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Tal Shiar vs Militos Deci and friends skirmish


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Today saw a friendly skirmish to settle a dispute about who had the right tactics to fight during pk-ing and wars (on f2p). We decided to test eachother and take it up against one another using steel only.




The rules were clear, but who would show up was not.




Militos Deci had brought in P.K. Masters and known from tipit as well, Queenvalerie, and we were on our own with a friend known as Diggumup ('THE' Futures ex-leader).




There were about 10 of us and approximately two dozen on MD's side (largely PKM in hindsight) when the battle commenced.




It went fairly well, with me being the first to die on our side, and Bufoman died first on MD's side (I guess you always target leaders first, no matter what strategy you got).




Not long after that and a few more deaths, a clan clad almost completely in rune came in and crashed our little skirmish, so immediatly 3 clans turned on the rune-clad-clan and managed to take a handfull down and send the rest scrambling out of there...


After this sudden display of cooperation about 5 of Tal Shiar and a dozen or so on Militos Deci' side and none of the leaders left everyone was called back, and in the backyard of Horacio's castle in Lumbridge everyone agreed that it was a Draw.




Well, everyone but a few misguided people claimed a win for MD's side, but they were kept in check by their superiors.




The meeting afterwards was an interesting one, but the details of that will not yet be disclosed.




All in all, good fight everyone.




Here are some links to pics:








All credit to Diggumup.

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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Moved to Clan Videos and screenshots of Clan Events Sub-forum.






I regret the battle was crashed, I looked forwards to proveing who had the superior Tactics. admitedly we had quite the edge by bringing a 126 into the Field. Thank you Queen Valorie. and thank you to our friends in PK Masters without who's help this would of been a short battle indeed.




Militos Deci fielded at least 7 people includeing myself, the rest where from PK Masters and our good friend QueenValerie.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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Warriortay is a new member, and we all agree he needs to be taught how to behave.




But Hot chick (I bet you regret pretending to be a girl now), I am impartial, I am not in tal shiar anymore, but I saw, and many others did do, that while we were discussing the options, you said "war starts again! attack d plant!", without anyone's permission.




You kept attacking plant, even while your leader told you to stop.




I think he was very justified to keep you from teleporting.




You are a disgrace to your clan, you need to learn some discipline.




Oh, and about your video, you edited the part where you attacked plant out, and I notice twice, you were about to teleport, and you clicked to attack plant :-k

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Actually, he only did that because you attacked him in the cease fire.
When? Is there any proof? I mean look at my Vid. I basicly recorded everything.




1.-Hotchick-please tell me why this part in question is edited out? You said you recorded everything. There is a pretty large gap in the vid.




2.-You go openly and call him a disgrace? Also, if you were trying to home port, and were in the last phase, why go out of it, then just start mouthing off?




I'll edit this later with more-I'm tired.

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Spatulus, that was quite good, you were 2nd on tal shiar to die, but i think (Correct me if im wrong) 5th overall.




Btw i gotta say gratz to the leader of PKM Dbzruler, he employed good defensive tactics wasting alot of time chasing him.


Also we had some loot from the pkers who attacked. Our very own zeek got a rune scim and rune helm i think.

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Any reason you attack a new member of our clan (admittedly he did pray) during the cesefire?




Edit 1: Actually - I did then see him (warrior) attack geordiequeen and run away




Edit 2: O.o Then I see people shouting MD on Warrior AFTER people had said the war was over.




Edit 3: You complained about plant - fair enough he did stop you from teleing, yet he did stop (around the 8:30-50 mark on the video) and you decided to attack him instead to teleporting?




Edit 4: Nice choices of music :thumbsup:

Proud Member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


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There was cheating going on from both sides there is no denying that and there were some comments made that should never have been made and the people who made them need to learn how to control themselves while in a war.




Back to the war itself, it was a pretty good war and if the pkers had not attacked I am sure it would of been even better, ah well well done to both sides, it was a very good war, I am sure that is something we can all agree on.

