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Guitar Hero/Rock Band Discussion thread


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I actually can't believe it. After only of practices and numerous chokes, I actually FC'd TTFAF! I'm the 4th to do it, first being iamchris4life then GHPhenom and then baseballkid007. Wow. Speechless right now.




[hide=Big picture]245284305928b2923bc1400cfd911ab65d0944d.jpg


Hehe, only kidding. But I actually managed to get my first FC, Slow Ride (don't make fun of me :oops:) Looking to practice much more (I shortly FC'd that Jonas song by Weezer after) Thanks for the support guys! I'm now both a Rock Band AND Guitar Hero newbie :mrgreen:[/hide]


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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I bought my first Guitar Hero on Sunday. Already beaten the game on easy, which was fairly easy :)


Now gonna hit up the medium. I don't think I'll ever be able to do hard or expert.




Question, what does FC mean?


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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I bought my first Guitar Hero on Sunday. Already beaten the game on easy, which was fairly easy :)


Now gonna hit up the medium. I don't think I'll ever be able to do hard or expert.




Question, what does FC mean?


FC means Full Combo, meaning you hit 100% of the notes while maintaining your combo throughout the whole song. This means that you don't over hit or under hit any notes, and that you keep your note streak constantly going throughout the whole song until completion.


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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I bought my first Guitar Hero on Sunday. Already beaten the game on easy, which was fairly easy :)


Now gonna hit up the medium. I don't think I'll ever be able to do hard or expert.




Question, what does FC mean?






you say that now, but everybody started on easy. Before you know it you'll be doing expert like its nothing at all.

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I bought my first Guitar Hero on Sunday. Already beaten the game on easy, which was fairly easy :)


Now gonna hit up the medium. I don't think I'll ever be able to do hard or expert.




Question, what does FC mean?


FC means Full Combo, meaning you hit 100% of the notes while maintaining your combo throughout the whole song. This means that you don't over hit or under hit any notes, and that you keep your note streak constantly going throughout the whole song until completion.




Thanks for that. :)


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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I bought my first Guitar Hero on Sunday. Already beaten the game on easy, which was fairly easy :)


Now gonna hit up the medium. I don't think I'll ever be able to do hard or expert.




Question, what does FC mean?






you say that now, but everybody started on easy. Before you know it you'll be doing expert like its nothing at all.


Indeed. And beyond that, you'll eventually get to where playing like it is nothing at all will be nothing at all. For instance, even after playing Expert for a while, it was still really hard for me to play the My Name is Jonas intro. Now I can finally fly through it. I only missed 1 fricking note that whole song. :wall:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Yeah it's kinda freaky how much I've progressed, I got my first Guitar Hero game in the form of GH3 last Christmas. I started on Easy just like everyone else.




Weird how I can say now that I finally FC'ed She Bangs the Drums while I was going through re-beating the bonus songs. Only have TWIE and TTFAF left to pass again, since I stopped after only 4-starring Take This Life and realizing I had been playing too long and was starting to suck.


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Yeah it's kinda freaky how much I've progressed, I got my first Guitar Hero game in the form of GH3 last Christmas. I started on Easy just like everyone else.




I got my first GH (GH3) about this time last year (9th January). But I started on Medium (Which I finished in the first night :P)




So I guess not "everyone" started on easy. I've still not beaten easy, It's just far too boring.

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Yeah it's kinda freaky how much I've progressed, I got my first Guitar Hero game in the form of GH3 last Christmas. I started on Easy just like everyone else.




I got my first GH (GH3) about this time last year (9th January). But I started on Medium (Which I finished in the first night :P)




So I guess not "everyone" started on easy. I've still not beaten easy, It's just far too boring.


You could try playing it on Hyperspeed 5 and pretend it's a really easy expert song :mrgreen:


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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I started on medium in GH2. Given you don't have to move your hand and the timing's pretty simple, it practically meant "easy". Unlike, DD, I'm no expert on this game though.




I'm doing alright I guess. Given a year ago I couldn't even use the orange fret because I wouldn't move my left hand, and now I've got comfortable with moving the index finger between red and green.




