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Crocodile drawing (by tttia's wifey)+++sig version available


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This one is by the wifey, with reference, done for the daily sketch thread:












2b pencil, 3.5 hours












she tends to work in traditional media, and doesn't have a tablet. (I keep that all to myself! haha...well it is not on her computer anyway, and I tend to use mine a fair amount).








a 5 minute colorized version (tutorial can be done if you like! Great for monochromatics, or even for colorizing old photos!) Since she doesn't have her own tablet this coloring is easier. So I showed her how to do it.
















If anyone wants a sig based on this let me know! She said it would be ok.

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Definetly want the colorizing tutorial, nice drawing too.








Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it just a coloured layer set to "colour"?








Anyway, as I said in the drawing-thingymajigger-post, that is a really sweet looking sketch. The shading and shape is perfect. :)








However, I think the pose is a bit funny. Is it lying ontop of something? Because it doesn't look as though it stands on the ground.
















// Azvi.


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I could post the reference image, it is pretty on with the pose though








As to the colorization, yup, set to color dodge though :) Saves time on the dodging and burning :)








Have to clean up the lines a bit, then put the layer, color dodge, then if your doing photos etc. really rework it.








Your other option is the colorize method which I think in ps is done through the hue/lightness/saturation display, but in corel is done in the color balance display.








THere are some nice tutorials already in existence though, so I think I will save the time and find those :)

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a. it is free








b. it will likely be given away in my free pre-made sig thread.








c. It will require that you post a good reason you should get it








d. You are required to have a name in it and i will resize/adjust it to sig proportions and re do the design a bit.








e. You are not free to just rip it and do whatever you want with it..though it is the internet...not like we could stop you. But I have the larger version on the computer anyway.

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I am Tttia's wife (in real life), creator of the crocodile drawing. Just a note about the pose: since this was supposed to be just a daily sketch (although everything takes me longer than it should), I didn't draw the ground or anything--just the crocodile. The crocodile is actually supposed to be lying on the ground; that's why it looks kind of odd without any background reference. I might revise it later and add some background and shadows, so it doesn't seem to be just sprawling there in the middle of nothing.

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O.k, the only reason i didn't want a name on it was because i feel that it would take away from the whole "idea" of the sketch. (put an initial or something uniqe on the sketch) I want it because I would actually use it, unlike the millions of other free sigs that never get used... :)

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The pencil crocodile is just awsome. Did you use a reference or do it all from the mind? It's great how none of the texture is repetitive and looks natural. Shading is flawless, and it's great how there is a large contrast between light spots and dark spots to imply shine. 10/10


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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VERY good..almost perfect...you have great artistic abilities and a realistic view in your art.. and i think that if you continue to draw very detailed things like this everyday youll be extremely good :D good job











thanks everyone for the sigs!

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The pencil crocodile is just awsome. Did you use a reference or do it all from the mind? It's great how none of the texture is repetitive and looks natural. Shading is flawless, and it's great how there is a large contrast between light spots and dark spots to imply shine. 10/10








read the post :P it says drawn with reference :wink:








great job on the drawing tttia's wife and i like the colorization.




something bugs me about the legs, maybe it is because the ground is going a bit diagonal.. ?




and something about his lower jaw seems frog like but then again there both reptiles so i could be wrong








great job 9.5 out of 10 its not perfect but it seems pretty close to it, you do well bunny/tttia's wife.

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