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.:The cheapest method to barrows... No prayer potions:.


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.: Introduction :.




I've seen similar methods to mine, but none exact. My method is the cheapest methods of which I've tried, and still very efficient and fast.






[hide=Recomended Quests].:Recomended Quests:.




Desert Tresure


Nature Spirit


In search of the mereque


Fremenik Isles[/hide]




[hide=Compulsary Skills].:Compulsary Skills:.




50 magic (slayer Dart)


55 slayer


60 range


43 prayer


70 defense[/hide]




[hide=Recomended Skills].:Recomended Skills:.




50 Construction


55 Slayer


70 attack


70 strength


70 defense


70 magic


70 range


50 prayer




N.B. if you have 50 Construction, make sure you have a house with an altar and a portal to canafis pub inside (Khrayl teleport.)[/hide]




Now, if your skills only meet the compulsary skills, then you may have a bit of trouble with ahrims and karils. These skills are necessary for the way I am to tell you to do this barrows guide. Below is the inventory needed.




[hide=My Armour and Inventory]




This is the armour I wear. In order from best-worst I will describe the armour on what to wear.




Recomended/Okay/Not Recomended




Helm: Helm of neitiznot > Beserker Helmet > Rune full helm


Body: Rune plate > black d hide body > red d hide body


Legs: Black d hide legs > red d hide legs


Shield: Zammy book > Sara book > Guthix Book > rune Kite


Amulet: Fury > Glory > Magic


Ring: Ring of Life > Ring of Wealth > Ring of Recoil


Boots: Rune Boots > Mystic boots > Addy Boots


Gloves: Barrows gloves > Dragon Gloves > Mystic gloves > Rune Gloves


Cape: Trimed skill cape > Fire Cape > Skill Cape > Obby Cape


Arrow Slot: Bolts with X-bow > Rune arrows > Rune bolts[/hide]






The red box outlines my teleports to my house. If you havn't got a house with khrayl teleport or an altar (50 construction,) then change this for an ectophile/varrok teleport. Instead of house teleports, it would be better to have teleport tablet, I just can't make them yet, and they're too expensive to buy, so I use runes.




The Blue box outlines the runes needed for slayer dart. I usally take 150 deaths and 600 minds, however, this was just after a run, so I've got a few extra deaths and minds... Try to keep the least amount of deaths/minds as possible, incase you die.




The orange box is only for those with 70 attack and 70 strength. If you do not have 70 attack, their is no use in attempting to kill karil, as a whip is virtually compulsary to kill him with melee without prayer.




The Purple box shows my potions, notice I only carry one prayer potion (3) and one super attack. The only reason I carry one p pot is incase I have an unlucky run, and then I get karils/ahrims in tunnel... I use a super attack to efficiently kill Karils. I have 87 attack, and even with a whip without prayer Karils still hurts a fair amount. I used a super pot to take me over 110 attack, and from there I hit just about constant 23's. Be careful though, Karils is still the most dangerous one, even with 110+ attack!!! Make sure you keep your health above 30.




The cyan weapon is raged weapon for Ahrims. If you have 70+ range, you could change this for Karils x-bow or Rune X-bow if you would like. However, I cope fine with mage short + rune weapons. If you're confident enough, you could leave this and bring melee weapons (only 80+ attack and strength recommended, as otherwise it's ineffective and his spells might hit too much damage by the time you kill him.)




The Pink box is for food. Just because for value for money, I bring Monkfish. If you have 70 defence and don't feel confident, bring sharks, but if you feel confident, then monkfish is just fine.[/hide]






Now, I use this inventory because each run averages out about 25k it costs me, if I do not use a dose of Prayer Potion... If I use a prayer potion, maybe like 35k a run costs. 10 prayer potions will generally last me about 50 - 60 runs. You should drink a super attack potion every time before you fight karils, as they're only 2k each pot, so 1 dose is 666gp, well worth it, trust me! If you feel like it, you could also take a super stength, but I couldn't be bothered to find a seller, so meh...




Well now onto the actuall Barrows run.




