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. : Ryan's Sig Commenting Bonanza : .


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Well, just post your sig or multiple sigs if you wish :). I'll take any kind of sig. You must be ready to take criticism though! And I do not give number ratings. You'll get a detailed response regarding the sig and my likes/dislikes.








Have a nice day and post as many as you want :).

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what do you think of my sig i have now the pixel one........its my third pixel so any comments would be nice








For a third pixel, I feel you did a good job. There is too much of a visible change in the shading. Try to make it more gradual. Also, maybe try some textures next time? The dragon's body shouldn't appear the same as the guy's clothes ;). He just needs some scales. The ranger's cloak seems too..straight? Maybe make it flow more.








Overall, I feel you have a nice perspective and everything seems proportionate. Things that need work: shading, add some texture, and there could maybe be some more details? Good job





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what do ya think about mine? Be crude and harsh :P
















I sucks monkey wagon :D











Yes. Yes you do.












Anyway, Ryan, eventhough I hardly made anything in mine, I'd want some comments on it.
























// Azvi.


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what do ya think about mine? Be crude and harsh :P
















I sucks monkey wagon :D











Yes. Yes you do.












Anyway, Ryan, eventhough I hardly made anything in mine, I'd want some comments on it.
























// Azvi.








oh **** typing error.









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what do ya think about mine? Be crude and harsh :P
















I sucks monkey wagon :D











Yes. Yes you do.












Anyway, Ryan, eventhough I hardly made anything in mine, I'd want some comments on it.
























// Azvi.








oh **** typing error.
















WAHHAHAHAHA!!!! :lol: :lol:



Superknight/Blademaster: Level 150; Hps: 132

Theoretical damage per round: 234

Highest recorded damage in one round: 104

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what do ya think about mine? Be crude and harsh :P
















I sucks monkey wagon :D











Yes. Yes you do.












Anyway, Ryan, eventhough I hardly made anything in mine, I'd want some comments on it.
























// Azvi.








oh **** typing error.
















WAHHAHAHAHA!!!! :lol: :lol:








Lol that explains quite a bit lol... :P just kidding lol

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Jlr's Sig: Well first off your name is very hard to find and read. Which is fine if you wanted it that way, but if you didn't :? I definetly like the message portrayed here, but I'm quite confused on the feeling. The reds and oranges help with an autumn feel but then there's green leaves also :? The leaves and wood seem very basic and generic. There's no feeling to them, no texture. They're very bland. Nice idea, but could use with some better execution. Also, maybe the "light" shining in could be more direct and it could be darker around it so theres more of a focus?








Molishist: I definetly love the colors here. There's also some great brushing there. The main problem I see is the white area. It's just too..white? White always seems so empty, maybe just make it a very light shade of the closest color around it? The background could use some more depth too. It's very shallow. The text is easy to read but the white then follows up to the white blob in the middle and hurts my eyes. Very nicely done though.








Hadgan 1: This one just seems...very sloppy. You shouldn't use black lines to illustrate details. Use different shades of the color. For instance, on the tree just use a darker brown instead of black. You're right, the wall needs a lot of work. I don't think he'd hold the axe that way either..You really should try actually pixeling instead of trying to just freehand draw. Everything will turn out much better.








Hadgan 2: Once again it looks like you just tried to free hand everything. Sorry for not commenting on this much, but I really feel you should try and learn some about anatomy, proportion, and perspective. They all seem to be very off here.








How2pk: It's very basic, but interesting. I like the grayscale colors and then the contrast of red. It seems to lack detail though. I'd like to be able to almost get lost in the image due to it's nature but that doesn't happen. It doesn't really need to be more busy..just more intricate if that makes sense? Very nice and unique though.








Despaxes 1: This is definetly the better one of the two. The shading is good and I like the attention paid to the hair. The ground seems really bland though. It's way too uniform. The sky is way too empty. Maybe just some dark stormy clouds? My real problem here is that everything appears to be in layers. It's like the castle is there, and then the lava stream, and then the people. There needs to be more interaction.








Despaxes 2: I hope you dont' mind if I don't comment much on this one. There is no shading, the water has poor attention to detail, the perspective seems off, and the ghost? is very sloppy. You can do better.








stksidehi8: It's very detailed and technical. I'm really drawn off by the faded feeling. I'd like something to focus in on and I cant' find one. My eyes really just take it in altogether. Some stronger colors and a focal point could really help. The animation is great. The font for the "the dynasty" doesn't go with the sig and the text for your name though. Good work.








Azvareth: I love it dude. Disappointing that you didnt' draw the guy though because he is what makes the piece. I'm really drawn to his eyes and where they're looking. The minimalistic feel is great. The text is a perfect fit too :).








Sragal 1: I really feel this piece could use some brushing. I don't mind simplistic pieces, but there isn't much to look at here. Not really any detail and no focal point. The effect on the text doesn't look very good either.








Sragal 2: This one is really nice. I really like the brushing. There's a lot of depth and color. The grungey effect doesn't seem to fit here though. The piece seems to dirty. I'd like the colors to be sharper and brought out. The highlights don't stand out like they should. The text doesn't seem to really fit again. The font isn't right.












Note to everyone: dont' be offended :wink:

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Please rate these and my current one. Thanks. (this reminds me of a few other standard sig rate threads of yonder years....dromars rather harsh one leaps to mind. )












splashsig7jq.jpg (still available)








some oldies just for fun....





























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Please rate these and my current one. Thanks. (this reminds me of a few other standard sig rate threads of yonder years....dromars rather harsh one leaps to mind. )








Yup :). I had been thinking bout something I could do to kind of give back and I remembered that spurt of sig rating threads we used to have.








I'll get to everyone's asap. It will be one large post again :).

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