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These f2p'ers may be destroying themselves


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I hate you idiots that think F2P'ers are like cripples. Just because alot of f2p'ers are younger kids, most immature, dosen't mean they all are. When I first started P2P, it was breathtaking how much there was to do. There was almost too much for me, I didn't understand anything. So I stuck to f2p until I got a little more intelligent. Two days ago I bought my friend (level 109 cb) a one-month membership. He was on P2P servers for 2 days before he decided to go back.




My point is, alot of F2p'ers ARE happy with what they have.


It's alot more simple, and easy to understand. It relaxes them..


So please, lay off the 15,000 or so that voted that..

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I hate you idiots that think F2P'ers are like cripples. Just because alot of f2p'ers are younger kids, most immature, dosen't mean they all are. When I first started P2P, it was breathtaking how much there was to do. There was almost too much for me, I didn't understand anything. So I stuck to f2p until I got a little more intelligent. Two days ago I bought my friend (level 109 cb) a one-month membership. He was on P2P servers for 2 days before he decided to go back.




My point is, alot of F2p'ers ARE happy with what they have.


It's alot more simple, and easy to understand. It relaxes them..


So please, lay off the 15,000 or so that voted that..




i really think that this post had little to do with the actual discussion, if the f2ps are happy with what they have thats a problem for jagex.

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I hate you idiots that think F2P'ers are like cripples. Just because alot of f2p'ers are younger kids, most immature, dosen't mean they all are. When I first started P2P, it was breathtaking how much there was to do. There was almost too much for me, I didn't understand anything. So I stuck to f2p until I got a little more intelligent. Two days ago I bought my friend (level 109 cb) a one-month membership. He was on P2P servers for 2 days before he decided to go back.




My point is, alot of F2p'ers ARE happy with what they have.


It's alot more simple, and easy to understand. It relaxes them..


So please, lay off the 15,000 or so that voted that..




i really think that this post had little to do with the actual discussion, if the f2ps are happy with what they have thats a problem for jagex.


No it isnt, f2p still contribute to the game, jagex doesnt really care if they have some pure f2pers, when the game came out they didnt even have p2p, and we got by just fine without it, jagex knows that without f2p p2p will fail, so they dont mind if people want to stay f2p, its keeps the numbers up and looks good on paper.


Whats looks better:


Runescape an online role playing game with 2 million players.




Runescape an online role playing game with 800,000 subscribers.


I know which one id use to advertise.

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I hate you idiots that think F2P'ers are like cripples. Just because alot of f2p'ers are younger kids, most immature, dosen't mean they all are. When I first started P2P, it was breathtaking how much there was to do. There was almost too much for me, I didn't understand anything. So I stuck to f2p until I got a little more intelligent. Two days ago I bought my friend (level 109 cb) a one-month membership. He was on P2P servers for 2 days before he decided to go back.




My point is, alot of F2p'ers ARE happy with what they have.


It's alot more simple, and easy to understand. It relaxes them..


So please, lay off the 15,000 or so that voted that..




i really think that this post had little to do with the actual discussion, if the f2ps are happy with what they have thats a problem for jagex.


No it isnt, f2p still contribute to the game, jagex doesnt really care if they have some pure f2pers, when the game came out they didnt even have p2p, and we got by just fine without it, jagex knows that without f2p p2p will fail, so they dont mind if people want to stay f2p, its keeps the numbers up and looks good on paper.


Whats looks better:


Runescape an online role playing game with 2 million players.




Runescape an online role playing game with 800,000 subscribers.


I know which one id use to advertise.




you make very good arguments 123yourgone -.-

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You seem to be forgetting that when most people have done eerything on f2p, they either turn members or quit. Therefore there is not much likelihood that in a free to play only poll, many people are going to say that they have done everything.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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You seem to be forgetting that when most people have done eerything on f2p, they either turn members or quit. Therefore there is not much likelihood that in a free to play only poll, many people are going to say that they have done everything.
my topic lives! you make a valid point too. and seeing as how im kinda at a loss for words someobne please bring in more valid points!
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As I said before these players that won't become members, these people that voted I got enough to do in F2p, most of these people are long-time, experienced and honest players, these players are not many and Jagex wants the majority of the f2pers to get members not just a few experienced players that have been playing for a long time.




Have you noticed that Jagex added these Tutors and SoS?


For any experienced player those things are pretty useless, they already know everything but for the new players these things are really good, they learn something about RuneScape and then they notice that RuneScape is even bigger and some of them gets members, these are the people that Jagex wants, the low level people that will be members for a long time and are the majority of the F2p population.




