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Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons...


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The above link will redirect you to Youtube. And, a short movie of paranormal footage gathered throughout the years. I personally do believe in ghosts, spirits, and demons, among others, but would like to see what other people think about this subject.




Feel free to share your experiences if you've had any, and let's try not to flame if some users get into an arguement over whether or not ghosts, spirits, and demons are real or not. :-w













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I do personally believe in spirits etc... I was pushed down the stairs once by a pair of hands when no-one else was there :S i remember feeling the hands on my back then being at the bottom of the stairs i cried for my mum :/ I was about 4 at the time.




Also my father was driving a Lorry once and a jewish man walked in front of his lorry, he slammed on the brakes he thought he had hit the man but the man was nowhere to be seen. My father got out of his cab and looked everywhere.




It's a good idea to respect spirits :D.

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Why didn't you just post in any of the other paranormal threads that seem to crop up every now and then because of people like you who think they're seeing things when they aren't?




Please point out to me where in my above post that I said I've seen a ghost before. <.<




Believing and actually seeing ghosts are two totally different things. \'

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Can someone actually PROVE that ghosts dont exist?




Bingo, logical fallacy. The burden of proof lies with the person claiming ghosts exist. And so far there has been absolutely no proof that anything of that kind exists, so no I don't believe in it. There's normally a rational explanation, even if it's hard to find.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Yes, there normally is a rational explanation: ghosts did it. Whoever said that ghosts weren't rational?

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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Can someone actually PROVE that ghosts dont exist?




Whenever there is proof of a ghost, which is usually a picture or something, people say that it has been messed with and that it isnt real.

Prove to me that there ISNT an invisible pink unicorn or a teapot orbiting the sun and I shall provide you with your evidence that ghosts don't exist.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Personally, I don't care what other people say about "prove it". My uncle used to live in a haunted house and I can say first-hand that they DO exist. The crazy stuff that happened inside that house cannot be explained logically at all.


Another reason why I believe in ghosts is because I watch Ghost Hunters. Those guys at TAPS are awesome!!!




I also believe that we have people that we love watching over us. Before my grandpa died, he told my mom that whenever she sees a butterfly, to think of him. One day, we were coming home from a long trip and it was really stressful. We were driving through the mountains and all of a sudden, a huge flock of butterflies flew straight across the road. There must have been thousnads of them. From then on, I feel like he's watching over me and my family. O:)




As for the video, that scared the poo out of me. I think the scene where the picture of Jesus starts dribbling "a fluid" over itself is fake. Just something about how the cloth thingy moved beforehand. It walso didn't look like 70s quality tape to me...




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Lol, this reminds me of that ghost hunting programme with derek akorah, funnily enough there is someone on rs called derekakorah and i saw him, had a good laugh about the real one. :lol: Ghosts aren't real, as much as people like to believe it, if they were i'm pretty sure we'd have conclusive proof, and programmes with such terrible fakes such as most haunted don't help matters. I used to watch that programme sometimes when i had a mate round, we'd point out the massive flaws, i remember they put a "ghost ray" (motion detector) in a hall to see if one goes by, it goes off and the woman goes running out into the hallway and the ray thats meant to go off didn't for her. :roll:




Oh and on Derek Acorah(sp) i saw a comedy show a while ago that took the piss out of the fact that a 13 year old girl or a 70 year old sailor channeling their spirits through his voice all have a scouse accent.




Its the sort of thing that you'd have to believe you saw a ghost to say so, but really there is no logical way ghosts or spirits could exist (unless some cop out like we don't know therefore they could) so i have no reason to believe in them.

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I sat through that video ready to discredit everything I saw, and for the most part I was successful. The only halfway convincing cases on there were the poltergeists, and even those could have been faked without too much effort.


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omg lol... the poltergeist one where the camera fell to the ground made me laugh




the camera isnt just going to land on the ground with the force it did, and not show any distortion.. it just hit, nothing more.




all of the videos could be faked easily through special effects and editing.




as for the ghost hunters show... ha, they try to be so professional and stuff, but you cant take them seriously.

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I'm open minded about spiritual stuff but do you know how many threads have been made about it? Give it a rest guys and girls or at least find the other threads.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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My view on this, upon reading many many things.




3d world -> Physical world we live in


4d world -> Astral world, home of "demons", and ghosts. We are at the edge of the astral world when we sleep, and some can even enter it: "astral projection"


5d world -> Where most of us go when we die


6d + worlds -> Where the spiritually advanced among us go when they die, older souls


1d and 2d worlds -> Some sort of hell where the people who ignored morality all their life go when they die, and stay a short while until they are capable of reincarnating in the 3d world again




In short, when you die you go to the world corresponding with your vibration, and after that you decide in which world you would like to live another reincarnation, but you cannot go to worlds spiritually beyond your own, you must first takle the lower vibration ones. By example, some people are kind, loving, compassionate people, chances are those people come from the 6d and over worlds, coming back to 3d to live another life and gain wisedom. And some people are evil, selfish, egocentric, viscious, chances are they are people coming from the 1d or 2d worlds. The average joe of spirituality goes to the 5d world.




Earth was originally a rehabilitation center. The majority of the people are lower souls, here to learn, and a mignority of people are higher souls, there with the hard task of teaching to the lower souls. However, this is supposed to chance upon 2012, where the soul society(no pun intended) has decided for earth to longer be a rehabilitation center, and a catastrophe will happen, and all souls with a lower vibration will die and go to their respective vibration, people at vibration 6d and over will survive, stay and create a second heaven.




How can people know this? Near-death experiences, among other things.


If you don't believe in things like this, see it as myths, or just wait till 2012 to make yourself an opinion :wink:

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My view on this, upon reading many many things.




