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well...where do i go from here?


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You dealed out drugs not only to other students, but you gave them to your best mate that I would have hoped you'd have cared a bit more for. I would never get my best mate to do that for me.




What should you do now? Talk with your doctor about your illness... apart from that, you tell me.

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You dealed out drugs not only to other students, but you gave them to your best mate that I would have hoped you'd have cared a bit more for. I would never get my best mate to do that for me.




What should you do now? Talk with your doctor about your illness... apart from that, you tell me.




i see it as she took them from me knowing they could be abused. i'm not "dealing" i did not EVER recieve money for them. i guess you just need to be in my shoes to see it clearer.

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You dealed out drugs not only to other students, but you gave them to your best mate that I would have hoped you'd have cared a bit more for. I would never get my best mate to do that for me.




What should you do now? Talk with your doctor about your illness... apart from that, you tell me.




i see it as she took them from me knowing they could be abused. i'm not "dealing" i did not EVER recieve money for them. i guess you just need to be in my shoes to see it clearer.




You gave drugs to someone who you said went to rehab.




that has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. There is no way you can justify that!

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Let this be a lesson to you. I know a bunch of my friends have done something wrong at a young age, shoplifting weed etc. You don't really know what you are doing, untill you get caught. You really should explain to the judge that you didn't think about the consequences, you ment no harm, and you are a good kid. You will probably have to do some community service, and it will be sponged off your record. Just learn from your experience.


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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i expect her to either use them or dispose of them over the weekend.
So you knew that she might acyually be taking them but still gave them her.


As Godess said, you need a clout.

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I just don't understand this part...




If you care about this girl so deeply then why would you want to give her something that is bad for her?




Do you care more about how she makes you feel and her looks or do you actually care about HER?

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Look, slushee, I can't for one moment even begin to have any sympathy for the way you have acted about this. As far as I'm concerned, you not only rejected help from your doctor (thinking you knew best), but you created a danger to other children, and perhaps most horrifically, you abused your trust with your girl best friend. This is made doubley worse considering you knew she'd been in rehabilitation twice, and that she was weak-minded enough to take them.




Having said that, clearly you and this girl are cut from the same stone, and I understand how hard it can be for people with ADHD to socialise with people, simply because of their prejudism. She also clearly needs a solid person to take care of her in her life. From the sounds of things, she lacks that person. Like I said, you need to see your doctor about your illness. As said before, they often make mistakes - Medicine isn't an exact science and the body is perhaps more complex than anything known to man. As far as the judge goes, you have to accept what he says. He's a well-balanced and well-minded person who knows what's best for both you and society in general. Serve your time, get up, dust yourself down and get on with you life.




But can you promise yourself one thing? I don't really care if you fulfill this or not - it doesn't effect me. Can you promise to yourself to take care of this girl? You both clearly need someone else to turn to for support, and you seem to give each other that support. A trusting and understanding friendship such as that is hard to come by... don't abuse that fact.




That's all I have to say.

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I KNOW IT WAS STUPID, i came here looking for advice on what i should do not to be told i'm an idiot. i already know that! and this girl, jeez, you're calling me out on it, this chick has been to rehab 2 [bleep] times!!!#@ she definatley knew they could be abused when i did not, i just figured giving it away was a quick painless way to get rid of it. i want to know if i should try and continue to be friends with the girl, she is cool as hell aside from the other things.




I gave you answers in my post if you read it all properly.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Stoners at my school buy them $100 for a full bottle :-w




Come on, if you're gonna be a [wagon] at least make some cash off it :wink:




Well, actually, don't be a [wagon]... that's just if you are ::'

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Look, slushee, I can't for one moment even begin to have any sympathy for the way you have acted about this. As far as I'm concerned, you not only rejected help from your doctor (thinking you knew best), but you created a danger to other children, and perhaps most horrifically, you abused your trust with your girl best friend. This is made doubley worse considering you knew she'd been in rehabilitation twice, and that she was weak-minded enough to take them.




Having said that, clearly you and this girl are cut from the same stone, and I understand how hard it can be for people with ADHD to socialise with people, simply because of their prejudism. She also clearly needs a solid person to take care of her in her life. From the sounds of things, she lacks that person. Like I said, you need to see your doctor about your illness. As said before, they often make mistakes - Medicine isn't an exact science and the body is perhaps more complex than anything known to man. As far as the judge goes, you have to accept what he says. He's a well-balanced and well-minded person who knows what's best for both you and society in general. Serve your time, get up, dust yourself down and get on with you life.




But can you promise yourself one thing? I don't really care if you fulfill this or not - it doesn't effect me. Can you promise to yourself to take care of this girl? You both clearly need someone else to turn to for support, and you seem to give each other that support. A trusting and understanding friendship such as that is hard to come by... don't abuse that fact.




That's all I have to say.




thanks for the solid advice




see when you have ADHD you don't think before you do things and you have trouble staying focused. i guess i gave them to her thinking it would make her like me more? i really can't figure out why i did. its an example of how i don't think before i do.

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Live and learn, thats all you can do from this experience. I'm not going to be an [wagon] like some of the other people that have been given you 'advice,' but I'll just say don't do it again, it hurts others more then it'll ever hurt you.




As for this girl, I don't think it would be best to keep seeing her. She may be 'cool' about nearly everything like you said, but is she really? This could have affected her life in many negative ways, and it already has to some effect. You may find it best to stay friends, or hope you both forget about this event, I don't really know.




But take it slow, this event may set you back a little but keep going a few baby-steps at a time. Work towards getting your life back on track first, worry about love and whatnot later.




Hope it helped at least a little. I wish you the best because something similar happened to a great friend of mine, but that's another story. Good luck.

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