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First of all. 2 minutes was cut out becuase it was 12 mins long a youtube only let 10 and under. If you can find a place that will let me ill show you the uncut version. Its much better and much longer. I did attack the warrior becuase he attacked someone from our side and he was killed. My public chat was on friends meaning i had no clue what anyone was saying on the other team. I dont run from a fight. Most of the times atleast. I called him a disgrace becuase we were supposed to tele and he targeted me. And "thats right come back and ill own u" Thats what made me mad. And instead of runing from him i fought him. And died respectfully. Only had 5 lobs and str pot. I dont remember attacking him..Im not trying to hide anything..As the vid did show some mistakes. I regret having my public chat to freinds as i forgot to turn it back on. Everyone makes mistakes. You have pointed out mine as i did yours.




EDIT:In about 3 Mins into the vid D plant was LEGALLY PILED AND KILLED! Meaning he must of came back. I knew something was wrong.



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Actualy he was piled, and then the pkers came, and we stopped attacking him, though someone else died around that same time.



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Actualy he was piled, and then the pkers came, and we stopped attacking him, though someone else died around that same time.




No, He did DIE. There was no one under him. And i even saw the loot. AND At the beginning he died. He had a cape. But when he was attacking me has no cape. And the rules were clear you were not supposed to come back. Eh? Do i need a lawyer?



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Ok first, Warrior did attack after the cease fire because he attacked me, once this happened Miltos Deci members jumped in and started piling him for attacking me during the ceasefire and to make him stop attacking me, which he did once they attacked.




Also, D Plant did die and then returned, The picture below this show him dying, and if you go back a few seconds before i took this screenshot it will show that he is the only one there and him being piled. He died as the pkers came so he died when the war was still going on. The time he dies is just as the pkers came. So just go back a few seconds from the time it says and you will see it is infact him who dies.





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Maybe I'm wrong, but either way, why should it matter if someone comes back after everyone shouts : war off @@@@


when pkers are crashing...


So yes, you do.



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Maybe I'm wrong, but either way, why should it matter if someone comes back after everyone shouts : war off @@@@


when pkers are crashing...


So yes, you do.




Okay, then why attack me? Why not let me tele? Why wait til everyone is gone the try to kill me? He is in the wrong here. If he died from the pkers yes i would say come back. But he didnt. I died fair.



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It was good fun, we got a few kills on the pkers and had fun in deep wildy.


Why don't MD and PKM bring this many people to the hunts that we had organised previously though :?

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I wont stick up for anyone, but i'll set some facts straight:




D plant got attacked by Hotchick during the cease fire, D plant prevented hot chick from tele-ing because of that...


D plant also got attacked by hotchick who interrupted the home-tele cycle for it, and D plant killed her because of that...


D plant also returned, but this was after we learned that the party was being crashed...


I apologise for Warriortay, he was completely new to the clan and we brought him in in the last few minutes. We briefed him on the way there, but I dont think it all stuck with him. He will be properly trained.

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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I wont stick up for anyone, but i'll set some facts straight:




D plant got attacked by Hotchick during the cease fire, D plant prevented hot chick from tele-ing because of that...


D plant also got attacked by hotchick who interrupted the home-tele cycle for it, and D plant killed her because of that...


D plant also returned, but this was after we learned that the party was being crashed...


I apologise for Warriortay, he was completely new to the clan and we brought him in in the last few minutes. We briefed him on the way there, but I dont think it all stuck with him. He will be properly trained.




Interestingly enough, that's incorrect...




Thanks for clarifying all that.



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a guy who names himself hotchick then? odd...




Anywho, to hotchick: its Tal Shiar, not Tal Shair... we do not share :P

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

Check us out!
==> No seriously, if you like FREE GP, XP and Dung tokens, as well as Community, Opportunity and above all FUN... <==

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