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plz lock kind mod :)

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I've had phats before ...not flaming LOL....seriously...wear it..screenie... (no fake edits lol) ...or add me ingame ..(tomorrow) and show. You have a whole bunch of ..like fire giant hunting gear in your inv..and a blue phat. Seems weird...could just be a coincidence...but I want to be sure! Can't have somebody showing off something that's not real..can we?! :D

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I'd like yo see it in game :XD:




I wouldn't doubt ur capable of it it's just 2 weeks.




But nice if you realy got one :thumbsup:

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get ready to be in :shock: for its below.










sorry about the bottom of the picture. i dont know how it came out like


that -.-




so you know i chance hair styles alot lol cause its boring looking the same.

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Are party hats that tall these days? :S last time i saw one wearing one.. it was twice smaller :P



Total amount of rare drops: 220 ~ Earned over 1.5 Billion from Godwars Dungeon

Ranked 14th in Construction + Best construction level in Finland.

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I don't know, this whole story sounds a bit fishy. Hydraides (or something like that) donated you a santa and a fury? That's basically all he had. And when I asked him about it in his topic he requested his topic to be locked. What's up with that? Oh well, grats on your partyhat, if it's real.

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You merchanted 28.5m a day. At 14 hours a day, thats 2m an hour, which is possible, except for the fact that you will never, ever, get straight 2m/hour off a certain item due to number of sellers/demand, unless your phat merchanting. I believe that you could have made 2m an hour or even 4m an hour, its extremelly easy, I've made way over that in an hour. But merchanting isnt stable, and you only make 2m in a busy weekend hour in world 2. There are simply not enough buyers and sellers of all those items in mention per day to make that much stably per hour, and over 2m an hour is usually only that rare occasion when buyers dont know prices of items like guthans spears, and you happen to have 4 of them and no one else is selling, and you make 600k+ off one. If you said you ore merchanted it could have been believable, because there was an insane ore merchant on the forums about a year ago, but it still took him 3 weeks for a puple [which is very possible].




Dont get me wrong, I believe you have a blue phat, its easy enough to make money in runescape. I just have my doubts that you obtained it in 2 weeks.

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hats too big this is me wearing my friends.








Owned :P Yeah...I looked closer...and it was just a regular picture of one...made smaller, and place on the head...like one from an inventory...not actually wearing. Wear it and show it via the equipment screen...thanks. :-)

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tbh with ya i set ya all up it was a joke! honestly lolz.




i tryed to see if you would fall for a joke.


some did some didnt lolz.


i was hoping people would ask for a picture of me wearing a blue p hat.




hope you enjoyed the prank lol :lol:




o rly? :shame: nah lol.

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