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The beauty of women


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Women are beautiful, this is what recently I have come to notice, they really are. They have many characteristics which when looked upon, can only be appreciated! I really do not understand how males became the dominant gender when looking upon the power of a woman.




Everything about them is really superb. Firstly they are not afraid of their feelings, unlike me as a male. You see as I write this message I have to keep minimizing the window from my dad and brother, if they saw what I was writing I cannot imagine how mocked and embarassed I would feel. My dad would look what I am writing and probably burst out laughing because when you're a man you have to worry bout your ego and pride, women are just out in the open, mellow and accpeting!




Looking at women they are also beautiful, to gaze upon a womans breasts or thighs have a mesmerizing affect on me, not necessarily sexual but hynotic and stunning making me cough and splutter if I see them for real. The way they move knocks my brain around, not arrogant but knowledgeable of their own beauty.




They are not like men in any way, they do not smell bad, I doubt anybody has ever smelt a bad woma. They care about how they look and can look incredible unlike a male. The scent is enough to knock me into oblivion I feel. They are not arrogant or self absorbed but they care about the good things in life and are not controlled by sex and lust. Our history has been forged by men, and how has it turned out? Awful, a vile history mankind has been shaped by. Nowadays are history is still shaped by men, how many male business tycoons are there and how many female, females don't care about superficial things like making money but stronger more deeper things.




They keep themselves healthy and strong often alone raising large families when the male has had sex and left knowing he got what he wanted. They mature earlier and know what they want in life, their emotions are powerful but in a good way as they are sensitive to what other people like and dislike. When I hang around with my male friends they don't appreciate me but laugh and make jokes at my problems, women are caring and understanding.




What I am trying to say to fellow adolescent males on this forum is that women need to be appreciated for what they are!!!! Immensely exotic creatures that need your every minute of affection!!! If we could all be like women this world would be at peace and people wouldn't die.




Do like me gentlemen and HAIL every woman, lady and godess that you next see because they are truly beautiful and intense that I would gladly bow down to their all mighty power and divine sexuality!!!

The best advice in life is to take your time and don't live too fast.

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and the discussion lies where, exactly? Forgive me if there is some, I just don;t see it.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Anybody that can't really be bothered to post more than a line of post on such a deep discussion can exit the thread. The discussion is about women in all of their splendor. I pity you guys....really what good do you achieve when you put others down?

The best advice in life is to take your time and don't live too fast.

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Anybody that can't really be bothered to post more than a line of post on such a deep discussion can exit the thread. The discussion is about women in all of their splendor. I pity you guys....really what good do you achieve when you put others down?




sorry if i disagree with you, but i havent put you down. i clearly stated according to US law, males arent dominant. and i was quite appalled u labeled women as creatures instead of people. i give women the utmost respect as long as they respect me. i dont put myself higher than any one unless theyve given reason to.

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I'm not sure that girls are "immensely exotic creatures." You know, the banana slug found in the Washington rainforest is considered an immensely exotic creature.




But there are several differences between the genders (aside from the obvious anatomical things). It's nice to see you've thought about it and drawn some conclusions.




Some guys are pretty amazing, though, too.




And if everyone was a woman, everyone would die. We need males to reproduce and maintain the species. (Sigh).




To say that I'm not interested in making money, and that I'm happy with my gender would be a lie. Sometimes I think it'd be so much EASIER to be a guy. But alas. I missed out on the Y chromosome. But I'm happy with what I have, what I am, and I think that there's a very special distinction between man and woman. We're just not the same. I'd have to say we're not quite equal (at least in the USA), at least as long as guys can remove their shirts in public and girls can't. (NOT THAT I WOULD!)




But that's just something silly I think about. How equal are we? Hehe.

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Tip.It isn't filled with sex-hungry men, but we're not exactly rid of them. :wink:




Not sure the discussion coming out of this, but you mate shouldn't be embarrased about your feelings. I feel it's kind of silly to be 'macho' nowadays...we really don't need tough men to cut the wood or build longships. Sure, chavs might call you gay, but hell who cares? :P

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Here let me turn this into a discussion for you.






Fact: Women are not equal to men except legally.




And even then, we're not. (See shirtless point in my above post!)


But I think it's better that we're not. :P

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Anybody that can't really be bothered to post more than a line of post on such a deep discussion can exit the thread. The discussion is about women in all of their splendor. I pity you guys....really what good do you achieve when you put others down?


What do you achieve when you falsely proclaim to a game forum that men 'ruined' history? To make it worse you go on to then blanket statement all women saying they don't care about 'superficial' things. That's not the end of it as you keep going on to talk about how women are great in more and more prejudiced and obviously biased tone about ALL women.




In your entire post, the only fact is that women mature earlier than men which has actual factual objective support.




Next time you want an argument or tribute to be taken seriously stop talking like a cult worshiper and present arguable and discussable points instead of the slanderish mess about men and made up romanticized version of how one side of an argument is.

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They are not arrogant or self absorbed




id just like to point out when i was finally over my first love, this is exactly how i would describe her, so yes there are women arrogant AND self-absorbed. that statement u made is a fallacy




I spend 84% of my time being arrogant and self-absorbed. ;)

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Here let me turn this into a discussion for you.






Fact: Women are not equal to men except legally.


Depends in what circumstance.




Giving Birth: Women


Physically Stronger: Men


Calmer: Women


Chaotic: Men


Understandment (emotional): Women


Truck Driving: Men




*Note: Those stats are not 100%. some women can be stronger than some men, some men can bet better understanding than women. Hell, a man can give birth if you do the right operations. :wink:








EDIT: Are you posting this cuz of you're in love? Just curious.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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EDIT: Are you posting this cuz of you're in love? Just curious.


That's what I was thinking! It sounds to me like he's describing one certain girl. :wink: :wink: :wink: Oooooooooh!








if he is good for him and congrats because theres no better companion than someone from the opposite sex in my opinion. but dont get whipped right away buddy. let things progress slowly and maturely and make sure things are completely right before u become head over heels. once u are, ur finished

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They are not arrogant or self absorbed




id just like to point out when i was finally over my first love, this is exactly how i would describe her, so yes there are women arrogant AND self-absorbed. that statement u made is a fallacy




I spend 84% of my time being arrogant and self-absorbed. ;)






and how did u calculate that \'

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EDIT: Are you posting this cuz of you're in love? Just curious.


That's what I was thinking! It sounds to me like he's describing one certain girl. :wink: :wink: :wink: Oooooooooh!


I second that. Honestly, smelling a girl's scent isn't the first thing I do in the morning. And neither would you enjoy appreciating any random woman. Maybe you want to specify a certain lady you are thankful for?




And I do hate to hear the generalizations that women are "calm, thoughtful, compassionate and clever" and that men are "egoistic, uncouth brutes". Men and women are very equal in those characteristics, or at least enough so to not generalize either sex.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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Women probably think the same about guys, the cute ones, not the ones who sit in the local pub drinking beers 4 hours a day (not that something is wrong with that :P).

Some people dream of success, while others make it happen.

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