3d world -> Physical world we live in


4d world -> Astral world, home of "demons", and ghosts. We are at the edge of the astral world when we sleep, and some can even enter it: "astral projection"


5d world -> Where most of us go when we die


6d + worlds -> Where the spiritually advanced among us go when they die, older souls


1d and 2d worlds -> Some sort of hell where the people who ignored morality all their life go when they die, and stay a short while until they are capable of reincarnating in the 3d world again




In short, when you die you go to the world corresponding with your vibration, and after that you decide in which world you would like to live another reincarnation, but you cannot go to worlds spiritually beyond your own, you must first takle the lower vibration ones. By example, some people are kind, loving, compassionate people, chances are those people come from the 6d and over worlds, coming back to 3d to live another life and gain wisedom. And some people are evil, selfish, egocentric, viscious, chances are they are people coming from the 1d or 2d worlds. The average joe of spirituality goes to the 5d world.




What kind of loony theory is that? Not to put you down or anything, but you do realize that "d" stands for dimensional, and dimensional refers measuring objects, right? 1D is a straight line. 2D is what we find on paper, an object that has length and width. 3D is our physical world, yes, because in addition to length and width we have depth. 4D is speculated to be time, and anything higher doesn't exist.




If you know this, sorry, but using "d" just makes it sound like you don't and have been listening to wild made-up theories that elementary school kids like to make up for fun.


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Your arguing over semantics :P


Take it, or ignore it, what can I say? Don't start argues, that's just stupid and annoying.




Quite frankly, I didn't take it as semantics. When you used "d", it just sounded uneducated. Hence my middle schooler comment. You're dealing with more than words, you're dealing with entire abstract concepts, so really, I don't think that semantics would even apply. And I'm not trying to start an argument. Just pointing out what would appear to be a misconception, and that that is how I took it.


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My view on this, upon reading many many things.




3d world -> Physical world we live in


4d world -> Astral world, home of "demons", and ghosts. We are at the edge of the astral world when we sleep, and some can even enter it: "astral projection"


5d world -> Where most of us go when we die


6d + worlds -> Where the spiritually advanced among us go when they die, older souls


1d and 2d worlds -> Some sort of hell where the people who ignored morality all their life go when they die, and stay a short while until they are capable of reincarnating in the 3d world again




In short, when you die you go to the world corresponding with your vibration, and after that you decide in which world you would like to live another reincarnation, but you cannot go to worlds spiritually beyond your own, you must first takle the lower vibration ones. By example, some people are kind, loving, compassionate people, chances are those people come from the 6d and over worlds, coming back to 3d to live another life and gain wisedom. And some people are evil, selfish, egocentric, viscious, chances are they are people coming from the 1d or 2d worlds. The average joe of spirituality goes to the 5d world.




Earth was originally a rehabilitation center. The majority of the people are lower souls, here to learn, and a mignority of people are higher souls, there with the hard task of teaching to the lower souls. However, this is supposed to chance upon 2012, where the soul society(no pun intended) has decided for earth to longer be a rehabilitation center, and a catastrophe will happen, and all souls with a lower vibration will die and go to their respective vibration, people at vibration 6d and over will survive, stay and create a second heaven.




How can people know this? Near-death experiences, among other things.


If you don't believe in things like this, see it as myths, or just wait till 2012 to make yourself an opinion :wink:




I can't tell if you're joking or being serious :shock:

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Your arguing over semantics :P


Take it, or ignore it, what can I say? Don't start argues, that's just stupid and annoying.




Quite frankly, I didn't take it as semantics. When you used "d", it just sounded uneducated. Hence my middle schooler comment. You're dealing with more than words, you're dealing with entire abstract concepts, so really, I don't think that semantics would even apply. And I'm not trying to start an argument. Just pointing out what would appear to be a misconception, and that that is how I took it.


Wow, very full of yourself aren't you?




For your information, I'm turning 18. Not that you deserved to know, but I'm giving you that pearl right now.




You were comparing apples and oranges. Whatever dimension means for you, it doesn't mean the same thing in spirituality. Heh, I will not further your arguments, go talk to wall instead. Digital ego big eh? Yes that's what I thought. Lol, internet :roll:




And to assasin, haft haft :P Don't kill the messenger.

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People trying to find special meaning in life, seeing "faces" and animals in the clouds, your future in a cup of tea, it's just your mind. It's just a coincidence or your mind which is pre-programmed to find recognizable patterns.




Believe what you want but once you become rational you'll understand everything "paranormal" can be discredited.




Freaky door creaking at night when you're at your grandma's house? No, it's not the ghost of great-grandfather. It's natural flow of air because the window was open. Ghost in your living room? Actually the projection of light from a car that's being parked, but it reflected so strong because it's night.




Sure, even my grandmother covers mirrors at night because she believes "bad spirits" will come out of them. I don't call her delusional. I just feel sorry for her if superstitious bull**** actually disrupts her life :?

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People trying to find special meaning in life, seeing "faces" and animals in the clouds, your future in a cup of tea, it's just your mind. It's just a coincidence or your mind which is pre-programmed to find recognizable patterns.




Believe what you want but once you become rational you'll understand everything "paranormal" can be discredited.




Freaky door creaking at night when you're at your grandma's house? No, it's not the ghost of great-grandfather. It's natural flow of air because the window was open. Ghost in your living room? Actually the projection of light from a car that's being parked, but it reflected so strong because it's night.




Sure, even my grandmother covers mirrors at night because she believes "bad spirits" will come out of them. I don't call her delusional. I just feel sorry for her if superstitious bull**** actually disrupts her life :?




and if your window isnt open? and if no one is parking in the driveway?




what if you dont even have a window in the room your in? can headlights shine through walls?

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