I should discuss. If it's too late, it is in no way my fault.




You evolution cycle theory makes a lot more sense, haha. ;P




For the love of god, don't rave. I hate it when parents do that.




You should still wear a helmet, just incase. :lol:






Oh if I got upset at every little negative thing said about me, I'd spend my whole life crying in the corner. Especially since some of my theories and ideas can be a little... unusual. :D Plus my friends and I debate this kinda stuff when we've had a few drinks, so it can get a little... insulting at times.






I won't, thank you and that's exactly why I won't do it. :lol:













Number 2 is interesting. Are you saying that there is a cycle that creates or has created intelligence akin to us? If so would you expect to find tools and/or buildings, locomotives or other signs of highly evolved life? Sorry if I've got that wrong. I suppose your idea is partly true due to periods of mass extinction and then large scale evolution following them.






Yup, that's exactly what I'm saying. It's often said that for how old the planet is, life forms have been around for an amazingly short time. I doubt we'd ever find a definate proof of their existance, surely we would have found it already? Then again, the Ice Ages have lasted for millions of years, perhaps that could be considered the planet's 'down time' where it recovers from the damage done from the last civilisation? After all... it would take a very long time to completely eradicate very sign of life... :-k




As you can probably tell, I'm no scholar on the matter, it's just a vague theory that develops more nearly every time I discuss it with someone. I'm sure that anyone who knows more than the basics about this kinda stuff would be able to shoot me down within minutes.

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I bet you just read my post about killing 4 billion people to stop "global warming"




Anyways, I think we are overpopulating the earth but there is nothing we can really do about it(other than restrict how many kids you can have, like Enders Game) but honestly we have done what no other creature on earth has ever been able to do and that is live as easily and conveniently as possible. Also, we have mastered the ability to pass on our genes and make sure the chain does not die. We have only done things that are completely natural, we are the only species capable of creating such an easy life to live.




I mean the ability to survive is generally not the issue with humans these days as it is with every other species on Earth




I think what he meant by the Number 2 comment was that dominating species lived before us and they will come after humans die off. The chance of humans being created again is a freak chance because all evolution is really just an accident.




It's important to distinguish that mutations are the random accident and natural selection is very much guided by which genes suit which niche.




Anyway back on the exceeding expectations thing I saw a very interesting program last night on aging. In terms of how long we can live these days, yes, we have exceeded expectations as biology generally dosen't care about us if we are past breeding age. Harsh but true. It talked about new diseases emerging purely because of the ages people live to these days, and example being Alzhiemers. Just out of interest it compared the two theories of why we age, the first being the common oxidation one where free radicals attack just about any molecule in our body until we can no longer function properly and die. The second is copying malfunctions, which seems to also make sense. It involves the supported idea that after a multitude of mitotic divisions (normal cell growth for the purposes of growth and or repair) DNA replication errors will accumulate to a point where the cells being produced will no longer be able to function and die as a consequence. It seems to fit in well with breeding ages for humans; pretty much no stuff ups at an age of around 2, very minimal stuff ups at around 20, double that at 40, double that at 60 and so on.

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I think a better way to look at ChickyBee's theory would be to suggest life existed before our planet existed or in it's early stages on another planet. Like maybe on Mar or Venus in the early days our our planet, when Venus was once a nice place, and Mars too. Or even more extreme, that the sun that formed our new sun could've had it's own solar system with life.


Me doing staff.

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our creators expectations? Whoever that may be, god or science, keep it out of the topic.




What Im trying to say is, have humans advanced so much in technology that we are responsible for the enviornmental problems? Have we altered natures






Is it supposed to be like this?






Lets look at overpopulation. With the current medicine, we can live up to 80, 85. By natures laws, isn't human life span around 40, 50 years? More people living longer=overpopulation.




Discuss, and try to think of more situations such as that^.








In response to your first, are humans responsible for the environmental problems, I think it's fairly clear that we are for the most part. It is possible to examine the Earth's climatic history by analysing various items such as ice cores, earth strata and various other fossils. It's quite clear that we're entering a period of extreme warming that hasn't occurred in the past.




As for your second part... natural ethics? To use the word "ethics" is to suggest that someone or something created the earth with some intention in mind. That is a largely philosophical debate, but please consider this.


You suggest that we shouldn't mess with the planet and that we're disrupting life on this planet and that we shouldn't be doing so. My question is "Why shouldn't we?". This is our planet, we're the dominant species and what we're doing to animal life has happened over and over again in the past. There's been massive extinctions and life always recovers. That's the nature of evolution.




Consider one more thing however. If we're not allowed to mess around with this planet, then what is the point? This planet along with ALL lifebearing planets are ulitmately doomed anyway. Our star can only support life on this planet for a certain length of time anyway. Sooner or later, this, everything around you, will all be for nothing anyway. We're just along for the ride.




If life is part of some grand plan or "ethics" as you used, then is it some kind of huge cosmological joke that our planet is going to be wiped out anyway and all this struggle, strife and debate is ultimately for absolutely nothing. What kind of being/creature/god would conceive such a senario?




In regards to human lifespans. Our life expecancy has increased mainly due to improved diets not just better medical care and available treatments. Without any actual tinkering, humans should naturally live until their mid-seventies, it's just that our past living conditions have not permitted this.




As with most other species, once they reach a certain maxed out population, something comes along that wipes them out to more managable levels, such as plagues, disease and starvation.




I suspect nature will in time correct our species too, and curb our population. I imagine this will be in the form of some global plague much like the influenza pandemic but far more extreme. If not, I imagine we're due some pretty enormous wars which will no doubt be sparked by the ever dwinding resources we require to support our level of civilisation.

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Aren't we only using 10% of your brains capacity right now? We could probably do so much more.. Scares me to think about it.




mmmmmmm I have the perfect answer for that with another quote.




If we were allowed to go through life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. And we could never fly.




Beethoven composed his greatest works after becoming deaf. George Washington was snowed in through a treacherous winter at Valley Forge. Abraham Lincoln was raised in poverty. Albert Einstein was called a slow learner, [developmentally delayed]ed and uneducable. If Christopher Columbus had turned back, no one could have blamed him, considering the constant adversity he endured.




History has shown us that the most celebrated winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.




Celebrate your difficulties as they teach you to grow.




Harvey Mackay




I believe in it 110%



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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We all do recognise, some day in the world, we will hit a point, where our technology could not be updated any further, and the O Zone layer would completely die off. Humans, have over exceeded. #-o

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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