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Do Player Mods really have as much authority?


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Ok... the above post was completely off topic...






As for an on-topic comment, most Player Moderators are fairly nice. Even managed to get one to make me a Blue D'Hide Vambrace. Most of the time, however, they're nice to me because I treat them like a normal person and don't beg them for money or anything because of their "status."



While the mod crown does make me be a little more careful with my language, I treat a player moderator how I treat any other player, and they in turn treat me with the same respect.





And if you do all you can, that's all you can ever do. - Warren Rudman


But men are men; the best sometimes forget. - William Shakespeare


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The last player mod friend I had seemed to be very nice on his mod account, and later he asked me to add his pure, so I did. Then, he became very creepy and started saying he wanted to sex me and he became a total perv.






Lol, that's really funny.




Most of the mods I have met are smarter than average runescape player...


Luckily enough, I have never seen a player mod abusing his or her power.

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The last player mod friend I had seemed to be very nice on his mod account, and later he asked me to add his pure, so I did. Then, he became very creepy and started saying he wanted to sex me and he became a total perv.




Lmao!!! :-s funniest thing ive heard in a long time



Ex-Wilderness Guardian


Retired from F2P clans indefinitely

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After the server crash yesterday :XD: in world 64 Falador we all know lots of people went to the town square and began to rant and rave about Runescape ending or Durial making a return to kill us all.




If you didn't see this here's the video: http://files.filefront.com/World_64_Cha ... einfo.html




If you saw what was happening, lots of P-Mods tried to calm down the players, but they were completly ignored? Does this show us the real authority that P-Mods have now?




I want this to be a serious discussion on what you feel about P-Mods.




If you're wondering heres my view: I think player mods should be respecected, they are people who went beyond just reporting a macroer or two. Doesnt matter what lvl they are, they shouldn't be cast aside and they should've used all their powers to quiet the spammers yesterday.




Many player mods I have come across have been either stupid, incompetant, rude, or all three. Thus, I really don't give them the time of day.


Weird, I hardly meet any mods of that type. Most of the mods I met were pretty nice.


But I can also understand some are a bid "rude" sometimes, if you see how some lower levels just keep asking questions all the time. I'm sure I wouldn't react nice if they'd ask how it is to be a mod after a while

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

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sorry if this'll end up flaming/ranting, but i'm going to have to defend what little honor i have left here...


I despise all mods, I've heard too many stories of people losing accounts for offensive language.


it's their own fault if they lose an account to offensive language, not the mod's. EVERYBODY has a report button, it could have been anyone reporting, and those are biased...




You DO NOT want to get involved with customer support. Avoid P-mods like the plague.


p-mods are not customer support.




I've only meet 1 good pmod ever. If he weren't a friend of mine, I would hate him. I know the really dumb things he reports people for. Technical rule violations when the intent isn't really malicious. Honest jokes, trying to give clan info, trying to circumvent jagex's restrictive censor, etc.


intent isn't always clear. an honest joke to one might be quite offensive to someone else, think from other perspectives. moderators follow a very strict code of rules, and anything outside of that is reported by a wannabe mod.




Getting p-mod-ship is all about who you know, not how good of a mod you will make.


this is possibly the most ignorant thing i've heard in my entire life. there is no actual reason or logic to this.


for example, when i was modded, everyone on my friendlist was someone i knew from school, nobody with any contact with any moderators, and nobody who had even seen a jagex mod.




what you're saying is that everyone with a silver crown next to their name is a bad person except one guy. that's quite mature of you.

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The last player mod friend I had seemed to be very nice on his mod account, and later he asked me to add his pure, so I did. Then, he became very creepy and started saying he wanted to sex me and he became a total perv.




Lmao!!! :-s funniest thing ive heard in a long time




what a mood swing. :XD:

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Seriously... why all this bitterness against moderators? Have you mod-haters, as you wallow in your own self-righteousness and hypocrisy, ever stopped to consider that mods are normal players just like everyone else, with *gasp* human emotions and feelings? Have you ever realised that by generalising and insulting every single moderator indiscriminately, you yourself are sinking to the level of the behaviour you accuse mods of? Selfish little puffed up popinjays...




If you ask me, a lot of mod-haters out there are only accusing mods because they themselves are not mods. Kind of like calling someone a noob when they PK you fair and square.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Seriously... why all this bitterness against moderators? Have you mod-haters, as you wallow in your own self-righteousness and hypocrisy, ever stopped to consider that mods are normal players just like everyone else, with *gasp* human emotions and feelings? Have you ever realised that by generalising and insulting every single moderator indiscriminately, you yourself are sinking to the level of the behaviour you accuse mods of? Selfish little puffed up popinjays...


Seriously... why all this bitterness against people who have encountered abusive mods? Have you, as you wallow in your own self-righteousness and hypocrisy, ever stopped to consider that people who have encountered abusive mods are normal players just like everyone else, with *gasp* human emotions and feelings? Have you ever realised that by generalising and insulting every single person who has encountered abusive mods indiscriminately, you yourself are sinking to the level of the behaviour you accuse people who have encountered abusive mods of? Selfish little puffed up popinjay...

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