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Movie-based games getting a bad rap.


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Well before i get a game i do my research. IGN, Gametrailers, Gamespot (NOT GAMESTOP) etc. are all giving these movie-based games a bad rating/score. I have Spider-Man 3: Collectors Edition, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer, and had Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix.




All these games got a 6.0 or lower (exept or Harry Potter that got a 7.6). I don't agree with most of them because i have a soft spot for movie-based games. 8-)




Spider-Man 3: Collectors Edition:


Gameplay-7.0 (Repetitive but some good combo moves and other stuff mixed in there)


Storyline-9.0 (It follows the movie pretty well. Of course some side missions with the lizard and what not but pretty spot-on)


Graphics-7.5 (Spider-Man looks fantastic but the other characters in cutscenes could use some work)






Second opinion-7.0




This game is worth buying. The only thing that's dissapointing is this game is the fact that venom has an alien-ish voice and looks a bit odd.




Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End:


Gameplay-6.5 (Repetitive but some good combo moves)


Storyline-10.0 (One word: Perfect)


Graphics-9.5 (Unbelieveable. From Port Royal to the characters the graphics are absoloutely wonderful)






Second opinion-6.0




This game is sort of a rental but buy it if you're a die hard Pirates of the Caribbean game. The amazing graphics and spot-on storyline make up for the repetetive gameplay.




Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer:


Gameplay-5.5 (Repetitive and boring but the special attacks are a bit ok)


Storyline-5.0 (Right from the start you're very confused. Bottom line is tat it doesn't follow the REAL storyline at all)


Graphics-7.0 (The in-game graphics are pretty good but the cutscenes look like that California raisins christmas special)






Second opinion-5.5




This is definetely a rent-it play with your friends kinda game.




For Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix i only played a little bit and then turned it in because it was so boring. I may have made a mistake but that's in the past. I will give you a review of what i played so far.




Gameplay-6.0 (Boring and sorta repetetive)


Storyline-7.0 (Alot of extra stuff crammed in but it followed pretty well)


Graphics-8.5 (Hogwarts is very detailed and so are the character models)






Second opinion-6.5




Only if you are an HUGE Harry Potter fan then go ahead and buy it but it's more of a rent-it game.




Well i havn't played Transformers yet (want to) so here are all my reviews. You can go on and discuss these/other games here and tell me if you disagree/agree with my reviews.

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movie games are rushed so in turn they end up being bad games because everything in them are rushed.




I agree with that a little. FF2 was definetely rushed but the others were very detailed and had alot of thought put into it.

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movie games are rushed so in turn they end up being bad games because everything in them are rushed.




I agree with that a little. FF2 was definetely rushed but the others were very detailed and had alot of thought put into it.




Even if they have detailed graphics, thats not everything to a game.




Most movie based games I wouldn't say rushed, but aren't up to the same standards as normal games. Movie games are usually just a way for the movie studio to get more money from the movie, thus are sometimes rushed out the door to get out as the same time the movie is released to generate more hype for the movie.

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Like people have said before, movie based games are just another way to make money off that movie, so the developers rush them to get them out just before the movie so that they can make some extra money and hype it up some more. The real games that we all know and love are the ones that you follow the development of obsessively, hanging on to any little detail you can find, for a few years while the developers concentrate on making it a great experience.


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Movie games could be good, but most of the time are made as cheaply as possible. Another argument is why would you want to play something you know the whole story to already, which is my biggest reason for not really caring for them. I really have only played one of them (that I can think of right now), which was a LOTR game on the GC I believe. I thought it was alright.



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movie games are rushed so in turn they end up being bad games because everything in them are rushed.




anyone who dint know this is an uninformed fool :shame:




anyways thats not always the case




take spiderman 2 for example, it was a great game and got decent reviews




lots of copies of the incredibles were bought because of their cheats




sometimes games suck because they lack the flair of common video games


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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Truth is, awesome games usually come from when they havn't been done before and have a long time spent on them and are greatly anticipated. Ex, Rockstar's new game L.A. Noire looks amazing. It's quite original, well made by a respectable company and it being hyped. Movie games are usually just cashing in and released at the same time as the movie for the collectors...

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who here played the Eragon game?


decent graphics, excellent dragon-riding parts, followed the movie well... otherwise, easy to get lost, takes around 5 minutes worth of swordplay to kill an unarmored enemy, and neither the game nor the movie followed the book




i haven't played many movie-games, but none of the ones i have can compete with other games, with the sole exception of Star Wars games, but that's just my poinion

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The Eragon movie sucked so bad I would never even consider getting the game, and one of my friends said the game sucked so bad he would never even consider seeing the movie.


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I had Harry Potter and the Order Of the Phoenix, and I thought that it was quite good.




I must admit, most of the time you are running around the castle for people, but its good if your into adventure games.




Oh yeh, I also have got Scarface, and I think that is an absolute awesome game.




I also used to have The Godfather. That was ok, even though I havent seen the films before.

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I think most movie tie in games that are bad are the movie tie in games of childrens fiolms (monsters inc. for example) Games of more adult films seem to be generally better.




Spiderman 2 was an absoultely great game, so is scareface.

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