The thing is, I'm trying really hard to do My Name Is Jonas, and I can do the HOs and POs easy, but I can't keep it up. Half way through the song, my hand goes dead through exhaustion. It's bloody frustrating! :wall:

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Yeah it's kinda freaky how much I've progressed, I got my first Guitar Hero game in the form of GH3 last Christmas. I started on Easy just like everyone else.




I got my first GH (GH3) about this time last year (9th January). But I started on Medium (Which I finished in the first night :P)




So I guess not "everyone" started on easy. I've still not beaten easy, It's just far too boring.


You could try playing it on Hyperspeed 5 and pretend it's a really easy expert song :mrgreen:




I've tried that, it still feels slow and boring :P

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Damn you, I've been trying to get Even Flow for a looooong time and I need to re-FC AItUK and Avalancha. Which will be a pain. Blah.




EDIT: And lo, not long after . . .












Been waiting for those for a long time :D












From before.


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I haven't played much since Christmas (when I posted all those top 10s), but I have done some stuff. I haven't kept my camera out by the Xbox lately, though, so a few of these come without pics :(




First, all the non-pic updates (which are all DLC):


Tom Morello Guitar Battle (DLC) - 324,228


I could do significantly better with some practice... I lost a lot of points by not figuring out the strumming speed of the end fast part until the very end of the section >_>




My Apocalypse - 435,793


I did pretty well on the first 686 notes of this song (that being my notestreak...) but on the second half of it, I just completely died. There is plenty of room for improvement here.




S&R KH - 703,391


The fact that a nonFC of a song this easy to FC is 10th is scary... I made stupid mistakes in the solo and didn't feel like fixing it because the song really isn't that interesting. I was doing the zigzags too quickly :(




Top Gun Anthem - 218,351


Only FC of these non-pic updates >_< I did one activation early and didn't tick squeeze at all, so this is only 13th...




And now pic updates!


[hide=Welcome to the Jungle (8th/10th)]WelcomeToTheJungle-2.png


This was in fact 7th/9th when I first got it. This includes all the points that are commonly assumed to be available in the song, it just has horrible ticking. I personally believe 200 more points could be squeezed in, but it would basically have to be perfect execution.[/hide][hide=Kool Thing (5th/6th)]KoolThing-2.png


I already had 5th on Xbox for this, but I wanted the extra squeeze. I got it this time, but failed the ticks (whereas last time my ticking was on level with Bjorn's, I just missed the last squeeze)[/hide][hide=Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya (54th/56th)]JohnnyIHardlyKnewYa-1.png


This is just me generally being a failure at consistency... the song is easy, but I have a tendency to overstrum *right* before my activations (which means I hit a ton of 3 note chords at 2x-6x instead of 8x...) I could technically FC this, as I can strum fast enough, but I'm not sure if I have the patience to play the entire song just to constantly choke at the end.[/hide][hide=Go That Far (10th/17th)]GoThatFar-1.png


I had a pretty bad rank on this, so I improved the score. Missed 200 in the last activation, and will eventually go for it, but I don't like this song. At all.[/hide]




I'll probably start playing a bit more, but my DLC freezing issue is definitely data corruption (I got a new hard drive for Christmas and tested with a friend's GH disc who does not have a problem with DLC), and I can't correct that because Dream On and the Dropkick Murphy pack is not redownloadable :(


Add your blog to the BlogScape Index!

SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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Why is everyone on this thread able to FC songs on expert? :cry:


I'm not really that good at Guitar Hero I'm currently trying to do hard guitar I've been doing alright so far only 1 or 2 songs have given trouble so far. I'm also trying to do medium drums as well though it's the same as guitar I'm alright but having trouble with a few songs :|

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Completed career on medium. Now it gets hard.


Every song 5 starred I hope.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Completed career on medium. Now it gets hard.


Every song 5 starred I hope.


Of course not




I've only just made the transition between medium and hard and so I looked at a few tips for doing hard and the 3 main things most people will tell you are that you should make sure that you can 5 star every song on medium, start songs with your index on red not green and learn how to alt strum




Also is there any Audiosurf like program for GH:WT? I mean like a program where you plug in a hard drive load up a song and it gives you the notes to that song? :pray:

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