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Ok if I'm going into middel school, What caculater DO I need


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I love how people are saying "You don't need one."




In 6th grade, we had to do square roots. Okay, tell me the square root of 87 without a calculator. (Rounded to the nearest hundredth, of course)




And that's just 6th grade, it gets harder in 7th and 8th.




Anyways, I'd use the one that your school recommends. Even if you don't like it. There's a reason it's recommended.




I haven't had to find the square root of an odd or prime number and I'm in High School, and I've been in Honors classes.




In 9th grade we had to find the square roots of negative numbers. That is dealing with imaginary numbers though. But then again I took Algebra II in the 9th and I'm going to take Geometry in 10th. Then Trig./Calculus in 11th/12th.


I guess it all depends on the school. I don't know what this guy's school is going to teach him. But whatever they'll teach, you'll be able to figure it out using the recommended calculator.


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At my school its highly recommended for the HSC (final year of school exams) to have a Graphics Calculator which is worth $190. Rip off as well, but I've gotta buy 1 by the end of the year before I start my HSC.

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*smacks head on ground) I just wanted to know If anyone could find my a caculater THAT beats the casio fx115 es without Spending more then 20 dollers, (I dident get into tag with my horabol spelling ok)




Anyway, If you want to find the info on the casio fx115 does just googel it,




About the only thing It cant do is graphing, It even has stuff That the ti89 dosent have (tabols of 40 waeights and mesures on a quntam scale)



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Trust me, you don't need a sophisticated calculater for middle school. You don't need a grahphing calculator, I got one for Algebra 2 in High school. A regular scientific calculater will do.


Agreed. My middle school math? Haha,




That thing could've got me through it (a much smaller version at least).


But hey, guess it depends on your curriculum, ours back then was very easy. Now if you take algebra in 8th like I did, then you may want to get a graphing calculator. I don't have any suggestions personally, they supplied us with TI-89's.


And you seem a little nervous about middle school... I don't blame ya, but try to ease up a little. You'll be fine :)




That won't work because you need sines, cosines and tangents as well as square roots. There is nothing that calculator can do that a person can't do in their heads...




Oh, and not trying being a pessimist or anything, but middle school can really suck. Don't worry though, high school is well worth it.


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*smacks head on ground) I just wanted to know If anyone could find my a caculater THAT beats the casio fx115 es without Spending more then 20 dollers, (I dident get into tag with my horabol spelling ok)




Anyway, If you want to find the info on the casio fx115 does just googel it,




About the only thing It cant do is graphing, It even has stuff That the ti89 dosent have (tabols of 40 waeights and mesures on a quntam scale)




Then get a Ti34II if you want a cheap and good calculator. Spend any more then $20 on a calculator for 6th grade and you're a sucker.

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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As some others said, T-83 or T-89, these little things can do everything. And if your teacher is oblivious to that fact you can put answers in the memory and peek peek during exams. Then when your bored, download tetris on it, and play while your teachers aren't looking.

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I don't know why you guys are even suggesting graphing calculators for him. What did I use?




Pencil and paper.






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I used something like this up until 8th grade.








Seriously, it's a calculator. Some people think it's a life or death choice here.




All you need, especially for middle school, is a calculator that can do the 4 basic equations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). You may also need a fraction button but that's about it.

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