[hide=Starting The Barrows Run]




Okay, so I'm going to start from Canafis Bank. There are many ways to get to Barrows, and the way I'd suggest is to do the quest "In Search Of The Merique" to get the shortcut. Bank your things, get out your inventory (hopefully the one I recomend (DONT FORGET THE SPADE!!!))






"Map by Tip.it modified by freddukes"




If you havn't completed "In Search of the Merique" then I highly suggest using my way rather than the way Tip.It suggest... It is nearly as fast as the shortcut. Well, presuming you can follow maps, I assume you are at the barrows ground. First Head of to the North-East tomb, Dharoks first. If you need a map, Tip.It has one (thank you again for the map Tip.it)










Okay, so go above his tomb, set slayer staff to auto cast slayer dart. Get ready to click on protect from melee. Dig with the spade, search the crypt. To maximise your prayer points, wait until you see dharoks appear before you put on your prayer. Here's a picture of me maging dharoks. N.B. Make sure your prayer never runs out on Dharoks, especially if he is low on health. If he is low on health, and your prayer runs out he can hit you for high 50's aand maybe even 60's.








As soon as you kill him turn off your prayer and go back up the stairs. If he is your tunnel, then don't worry. Many people get scared and say they're going to need a p pot... Just safe spot him and you'll be fine, he is over-estimated.[/hide]






Okay, so you've killed dharoks hopefully. Head to the southern most tomb in the centre. This is wear you should cry... The hardest one by far! To finish this person of, dig in the tomb, search his coffin. If he appears, turn on protect from range, if you're meleeing, drink a super attack, DDS spec him 4 times then switch to whip. If you havn't got 70 attack and strength, keep your mage on (I know, maging a ranger you think may not be a good idea, however, it'll be faster than meleeing him.) Keep attacking him, hope that your prayer doesn't run out, if it does don't freak out, just eat when your hp gets below 30, but don't waste food... be carfull, he can hit 2 20's very fast consequtivly. If you have Karils in tunnels, ask why does God hate you, and carry on to Ahrims... Here is a picture of me pwning karils :P








After you kill him (if you killed him) turn of pray if it hasn't ran out, go back up the steps carry on to ahrims[/hide]






Ahrims is the one bang in the middle... If you havn't got prayer left, and you have free inventory space, remove your rune plate to add magic defence, and break into his crypt. If you supper attacked potted from Karils and your attack is still above 110, you can melee him faster than you can range him :P. But if Karils is in your tunnel and you didn't super attack, or you didn't super attack pot for some reason, then it'd be a good idea to range him. Pull out that mage short or whatever you're using, set it to rapid, dig search own... Yea you get the point :P... Again, a pic of me pwning ahrims with melee... However, I usually range him, but felt like a change this run for some reason.








Again, if you've still got some prayer, call yourself a HLPN (High Level prayer Nub :P) and turn it off and walk up the stairs and stroll across to veracs :P...[/hide]






Many people think that Veracs is hard, and that you MUST pray to kill him... However, praying is probably the worst idea to do on Veracs... Why? Well his special can hit through prayer anyway, so their is no point, secondly, it's a waste of a potion... Well most peoples prayer have ran out by now, but if you still have got some pray, then use it. When you're above his tomb, equip your rune plate again if you removed it for ahrims, equip slayer dart and your prayer book... Set your staff to auto-cast slayer dart dig and begin to pwn Veracs... Just heal below 35 health as Veracs can hit 23. Most of the time Veracs hit's 0's with me, but when he hits he hits high. Just eat when needed you'll be fine... Veracs was my tunnel so I didn't get a picture here. After you defeat him, head south to the south-west tomb to Torags [/hide]






Torags is greatly underestimated. Yea sometimes he can go a full fight without giving a single hit, but sometimes he will hit constant 23's on you without missing. Make sure you eat on low health here... Again, just keep the same settings you had for Veracs, and mage torags to death. Here is the picture of me pwning Torags when he was hitting straight 0's :P








After he's dead... Go upstairs and go all the way east to guthans... :)[/hide]






Well... This can sometimes be the most annoying fight! Sometimes you'll get him to about 10 health without taking a single hit, then all of a sudden bam he heals 23 then straight after bam another 23 he healed by... When you see the purple things float into the air, that is when he is healing... Most of the time, guthans is one of the simplest ones as your armour provides decent stab and slash protection... Just keep the same setting as Veracs and Torags and you should be fine... Just eat when you need to then you should be fine....Again, here's the pic of me killing guthans (note my health and how little food i've used... That's all with no prayer, and I'm only 100 combat.)