I do not think Jagex will make a trial of this game, neither is F2p a Demo, P2p is just an expansion and if Jagex wants the experienced players to get members then they better release some better High-level updates that Members have been complaining about not getting.




There is no doubt that some of those 15,000 players that voted are members and do not say that most of F2pers complain because it's a complete lie, actually most of us do NOT complain as much as members do and as I said in another thread, You can find more Members complaining in the "Rants" forum in the officall forums than you can find F2pers complaining in the whole tip.it forum.

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They complain & complain. Thats what free players do. <.< One moment they say they got enough, The next day they terrorise the forums. Shame! :shame:




You sir are an idiot... Here, your dunce hat, cape and official bs stick... have fun as the peanut gallery laughs at your shallow panantic posts...




I have been f2p for the past 5 months... why havn't I gone back? well because honestly I don't care about fast leveling and getting rich... I play off and on training my range to lvl 90... I am completely happy with what I have got in f2p...




I havn't ever complained about updates for f2p... I like it fine as it is... everything is balanced... but if jagex wants to give us some more space or maybe part of a member skill then i'll take it...




F2p'ers rarely complain, if ever... Alot don't even relize there is a members untill about level 40-50... Name 5 times that f2p'ers have complained about somthing silly and completely pointless... I can give you 20 threads off of runescape official forums in 10 minutes with p2pers acting like fools...



New sigzor^^

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Id just as soon want them to take away some things...




Why dont they stick to their guns and not give updates.




But you can argue that the updates are needed, such as educating players through the sos. But what good is the party room besides an option to tell beggers "hey go beg at the party room"




I still cant begin to understand why the more bank space promoters think that their reasoning is plausible




I know, jagex should come out and saw "we're not going to waste time updating f2p unless it happens to coincide with a members update, you can play our demo as much as you like but dont start whining that you "deserve" more because you DON'T. If you f2pers want more then you'll have to stick your hand in your pocket and withdraw the 4.50 for a month of their game. I'm getting so bored with pointing out that f2pers are lucky jagex don't give them a level cap or disables their account after a while.






F2p'ers rarely complain, if ever... Alot don't even relize there is a members untill about level 40-50... Name 5 times that f2p'ers have complained about somthing silly and completely pointless... I can give you 20 threads off of runescape official forums in 10 minutes with p2pers acting like fools...




F2pers complain on this forum, and we're not talking about members or f2pers complaining on the rs forums because you're not allowed to even post. Imagine if f2pers could post on official forums, the amount of whining would increase 50fold. Maybe the reason a lot of f2pers don't complain is because they're content with f2p being a small demo of runescape and dont think they should get anything more, if the ranters on this forum realised that they're not entitled to any updates and should therefore stop complaining about bank space there wouldn't be these kind of threads. F2pers are getting "too big for their boots" as my dad would say :lol:

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I'm f2p and i think that JAGex should stick to the memb stuff but it's always nice having a f2p update once a year or sumthing. It keeps us playing and become a runescape memb in the future and not become a WoW memb.


Also, the majority of these complainers are about 10 years old and the age limit to play is 13 and being 13+, you should understand that JAGex needs to make money, which is why they spend more time and money on membs than us. Blame the immature kids and not all the F2Pers.

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Id just as soon want them to take away some things...




Why dont they stick to their guns and not give updates.




But you can argue that the updates are needed, such as educating players through the sos. But what good is the party room besides an option to tell beggers "hey go beg at the party room"




I still cant begin to understand why the more bank space promoters think that their reasoning is plausible




I know, jagex should come out and saw "we're not going to waste time updating f2p unless it happens to coincide with a members update, you can play our demo as much as you like but dont start whining that you "deserve" more because you DON'T. If you f2pers want more then you'll have to stick your hand in your pocket and withdraw the 4.50 for a month of their game. I'm getting so bored with pointing out that f2pers are lucky jagex don't give them a level cap or disables their account after a while.





Yeah, Jagex should not update F2p anymore, I am a F2per and I've never wanted any update and I do not want any.


As I said in my previous post F2p is not a demo, members is just an expansion. (You people should read all the post, at least on the last thread if you are going to post here)






F2p'ers rarely complain, if ever... Alot don't even relize there is a members untill about level 40-50... Name 5 times that f2p'ers have complained about somthing silly and completely pointless... I can give you 20 threads off of runescape official forums in 10 minutes with p2pers acting like fools...




