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The smoking ban in England, 1st July, Bye bye cancer-sticks.


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Here in Canada, we have had the exact same thing for about 5-6 years now. After the initial shock, people will get used to it, and not care anymore. It's such a nice law.
Yeah, isn't it great? :)




That's one of the things I noticed most when I went to England (twice)




People smoke EVERYWHERE. Some restaurants were too smoky me to even go into.

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I doubt that America will ever fully ban smoking. After all, its a huge industry here. The government can tax tobacco companys heavily, and no one cares because pretty much everyone dislikes smokers. Personally I think that the laws in my area, which make people smoke outside or in their own homes are fine.

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Ireland was the first european country to establish a ban on smoking in public places countrywide. It takes getting used to, and encouraged an awful lot of people to give up because of having to leave pubs etc to go outside and smoke in the rain. Only places where smoking is still allowed here indoors is hotels/care homes/prisons AFAIK

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America will defintely pass a similar law before too long. California already has one and many other communities do too. My city (in Orgeon) was one of the 1st to make a ban inside public places. They have since expanded to restrict how to close to the entrance of the building you can be (I believe it's 10 feet minimum) and also have now banned it in public parks (this one goes a bit far, imo...it's outside for freaking sake, but I digress...).




Regarding the ban in England, the thing that strikes me odd is the fine for managers not "preventing smoking" on their premises. $50 fine for the person smoking and $2500 for the person that doesn't prevent them? So, if a guy sneaks a smoke in the bathroom of your restaurant you get nailed with a hefty fine and he gets basically a slap on the wrist...that seems way extreme.

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America will defintely pass a similar law before too long. California already has one and many other communities do too. My city (in Orgeon) was one of the 1st to make a ban inside public places. They have since expanded to restrict how to close to the entrance of the building you can be (I believe it's 10 feet minimum) and also have now banned it in public parks (this one goes a bit far, imo...it's outside for freaking sake, but I digress...).




Regarding the ban in England, the thing that strikes me odd is the fine for managers not "preventing smoking" on their premises. $50 fine for the person smoking and $2500 for the person that doesn't prevent them? So, if a guy sneaks a smoke in the bathroom of your restaurant you get nailed with a hefty fine and he gets basically a slap on the wrist...that seems way extreme.




Doesnt work that way buddy, the fine for managers is if they allow people to blatantly smoke on their pemises, if some guy sneaks a smoke in the back and gets caught, then AFAIK he gets hit with the hefty fine. Thats how it works here in Ireland anyway

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America will defintely pass a similar law before too long. California already has one and many other communities do too. My city (in Orgeon) was one of the 1st to make a ban inside public places. They have since expanded to restrict how to close to the entrance of the building you can be (I believe it's 10 feet minimum) and also have now banned it in public parks (this one goes a bit far, imo...it's outside for freaking sake, but I digress...).




Regarding the ban in England, the thing that strikes me odd is the fine for managers not "preventing smoking" on their premises. $50 fine for the person smoking and $2500 for the person that doesn't prevent them? So, if a guy sneaks a smoke in the bathroom of your restaurant you get nailed with a hefty fine and he gets basically a slap on the wrist...that seems way extreme.




Doesnt work that way buddy, the fine for managers is if they allow people to blatantly smoke on their pemises, if some guy sneaks a smoke in the back and gets caught, then AFAIK he gets hit with the hefty fine. Thats how it works here in Ireland anyway




Yeah, it didn't sound that way at 1st, but as I re-read...it says "if convicted in court for not preventing". Probably not very many scenarios where that would happen. But still, I wouldn't even want that possibility if I was an owner.

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theres been a no smoking in workplaces/pubs etc here in new zealand for 18 months now




as a non-smoker,i feel that its a good thing,not having a nightclub or pub reeking of smoke (hated my clothes smelling of smoke and booze in the morning)




the only thing i dislike now,is that since alot of my mates do smoke,when they all decide to go outside for a smoke,usually i have to follow them outside,as i dont wanna be the only one left inside all alone :P

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Here in Canada, we have had the exact same thing for about 5-6 years now. After the initial shock, people will get used to it, and not care anymore. It's such a nice law.
Yeah, isn't it great? :)




That's one of the things I noticed most when I went to England (twice)




People smoke EVERYWHERE. Some restaurants were too smoky me to even go into.




Seriously, go to France. You wouldn't believe how many people smoke in France. My dad lives there and you just can't go anywhere without the smell of smoke.


I'm a social smoker, but I don't want the smell everywhere!

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IMO the manufacturing of cigarettes and the like should be illegal, but I doubt that's going to happen. I think it should be banned outside and inside, except maybe your house, but the neighbors will suffer... I know I do.... :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :wall: :wall: :wall:


Oh well, the horrors of your stereotypical person... -.-


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It's good to see that England is taking action to stop people from harming others by smoking.




In New York, for the past few years it's been against the law to smoke in restaurants (which I'm very glad for). I can't stand it when I go to another state and I have to put up with people smoking in a restaurant. :(

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