After you kill him (unless he's in your tunnel) go back to the brother who's in your tunnel. For example, as soon as I killed guthans, I went back to Veracs...








Well you should have a KC of 5 so far if all has gone well... Now it's time for the tunnels... Head back to crypt where you found a hidden tunnel...




[hide=The Tunnels]






So hopefully this is the message you get from one of the tombs. So When you press 'next' Click the option "Yeah I'm Fearless" unless you're scared and you want to leave now :P




The tunnels are basic, and easily guided through... Here's a map from tip.it, you'll only need it a couple of times, after that you should know your way round.






Thanks to tip.it for the map




Note: The red spots are the easy to see safe spots (see kiling the melee brothers further down) and the green ones are harder to spot (not recommended for killing the melee brothers.)




Before you can get to the chest you have to answer a puzzle on the penultimate door, below is a picture to show all the answers (pictures thanks to tip.it)


















thanks to tip.it for these pictures




Right so when you're in the tunnels there's 3 different ways to kill the brother that I use...




[hide=Karils in your tunnels]


If Karils Is in your tunnel... First things first, swear a lot!!! Then equip your melee stuff if you're going to melee. Try to make it to the center of the maze and to the chest as quick as you can, stopping for nothing! As soon as you're at the chest, supper attack pot, get a dds special ready, try to open the chest and Karils will stop you... Kill him how you would kill him in the crypt, only this time, you not have pray... Eat a lot, and if needed, use your prayer potion. If you're maging him, for the tunnels equip your melee brother pwning equipment (rune pl8, blk d hide legs, rune boots, slayers staff, book etc) and set your staff to auto cast slayers dart... Make sure you turn your auto retaliate too off so you don't accidently waste your deaths.... Make it to the centre of the tunnels quick, open the chest, Karils will stop you, try to kill him etc... You will most likely be low on food here... So if needed, this is the only time acceptable for you to take a dose of p pot, and protect from range... If still that is not enough, you've got to food, no prayer left then this is where you acct quick... Forget killing him, open the chest QUICK! You will still get a reward, just not as good, and then teleport outta there!!! If you do manage to kill him, then don't open the chest yet... Carry on to get a KC of 12, then open the Chest...






[hide=Ahrims in your tunnels]


If you have Ahrims in your tunnels, equip your bow, and de-equip your rune plate... Set your bow to rapid fire, turn off auto-retaliate to not waste your arrows/bolts then make it to the centre of the maze as quick as possible. When you try to open the chest in the centre, Ahrims will try to attack you... Just range him and hela when needed. You shouldn't need a p pot unless you're a real noob =D or you had a bad run and all the brothers pwned you... Just kill him, change to your meleeing armour, get a Kill Count of 12 then open the chest and Teleport.




If you're going to melee Ahrims, make sure your attack is still over 100... Equip your DDS, enter the tomb... Get to the centre of the tunnels again, open the chest and kill Ahrims... As soon as your 4 DDS specs have ran out, switch to a whip and whip him to death... Open chest and teleport...






[hide=Melee brothers in tunnels]


Most people think that you need to pray with dharoks.. This is not the case... Look at the map of the tunnels made by tip.it... See the north-east room?? wel there's 2 corridors with a room connecting them... In each section (the corridors and the room) is a safe spot... Just equip your maging equipment, and keep opening and closing all 3 doors running between them. Eventually the final brother will appear... Just trap him behind a rock, and mage him... No p pots needed :P... If you can't be bothered doing that and you still have food, then just mage them like you would in the tunnels, HOWEVER, Dharok must either be killed with a safe spot or prayer!!! So safe spot Dharoks, but Veracs, Torags and Guthans are all abled to be taken on toe-to-toe, with you maging them, you will not get hit that hard...




