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Homosexuality: Right or Wrong?


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Allow myself to slither myself into this argument, if you will.




I decided to class myself as an atheist the day that the Pope said that "Stopping homosexuality is as important as stopping global warming".



What pope said that? Was it the current one or one of the previous ones?


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Allow myself to slither myself into this argument, if you will.




I decided to class myself as an atheist the day that the Pope said that "Stopping homosexuality is as important as stopping global warming".



What pope said that? Was it the current one or one of the previous ones?




Current one. Lemme get the linky...




Eep, he said rainforests. Close enough.




He also said "Katrina was God's punishments to homosexuals."




What an ignorant idiot. :wall:








http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/fe ... ne-katrina



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It may just be that people don't know any homosexuals closely enough to know better


Shame some people are too narrow-minded to even give homosexuals a chance to be their friend.


I'm friends with more gay guys than straight and I'm so used to it that it always shocks me when people are homophobic lol D:


They are guys, meaning you don't have to worry about them hitting on you. I got hit on by two gay guys before. Not something I would want to go through again.


Two lesbian friends aswell, plus met a few at parties and stuff. Being hit on by them's never been a problem. And those two gay guys must have issues if they're hitting on a straight person :?


Maxed 15/06/13

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They are guys, meaning you don't have to worry about them hitting on you. I got hit on by two gay guys before.




Really Zierro, you are full of yourself.




Woah, woah. Guys calm down. If it's any consolation I haven't been hit on by anyone before.


To borrow a line from my cousin... Hey baby, you hot.




Better? Or worse?

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Two lesbian friends aswell, plus met a few at parties and stuff. Being hit on by them's never been a problem. And those two gay guys must have issues if they're hitting on a straight person :?




Haha, well you have to find out one way or another I suppose. And I don't blame them or have anything against them because of it - I was just saying it was a weird experience.

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I live in a town with about 8000 people, my high-school has 400 or so kids, only two homosexual boys, niether will admit it, but it's blatantly obvious. I can't say I like being around them, but I don't really mind it, I mean come on, they're human. They have never bothered me so I don't really see the problem, let them do whatever they want.




Also, guys don't seem to mind lesbians..? The door swings both ways guys.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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I live in a town with about 8000 people, my high-school has 400 or so kids, only two homosexual boys, niether will admit it, but it's blatantly obvious. I can't say I like being around them, but I don't really mind it, I mean come on, they're human. They have never bothered me so I don't really see the problem, let them do whatever they want.




Also, guys don't seem to mind lesbians..? The door swings both ways guys.

Because lesbians still have lil kitty cats, and lil kitty cats aren't gross duh.

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I live in a town with about 8000 people, my high-school has 400 or so kids, only two homosexual boys, niether will admit it, but it's blatantly obvious. I can't say I like being around them, but I don't really mind it, I mean come on, they're human. They have never bothered me so I don't really see the problem, let them do whatever they want.




Also, guys don't seem to mind lesbians..? The door swings both ways guys.

Because lesbians still have lil kitty cats, and lil kitty cats aren't gross duh.




Lesbians: Fun to watch, but you've no hope in hell of joining in.




That is why bisexuals are better.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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this is my opinion, so if you don't like it then just ignore it please! ::'




i honestly believe that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and i cannot stand it when people say that their god will punish them for it. i have many friends who are gay, and they are wonderful people. and i believe that we, as a society, cannot advance until all hatred for races or lifestyles is gone. but sadly, there will always be a slimmer of hatred in our world.


Thx AquaMare for the amazing sig!


it's ligit, ive used it. hey, its a great way to kill time. :)[/hide]

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this is my opinion, so if you don't like it then just ignore it please! ::'




i honestly believe that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and i cannot stand it when people say that their god will punish them for it. i have many friends who are gay, and they are wonderful people. and i believe that we, as a society, cannot advance until all hatred for races or lifestyles is gone. but sadly, there will always be a slimmer of hatred in our world.


Tell them fine, let god punish them and lave them alone.

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this is my opinion, so if you don't like it then just ignore it please! ::'




i honestly believe that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and i cannot stand it when people say that their god will punish them for it. i have many friends who are gay, and they are wonderful people. and i believe that we, as a society, cannot advance until all hatred for races or lifestyles is gone. but sadly, there will always be a slimmer of hatred in our world.


