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Why do you?


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I've never really sat down and thought about why I use the net alot or why I play games that offer no advancement to me in IRL but rather supress the ability for me to do well in School and Life.




Why do you Play Games?




Why do you use the net alot? ( if you do )




Why do you play Runescape?






Simple really, start your post with a question that's linked and answer it well.




I'm open to anything, apart from " I play games because the voices told me "






Post away!

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When I went to school, I played Runescape purely for enjoyment and when I had nothing else to do. I mean, I could have been studying instead, but wheres the fun in that? Haha.




Now, I play a bit of CS: S because I work, and homework isn't an issue.

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I played Runescape because it was addictive - I Play GunZ now. Simply the best 8-)




I used to skip school to Play Runescape - I could even go as far as to blame Ruenscape for my poor performance in School. :-#






Escape from reality? - that's a bit scary that people need to do that.

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I use the net a lot because well...good question...um it's enjoyable I suppose. That's about it. Well I've got to use it for educational purposes as well, but I still do a lot of time consuming things which aren't of importance to my life if I stopped them, such as this forum and myspace. :wink:

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It's just another form of entertainment for me.




Something that probably appeals for most with games like runescape is the possibility of grand achievements and relative fame (within the game), something that we're far less likely to achieve in real life.

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That's also EXACTLY another reason i used to play - LEVELS




Getting a level is like earning $1000 for a days work - or something like that - it just feels so good, you can brag about it, and just puts you in a good mood.




But that's also the reason i quit - i got 99 fletching, and it just killed the game for me, made it tedious and unbearable.




Don't think i'll ever be able to go back. :|

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I don't play runescape. I play games because, not only is it a large hobby of mine but I am going to school to get a degree in digital art which I hope to use in the game industry.




I'm on the net because not only do I work in an office right now (so I can be on it the entire time while working) but I have dual monitors at home so I can have it open on one while gaming on the other.

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Spongebob: It's not about winning, it's about fun!


Plankton: What's that?


Spongebob: Fun is when you...fun is...it' like...it's kinda...sorta like a...


What is fun?? HERE...Let me spell it for you!






F is for Friends who do stuff together.


U is for You and me.


N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.




Sea Creatures:


Down here in the deep blue sea!






F is for Fire that burns down the whole town.




N is for No survivors when you're-






Plankton! Those things aren't what fun is all about!


Now, do it like this,


F is for Friends who do stuff to-






Never! That's completely idiotic!






Here, Let me help you...


F is for friends who do stuff together.


U is for You and me, TRY IT!






N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.




Sea Creatures:


Down here in the deep blue sea!






Wait...I don't understand ...I feel all tingly inside...


Should we stop?






No! That's how you're supposed to feel!






Well I like it! Lets do it again!










Spongebob & Plankton:


F is for Frolic through all the flowers.


U is for Ukelele.


N is for Nose picking, chewing gum, and sand licking.


Here with my best buddy.

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Uhmm what was that Snippet from Spongebob about?






And to the guy that obviously loves games more than life with the " I hate people ... "




Why do anything in life? Because you can achieve things that matter - raise kids, help out the needy and so on and so forth.




Runescape is just pixels on a screen, if you die it has no consequences - IRL that does.




Are you trying to argue about why people are alive?




You really SHOULD stop playing games.

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Why do anything in life? Because you can achieve things that matter - raise kids, help out the needy and so on and so forth.




But why do that when the kids, and the needy are going to die? Please explain.

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Spongebob: It's not about winning, it's about fun!


Plankton: What's that?


Spongebob: Fun is when you...fun is...it' like...it's kinda...sorta like a...


What is fun?? HERE...Let me spell it for you!






F is for Friends who do stuff together.


U is for You and me.


N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.




Sea Creatures:


Down here in the deep blue sea!






F is for Fire that burns down the whole town.




N is for No survivors when you're-






Plankton! Those things aren't what fun is all about!


Now, do it like this,


F is for Friends who do stuff to-






Never! That's completely idiotic!






Here, Let me help you...


F is for friends who do stuff together.


U is for You and me, TRY IT!






N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.




Sea Creatures:


Down here in the deep blue sea!






Wait...I don't understand ...I feel all tingly inside...


Should we stop?






No! That's how you're supposed to feel!






Well I like it! Lets do it again!










Spongebob & Plankton:


F is for Frolic through all the flowers.


U is for Ukelele.


N is for Nose picking, chewing gum, and sand licking.


Here with my best buddy.








I've had bad experiences with that song. :uhh:


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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Uhmm what was that Snippet from Spongebob about?


Highlighting the fact that people play games for FUN. You may not think it was much material gain, but in my eyes, having fun in my life is the most important thing. There are many derivities to achieving fun, and playing games can be one of them. It's as simple as that.

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Uhmm what was that Snippet from Spongebob about?


Highlighting the fact that people play games for FUN. You may not think it was much material gain,but in my eyes, having fun in my life is the most important thing. There are many derivities to achieving fun, and playing games can be one of them. It's as simple as that.




Amen. My goal as well.

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Ah yes we can say " I play Games for fun "




But that can't be the ONLY reason, and if it is, do you play a game even if it isn't fun. I know on many occasions i was still playing Runescape when it wasn't fun. :wall: It was horrible.

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Ah yes we can say " I play Games for fun "




But that can't be the ONLY reason, and if it is, do you play a game even if it isn't fun. I know on many occasions i was still playing Runescape when it wasn't fun. :wall: It was horrible.




Why can't it?




And either way sometimes when I'm playing a game, mostly an MMORPG there may be a couple boring-ish parts in it. However I strive through them because the reward in the end is much worth it.






Honestly though why can't someone just play "for fun"?

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Well they can - but .....






I just thought a more indepth answer would help me.






I don't know. :cry:




How in depth can it get?




You want to have fun.




Games are fun.




Therefore, playing a game = fun.

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I can't really see any good reason for playing games other than they are insanely (well, the ones worth playing anyway) fun. And I don't think they need any more justification either.




Life's short, and games are fun, so they should be played for that reason.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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