F2pers complain on this forum, and we're not talking about members or f2pers complaining on the rs forums because you're not allowed to even post. Imagine if f2pers could post on official forums, the amount of whining would increase 50fold. Maybe the reason a lot of f2pers don't complain is because they're content with f2p being a small demo of runescape and dont think they should get anything more, if the ranters on this forum realised that they're not entitled to any updates and should therefore stop complaining about bank space there wouldn't be these kind of threads. F2pers are getting "too big for their boots" as my dad would say :lol:






No, the reason alot of F2pers do not complain is because we know that to get more updates we need to get members.


There isn't nearly as much F2pers complaining than there is members,


the only major complain I've seen on the whole Tip.it forum is the rant about "More Bank Space" and you can't just go around listening to people in-game because the majority is low-levels and some have nothing to lose. Of course the off-forum would get spammed if you let millions of F2pers post there, they could just make new accounts and say what ever they want, I don't think we need F2pers to rant in off-forum since the members are doing quite good at ranting and at the same time entertaining me. :wink:

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Everytime I read a "p2p's view on f2p" thread, my regards for p2p plummet. Why? Maybe it's because the folks at p2p pride themselves from their 5 bucks so much it makes them secure in criticizing those who don't pay. It irks me when some members refuse to realize that in fact the p2p are the minority here.




Luckily for us in f2p, we DO have bots, scammers and pures, which the p2p use to generalize the entire f2p community, including the soon-to-be-members and those in f2p who would rather keep their accounts purely f2p.




Like me; the only thing stopping me from going p2p is that i spent so much time in f2p, I'd rather not lose the accomplishments of training my character thus far.




And members are the last people on earth who should mock f2p in terms of gratefulness and how much we "whine", which we hardly do. Do you see us forming riots, or finding something obscure in the latest update, or anything other than the obvious bank space and mage armor problems? Seriously, you'd think that jagex appreciates f2p in that we just sit quiet and do relatively nothing.




Oh lastly, we're not digging our own graves. F2p makes up the vast majority of rs, it is highly improbable that jagex takes anything from us. And in the unlikely scenario that they do then we'd just go p2p or quit, simple as that.




y'know this topic wasnt meant to be another f2p are whiners thread but it seems every discussion that seperates the 2 turn into this -.- and all of you keep responding to how p2p are bad as well and junk about how racist we are not only are you generalising us too but your spamming my topic




You're right it wasnt meant to be a f2p are whiners thread but look who started the f2p are whiners discussion, it was a p2per so you see it isnt just f2p that are complaining p2p complains alot on f2pers for complaining.




And about the poll I think its good that 15.000 f2pers voted for that they think we don't actually need any updates. It shows that there is actually f2pers that are being honest and isn't lieing, scamming and complaining like some of P2pers say. :shame: :notalk:

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Everytime I read a "p2p's view on f2p" thread, my regards for p2p plummet. Why? Maybe it's because the folks at p2p pride themselves from their 5 bucks so much it makes them secure in criticizing those who don't pay. It irks me when some members refuse to realize that in fact the p2p are the minority here.




Luckily for us in f2p, we DO have bots, scammers and pures, which the p2p use to generalize the entire f2p community, including the soon-to-be-members and those in f2p who would rather keep their accounts purely f2p.




Like me; the only thing stopping me from going p2p is that i spent so much time in f2p, I'd rather not lose the accomplishments of training my character thus far.




And members are the last people on earth who should mock f2p in terms of gratefulness and how much we "whine", which we hardly do. Do you see us forming riots, or finding something obscure in the latest update, or anything other than the obvious bank space and mage armor problems? Seriously, you'd think that jagex appreciates f2p in that we just sit quiet and do relatively nothing.




Oh lastly, we're not digging our own graves. F2p makes up the vast majority of rs, it is highly improbable that jagex takes anything from us. And in the unlikely scenario that they do then we'd just go p2p or quit, simple as that.




y'know this topic wasnt meant to be another f2p are whiners thread but it seems every discussion that seperates the 2 turn into this -.- and all of you keep responding to how p2p are bad as well and junk about how racist we are not only are you generalising us too but your spamming my topic


And whose fault is that? Want me to quote the first few posters, and some others?


I never generalized, at least i try not to. In addition to it being long overdue, we are only defending ourselves when some p2p folks go "omg the f2p know how to vote?" and "why won't they stop whining!". The irony in calling the lot of f2p whiners and spammers should be obvious.


