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i haven't even finished finding all the teasure to the forzen key... I think it is a waste but may have a use in time. :-k


I can see it now ... all of a sudden they become an useful/important weapon following a new quest or stat change, and the price skyrockets ...

WARNING: Prone to ramble ... but you probably already know that!


1% F2P : 99% RL

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yep, complete waste, but don't throw it away, give it to a passing level 30-50 and make his day


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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I like em, they're just neat fun items... Plus some guy tried to buy my zammy one for 100k, but some other person sold first :wall: , but I'm keeping em around... :wink:

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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Wrote something nice about Croziers then realised u were on about mjolnirs :wall:




Yeah pretty much a waste.




I'd like to hear that. God robes seem like a lot of money for what they are..


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God robes have the highest prayer bonus as a set in the game altogether, can't deny that.




If you don't appreciate the small things from quests and you still own the quest cape, you really won't deserve it.




They're mainly for looks, pretty much like a lot of things, you couldn't say that some parts of the RS map is a waste just because no-one really uses it. If you want a reason, ask on the RSOF or even send in a Customer Support message!




Considering it's only 1 of each (3 altogether for the dominant dieties) and that the Making History quest is as almost as useful as probably the Sheep Shearer quest, the ones who either need/want a QP cape, just want to complete more quests or something quest related, hence less people doing the quests (last time I checked, most people only do quests for the reward), there would be a lower number of Mjolnirs, even lower if you rid yourself of it by letting the coding and time to get one go to waste.




If you don't appreciate it, you don't deserve it or anything else that comes from it.

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