Here's a picture of me safe spotting Torags...








I've only quickly gone over the tunnels part as I am out of time, and I have grown bored from writing this guide lol... If you wish to find out more about the tunnels, find the guide on tip.it by clicking here[/hide]




Well that is my guide, I hope you liked it.. A final picture to prove even if you don't get an item, you still make profit from a single run doing it this way.




[hide=Barrows Table]Barrowstable.png[/hide]




If you can't see it the run Cost me 24,820gp and the Loot I recieved without an item was 84,624gp making 59,804gp profit. That run took me about 10 minutes so that's around 360,000gp profit per hour without items... You average an item every 3 hours according to tip.it (18 trips) so that means that in 3 hours you would of made 1,180,000gp, plus the profit from one item.




[hide=Thank you notes]


First and formost to Jagex for producing a highly addictive game :)


Secondly, for tip.it for not only providing free information, but for bringing together a nice community, who are also able to share their information with us.


Another thank you to tip.it for proving me with the pictures I needed to create this guide.


A final thank you to myself, for sitting on my bum for several hours, writing this!






Cya Tip.It, happy Barrowing.








And lol, this guide is over 3,000 words long








16,000 letters thank you if you read all of it, it's a long guide but maybe helpful to some people

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Yea but you've got to account for the cost to repair it... Plus the fact that you've gotta take a pray pot if you have dharoks in the tunnels etc... :P plus veracs is sometimes a bit dodgey and don't hit as high... I've tried veracs... slower, too annoying, and you have to fight the brothers in the tuneels at toe-to-toe...

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Thankyou for the reply, greatly appreciated. And at your question "Why do I pray on Ahrims and Karils, the only people you should pray on are Dharoks and Karils." Well, firstly, Karils and Ahrims cannot be killed via means of a safe spot, all the melee brothers can.




I personally havn't used a prayer potion in the last 80 runs, even with Karils and Ahrims in the tunnel, that advice to use a p pot on Karils and Ahrims are for those unconfident enough to kill them without. And as in terms of Dharoks, I always kill him with a safe spot, thus saving a prayer potion.




However, I do see your point with Ahrims, but sometimes he can be deadly. Like for example about 5 runs ago for me, Ahrims made me eat 10 monkfish as he hit 5 20's in a row, so if I was of lower ability and less experienced, I may of needed a prayer potion. But still, Ahrims is generally less dangerous compared to Karils. Hope this helps,





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Good guide, but I would suggest that u do ahrim last, if not last, after karil b/c he lowers your str




I do Ahrims 3rd... After Karils... THis is because the following 3 after Ahrims that I go to (Veracs, then Torags then Guthans all need mage) so this maximises the length at which your Str can come back before the tunnels.. I don't know if you misread it, but Ahrims is after Karils... But just to point out again, here is the picture and the order in which I do it (thanks to tip.it for the picture)





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the thing i liked the most was that in the picture of the armour, you have what the items are written next to the item and not just in a list below of best to worst items below the armour pic, when i was a lower level there was sooooo many guides i stopped reading becasue i did not know what the various items were.




i havent seen this in any other guides (although i havent read every guide, so if you do use this please dont yell) so congrats on the new idea

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I think that's a really great, in depth guide... I think my method might be cheaper...Kill karil and ah first, then find tunnel, and safespot all the brothers (In every corner room where you go into the outer tunnels there is a safespot where the ladder would be. There is also one through the ladder

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Using Barrows body and legs to start is a better idea (melee armour, like guthans, torags, etc..) and bringing black dhide (both parts) in your inventory.

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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Thanks for this great guide! :thumbsup:




I was always worried that the Barrows would be too tough for me until I read this... I am right now doing my first ever Barrows runs and I already got an item on my second attempt (okay, so it was just Karil's Coif, but still...) :)

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Thanks for the great guide, good pictures and info.




I've been using this method since I was level 89 combat, I've only used about 2 prayer potions overall (Karil in tunnel). Haven't got any barrow items yet and i'm on about my 20-30th run.




Thanks for making this guide, you've got me in to doing the Barrows now :thumbsup:.

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