It's hardly spam, flaming maybe, but it has a reason. And what do you expect, making a thread like this and then complaining about the flame-fest? Maybe next time the p2p airheads who like demeaning the f2p players won't start in the first place.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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Then WHY THE HELL do the seem to always complain whenever they dont get an update or complain that members are getting to many updates?








That gets extremely irritating.


Dragon Drops: D spear x 2, D skirt, D half-shield, D axe, D 2h

Barrows Rewards: Ahrims hood, Karil's Coif, half key x 6, D med, torags legs, veracs flail

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Theres barley any F2pers that complain most accpet the fact that they don't pay.




And you know because..? You're god and you're in their head, and you know all what the f2ps are thinking isn't that right?




Did you notice when they got the party room they didn't complain but we get 1 minor update and we have a riot in world 99 Fally. Most memeber are cocky and think they deserve whatever they want pures especially.




Oh wow okay, most members and pures are cocky, and you just decided that on your great throne of wisedom?




I don't think that jagex will ever get rid of free to play because it's a HUGE income because of advertising




Evidence? I never heard of any website making "HUGE" profits off ads. Actually, I'd be surprised if they even fall even. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm still waiting for the proof of your claim.

2480+ total

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Theres barley any F2pers that complain most accpet the fact that they don't pay.




And you know because..? You're god and you're in their head, and you know all what the f2ps are thinking isn't that right?




No, because he plays in f2p and talks to other similiar players there




Did you notice when they got the party room they didn't complain but we get 1 minor update and we have a riot in world 99 Fally. Most memeber are cocky and think they deserve whatever they want pures especially.




Oh wow okay, most members and pures are cocky, and you just decided that on your great throne of wisedom?




Hell yes, all you need to do is browse the "rate this- goals and achievements" part of this forum... I've played 2 years of membership before heading back to f2p... many (not all) members especially pures are cocky




I don't think that jagex will ever get rid of free to play because it's a HUGE income because of advertising




Evidence? I never heard of any website making "HUGE" profits off ads. Actually, I'd be surprised if they even fall even. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm still waiting for the proof of your claim.




Income pays for the f2p game with some extra... However when you first saw runescape would you have payed $5 a month right off the bat?? Hell no you wouldn't... F2p is like an everlasting demo... Its worth can't be counted in the money it brings in just on its own because every single member (second member accounts nonwith standing) has been f2p first...



New sigzor^^

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I'll put it this way...








f2p should only be able to get any skill to lvl 40...




nuff said... pay to play

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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Evidence? I never heard of any website making "HUGE" profits off ads. Actually, I'd be surprised if they even fall even. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm still waiting for the proof of your claim.


Google payed youtube 2.2 billion dollars for the rights to youtube..


Now why did they pay 2.2 BILLION DOLLARS for something that makes no money at all, oh wait, ad's do make money your just a moron.


Enough said.


Heres a line from a microsoft article.




Analysts have touted a Google purchase of YouTube as a symbiotic alliance. By purchasing YouTube, Google would be able to apply its proven prowess for generating revenue through online advertising.




Whats that? revenue through online advertiseing? yeah, thats what it says.


And youtube takes a LOT more bandwidth then rs ever could, an rs character would take up 1/10th of the space of 1 youtube video, yet Youtube still makes insane ammounts of money.


If jagex says they dont make money off adverts they are liars.

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Evidence? I never heard of any website making "HUGE" profits off ads. Actually, I'd be surprised if they even fall even. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm still waiting for the proof of your claim.


Ok, do me a favor, go to http://www.google.com and search something and look for a message that pops up and says, Sorry! You must be a google subscriber to see this search. Or a big red flashing button that says, subscribe to google here and you get faster searches, new ways to search and the rights to be a complete [wagon] to every person who doesn't pay for this service!




Google makes all of its profits by advertising. So, I guess by your flawed and narrow minded logic, Google must make close to pennies for profits.




There is your proof.




I don't think that jagex will ever get rid of free to play because it's a HUGE income because of advertising


Oh, what are you talking about Master_Smither, of course Jagex would want to get rid of over 9 million players. I mean, it is only logical to dump 9 million players for one million subscribers.




There are 9 million F2P players. One million members.












