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Protect Item Glitch!


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I lost my ahrim top (which would of been protected) against this guy. But i was sure i had prayer points still. Went back and looked on vid, and came across this:








Protect item glitch come with the Dark Bow update? This is scary news for PK'ers.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Well there is a glitch that has been going on for a while where you can click on a prayer but it doesn't actually activate, it just shows up as if it's clicked. Maybe that's what happened to you?


Yes sometimes i turned off my melee protect


the lights off but the protect is still running





Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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When did you turn item protect on? Long before dieng or just before dieng? There has been this bug for years that if you turn it on just before enemy kills you (like, you turn item prot on, very same moment enemy does last damage & you die), the prayer won't work. Then again cause of this quite new update from Jagex letting you change prayers in fight without having to click "attack" again (rs classic style), there has been this bug around that prayers won't work and sometimes turn off just like that. It has happened to me aswell and Jagex have tried to fix it but without any results, it's still there & can strike you anytime. So i recommend you click your prayers carefully & check that they work correctly in fight.

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Did you stick it on just before you died? if so then it might have not worked. If you dont (sorry if i sound patronising) put item protect on at the start of a fight and you shouldn't have any "it was on then off" problems. Sorry bout a glitch screwing you out of items. :?

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Old news. If you click at last secound, dosn't work. Sometimes now even if its "lighted" its not on. Not big loss though


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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You are all talking about the protection pray glitch... THAT is old news... There was never a problem with Item Protect...




may be old news but it hasn't been fixed and it can show a pray is on but it's not. and it can show a pray isnt on but it is. One time i didnt have prot item on but still protected whip. btw it tis my bday and you havent been on :notalk:

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You are all talking about the protection pray glitch... THAT is old news... There was never a problem with Item Protect...




All prayers are the same, people just use the protect from ... spells a lot more and it's deadlier if it doesn't work.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Dude same thing happened to me, I was at full prays and i put on protect item like 20 seconds before i died, and i didn't keep my skim.




thats God's way of punishing you for pronouncing the word scimitar wrong.

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It's an online forum... he isn't "pronouncing" anything.






Btw.... just read this on a dif blog




"anyways fought some guy jonzy2005 or something, (some 125) and died with prayer on, bow didnt protect, and i logged. little put out. know a few buddies who have lost whips to it, protect on prayer but lost it... due to how the prayers work now"

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It's an online forum... he isn't "pronouncing" anything.






Btw.... just read this on a dif blog




"anyways fought some guy jonzy2005 or something, (some 125) and died with prayer on, bow didnt protect, and i logged. little put out. know a few buddies who have lost whips to it, protect on prayer but lost it... due to how the prayers work now"




apparently you dont like to think.




he abbreviates the word scimitar "skimmy"


Meaning he PRONOUNCES it Skimitar in real life, when the C is really silent.

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Apparently I dont like to think? :-k <--- =;




Pronounce: to enunciate or articulate (sounds)




Its t3h intraw3bz..... h3 d0n't speek! H3 tiiiipez. M4ny pe0pelz kall it "skim" an "scimmy."




Sorry for getting off track, I dont like grammar... gnomes?


so tell me, where would he get the K from?


Unless he says the word to himself as Skimitar, he wouldnt get a K.


The c is silent, the word is pronounced SIMitar.




but to a person who PRONOUNCES the C, he would obreviate it Skimmy if he was a moron.





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Apparently I dont like to think? :-k <--- =;




Pronounce: to enunciate or articulate (sounds)




Its t3h intraw3bz..... h3 d0n't speek! H3 tiiiipez. M4ny pe0pelz kall it "skim" an "scimmy."




Sorry for getting off track, I dont like grammar... gnomes?


so tell me, where would he get the K from?


Unless he says the word to himself as Skimitar, he wouldnt get a K.


The c is silent, the word is pronounced SIMitar.




but to a person who PRONOUNCES the C, he would obreviate it Skimmy if he was a moron.












I say Hawt, but I know its pronounced hot. Ever heard of having fun? Sheesh.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Apparently I dont like to think? :-k <--- =;




Pronounce: to enunciate or articulate (sounds)




Its t3h intraw3bz..... h3 d0n't speek! H3 tiiiipez. M4ny pe0pelz kall it "skim" an "scimmy."




Sorry for getting off track, I dont like grammar... gnomes?


so tell me, where would he get the K from?


Unless he says the word to himself as Skimitar, he wouldnt get a K.


The c is silent, the word is pronounced SIMitar.




but to a person who PRONOUNCES the C, he would obreviate it Skimmy if he was a moron.












I say Hawt, but I know its pronounced hot. Ever heard of having fun? Sheesh.




Kewl.... Thank yooz :)

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i lost everthing wid protect item on [ i had no skull]




:?: :?: :?:


i've had that once to, i lost a whip and stuff not to bad but still a pain

A wise man once said if we are all gods children then whats so special about jesus

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Apparently I dont like to think? :-k <--- =;




Pronounce: to enunciate or articulate (sounds)




Its t3h intraw3bz..... h3 d0n't speek! H3 tiiiipez. M4ny pe0pelz kall it "skim" an "scimmy."




Sorry for getting off track, I dont like grammar... gnomes?


so tell me, where would he get the K from?


Unless he says the word to himself as Skimitar, he wouldnt get a K.


The c is silent, the word is pronounced SIMitar.




but to a person who PRONOUNCES the C, he would obreviate it Skimmy if he was a moron.












I say Hawt, but I know its pronounced hot. Ever heard of having fun? Sheesh.




um, you say those 2 the exact same way....great example -.-

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