Tell them fine, let god punish them and lave them alone.


that's what i say. most of the time at least.


Thx AquaMare for the amazing sig!


it's ligit, ive used it. hey, its a great way to kill time. :)[/hide]

[hide=drops and stuff.]Bandos drops: 2X Shard 3, 5X Bandos Plate, X1 Bandos Tasset

PROUD owner of the fire cape since October 9th, 2008

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TBH I dont find anything bad about it, thats their instict, they were born with it, and is not like their making hurt or pain to anyone,as I read somewhere love has no sexual tendencie, lol.




Also no offence but its kinda good that we have certain percent of the human population not breeding, cuz theres already plenty of mouths and too lil food :o.




Besides theres always gay couples adopting since they dont wanna breed, so thats good because children get a family.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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General, you make us sound more like animals using the term "breed".




Can you please tell me where your source is that there is too little food in the world? You show very little knowledge about the workings of the world and why some areas have a lack of food.




Besides, it's not the fact that homosexual couples don't want to reproduce, it's the fact that they can't. It is impossible for a male homosexual couple to reproduce, two perfectly possible for a lesbian couple to do so (because of other methods).


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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I wonder about something, what would happen if you were bisexual? You can still love/have sex with either the same sex or the opposite sex. Is that another topic for another day or would it still fall in-under this topic?


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Also no offence but its kinda good that we have certain percent of the human population not breeding, cuz theres already plenty of mouths and too lil food :o.




I wish I hadnt lost the link, but theres a study that shows some of the genes that cause male homosexuality cause increased fertility in woman(genes get passed down maternally most of the time). So basically, for every homosexual guy these genes form they are creating 1.1(arbitrary) people by increased fertility to make up for it.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Oh heck yes it's right.




... Then again I'm less than perfectly straight myself.




What annoys me is all the guys who are like ' :-X guy/guy.... =P~ girl/girl'. Makes me want to hit someone. Preferably said idiot males.








... except that the homophobic (or should I say malemalephobic? :D ) gits don't make sense.




And a few pages ago, don't know exactly which page, someone said 'this is about homos so bi's and lesbians don't come into it'... eeeeyeah. That's EXACTLY what I'm yelling about here; the separation of 'two' things which are exactly the same except, you know, with different genders.

Balance may be power, but chaos is still pretty damn fun.


Canada can't be second rate, polar bears are their main mode of transportation.

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Oh heck yes it's right.




... Then again I'm less than perfectly straight myself.




What annoys me is all the guys who are like ' :-X guy/guy.... =P~ girl/girl'. Makes me want to hit someone. Preferably said idiot males.








... except that the homophobic (or should I say malemalephobic? :D ) gits don't make sense.




And a few pages ago, don't know exactly which page, someone said 'this is about homos so bi's and lesbians don't come into it'... eeeeyeah. That's EXACTLY what I'm yelling about here; the separation of 'two' things which are exactly the same except, you know, with different genders.




There is a difference, they haven't found a genetic link for female homosexuality.




Im just being a jerk; I do agree with you on all points.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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If you mean right or wrong as in do homosexuals deserve different treatment or not, then:




Whether it is choice or not, being that you choose it, or it's nature's way of saying something isn't right somewhere... I believe that they are still people, no different than you or me, and deserve the same respect as anyone else. Although you probably won't get a marriage in an organized church because that is a private organization, civil unions should be allowed.




In my opinion it is both right in some circumstances and wrong in others.




It could be a way of nature saying, "Hey, there's too many people on this planet." In which case it's really the only option possible. Telling someone to be something that is unnatural to them is a crime in itself.




And, of course, there ARE some people who CHOOSE to be a homosexual to make a statement, or they are unsatisfied with the opposite gender, etc. Although I respect their decision, I really wouldn't call it right given that it probably wasn't in the original design of the human anatomy.




And this is all based off the idea that Homosexuals naturally feel love towards the same gender and don't have to do ANYTHING in ANY WAY to feel it. (Directed at the choosers.)

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