[hide=Notes]Blue text = sarcasm[/hide]

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how many people total voted in that pole? because 15,000 seems like an awful small percentage, considering how many f2p players there are




maybe the rest Dont know how to vote lol




actually, it's either,






a. they don't take the time to read the poll topic or updates so they didn't know there was a poll for them




b. they don't even know there are polls(don't flame me for saying they're stupid, many members don't know either, it's more ignorance or lack of curiosity)




c. what you said, kinda hard to believe that even the miniclipers wouldn't know how though(note: not a stereotype, it's a fact that some scapers play from miniclip, some of them became members too)



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Evidence? I never heard of any website making "HUGE" profits off ads. Actually, I'd be surprised if they even fall even. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm still waiting for the proof of your claim.


Ok, do me a favor, go to http://www.google.com and search something and look for a message that pops up and says, Sorry! You must be a google subscriber to see this search. Or a big red flashing button that says, subscribe to google here and you get faster searches, new ways to search and the rights to be a complete [wagon] to every person who doesn't pay for this service!




Google makes all of its profits by advertising. So, I guess by your flawed and narrow minded logic, Google must make close to pennies for profits.




There is your proof.




I don't think that jagex will ever get rid of free to play because it's a HUGE income because of advertising


Oh, what are you talking about Master_Smither, of course Jagex would want to get rid of over 9 million players. I mean, it is only logical to dump 9 million players for one million subscribers.




There are 9 million F2P players. One million members.




[hide=Notes]Blue text = sarcasm[/hide]




actually, runescape doesn't make as much money off of advertising as you think.




the reason google makes so much off of it is




a. they advertise on over 100000 websites, maybe even 500000.




b. google is the middleman of advertising. companies pay them a lot of money for them to generate an ad for the company and place it on a website, then google pays a small sum for the room to place an ad. if you take out google, then you have companies paying small amounts of money for the ad space, and paying for the few clicks they get. so in all reality, google is making the most from the advertisements, while the websites themselves make very little, depending on how many stupid people click on the ads. the ads google makes don't have spyware, but most links it has give your computer spyware.




i could go on to explain how this led to sites paying for you to click on ads, but i've rambled on enough i think.



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Talk about a thread that goes all directions ...




I am F2P, probably will be forever. I'd like the extras of P2P but can't justify the cost based on how often I play. I don't expect any updates ever.




When voting on the poll, I was thinking about what Jagex was after. I'd be guessing that there are discussions going on within Jagex about what to do with F2P ... does it make sense to keep it?




Members often talk about F2P as a demo. I'm not convinced that it is really a demo. Sure, it's a limited-functionality view of the game, but it is also it's own microcosm that has important effects into the members game. Ignoring autoers for a little while, F2P buy and sell into P2P pretty often. Without many F2Pers, P2Pers will find the game more difficult (e.g., buying or selling 10k coal). The F2P game is also a critical feeder for new members. Who would have become a member if they couldn't try F2P first (a few, but not a huge number).




The options available to Jagex from this poll are:


1) Do nothing, leave everything as it is


2) Time-bomb the F2P game (e.g., 100 hours ingame time)


3) Level-bomb the F2P game (as suggested earlier, max lvl for all skills)


4) Dump F2P completely




Given that the F2P game breaks even (i.e., ads cover server and running costs), I think that any change would be detrimental long term to their business.






And just to cover off the whole F2P updates debate, the only times F2P should get updates are when the update:


- would be used by members on F2P worlds pretty often


- assists in protecting the users (Stronghold, etc)


- is basic graphical changes (also relates to the next one)


- is too hard to separate between P2P and F2P




Any other updates that F2P do get should be limited to old-P2P updates rather than brand new ones (e.g., blue wizard skirt, next bow up level, etc). And I don't think they should give us more bank space right now, although I suspect they might do it when/if they redo the bank interface.

WARNING: Prone to ramble ... but you probably already know that!


1% F2P : 99% RL

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i actually think the level cap is a good idea for f2p. i think the level cap would be good at 70, though 80 might be good too. now before you flame me, read my reasons why.




a. by the time someone who is f2p reaches that level, they become somewhat "proud" of being f2p, and you start to the the f2p for life develop around them. if they can't develop any more, that would give them incentive to become member, just to improve more. that means jagex gets more customers.




b. hardly anybody in f2p reaches that high anyway, and low leveled people with high goals will see that only members can get as high as they want, and they will become members as well.




of course, what will happen to the people already over the cap? i think if jagex actually did this, they would either,




a. let them continue improving the skills already over the cap, while anything else gets stopped at the cap.




b. stop letting them grow anything at or beyond the cap




c.(most unlikely) give them membership for playing them game so long and because it would be too hard to make them exceptions to the cap.



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