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God mode moments.


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I'm not a particular fan of Radiohead but in Paranoid Android, at about 03:30 or something, Thom Yorke starts singing "Rain down, rain down"... gets me shivering every time.




Jeff Buckley's little sigh right before he start singing "Hallelujah" does something similar to me. It's not really God mode though, in fact, I get filled with the thorough sense that I'm very human and that that makes me very powerful in some odd way. Can't really explain.

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Found a couple more:




About 0:53 into We're No Here by Mogwai the full guitar and drums kick in, and wow, that's the kind of music you can imagine walking down a street in slow-motion, in the rain with a gun in your hand to.




Bad Horsie, Steve Vai, it's just dark, moody and really quite menacing, while at the same time being almost comical.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Heuy, the end of Steely Dan Deacon Blues from the album Aja.




This is the night


Of the expanding the man


I take one last drag


As I approach the stand


I cried when I wrote this song


Sue me if I play too long


This brother is free


Ill be what I want to be




You can listen to the song on youtube: click


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I guess for me, it'd be almost anything Slipknot. Hmmm....the intro to Disasterpiece, I think it's the bridge in Eyeless...and of course, the DJ Station(I think his name is Chris...I think). The bridge in Iowa when the drums are pounding, the guitars are roaring, and the Dj Station...wow.




I'm such a Maggot. :XD:

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I guess for me, it'd be almost anything Slipknot. Hmmm....the intro to Disasterpiece, I think it's the bridge in Eyeless...and of course, the DJ Station(I think his name is Chris...I think). The bridge in Iowa when the drums are pounding, the guitars are roaring, and the Dj Station...wow.




I'm such a Maggot. :XD:




I'll pulse with you, Maggot. :XD: :lol:




Yes, I too find the bridge in Eyeless to be god mode. Same with the song 'My Plague.' Great chorus yet great song all round.

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here comfortably numb,



Holy [cabbage]. I've never been a big Pink Floyd fan, but that is godamn beautiful.




whoa.. havent seen you around here ina LONG time.




P.S, buy the DVD and listen to it in 5.1


You will need to change your pants and maybe hire a carpet cleaner.

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Pulse is so overrated. Nice show and all, but I don't see what all the fuss is about. Get Roger Waters preforming the Wall live in Berlin half a year after the wall went down. Now that's great.




Another special thing is the end of




By the way, LP. Have you ever listened to Dead can Dance? A friend introduced me to their music recentely, and they're really great. Lisa Gerrard, one of the two singers (the other being a male) also did the score for Gladiator. And you could really compare the music, although Dead can Dance has got a little more 'spice' to it. It's really good, and theirl ive sets are brilliant. I think you'd like them.




click for a live video. :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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By the way, LP. Have you ever listened to Dead can Dance? A friend introduced me to their music recentely, and they're really great. Lisa Gerrard, one of the two singers (the other being a male) also did the score for Gladiator. And you could really compare the music, although Dead can Dance has got a little more 'spice' to it. It's really good, and theirl ive sets are brilliant. I think you'd like them.




click for a live video. :)




Ohh, finally a band whose name I recognise. I like the way Dead Can Dance mixes different styles and musical influences. They really bring passion and spectacle, though they tend to be a bit over-dramatic :-).

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The start to Disturbed's 'Down With The Sickness' is awesome. Freaking awesome.




Same with the guitar solos in 'Operation Ground and Pound' by Dragonforce.




And there was one song by Gary Moore that I can't quite remember the name of that I loved.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Hours of wealth by Opeth.








The vocals of Mikael Akerfeldt made me just stop everything I was doing, then I got this odd feeling of warmth go through me. The solo at the end just tops this song off. Incredible. Sexy. Wow.

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Machine Head - Imperian. The dropout in that is insane. I was hooked on this song for over a week.








Machine Head - Davidian. Live at download this year "Do you feel free!?!?! Then to the bravehearts of donnington, look in my eyes and let freedom reign with a BLAAAAGGGGHHHHH". It's an amazing song as well.




I'm on a Machine Head craze atm if you hadn't guessed.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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I thought I'd take a walk today


It's a mistake I sometimes make


My children lay asleep in bed


My wife lay wide-awake


I kissed her softly on the brow


I tried not to make a sound


But with stony eyes she looked at me


And gently squeezed my hand


Call it a premonition, call it a crazy vision


Call it intuition, something learned from mother


But when she looked up at me, I could clearly see


The Sword of Damocles hanging directly above her


Oh Lord Oh my Lord


Oh Lord


How have I offended thee?


Wrap your tender arms around me


Oh Lord Oh Lord


Oh My Lord




In the begining the song is quite calm, caring, even loving...




They called at me through the fence


They were not making any sense


They claimed that I had lost the plot


Kept saying that I was not


The man I used to be


They held their babes aloft


Threw marsh mellows at the Security


And said that I'd grown soft


Call it intuition, call it a creeping suspicion,


But their words of derision meant they hardly knew me


For even I could see in the way they looked at me


The Spear of Destiny sticking right through me


Oh Lord Oh my lord


Oh Lord


How have I offended thee?


Wrap your tender arms round me


Oh Lord Oh lord


Oh My Lord




Then the second part comes, he's growing a bit more frustrated, helpless....And then after Oh My Lord the violin, the percussion, and here it all starts...




Now I'm at the hairdressers


People watch me as they move past


A guy wearing plastic antlers


Presses his bum against the glass


Now I'm down on my hands and knees


And it's so f*cking hot!


Someone cries, "What are you looking for?"


I scream, "The plot, the plot!"


I grab my telephone, I call my wife at home


She screams, "Leave us alone!" I say, "Hey, it's only me"


The hairdresser with his scissors, he holds up the mirror


I look back and shiver; I can't even believe what I can see




And slowly while singing everything goes darker and darker, his voice so desperate, the violins kick in, the piano is more agrresive, the percussion and everything is so more haunting




then it follows with this:




Be mindful of the prayers you send


Pray hard but pray with care


For the tears that you are crying now


Are just your answered prayers


The ladders of life that we scale merrily


Move mysteriously around


So that when you think you're climbing up, man


In fact you're climbing down


Into the hollows of glamour, where with [bleep]es and hammer


With telescopic camera, they chose to turn the screw


Oh I hate them, Ma! Oh I hate them, Pa!


Oh I hate them all for what they went and done to you


Oh Lord Oh my Lord


Oh Lord


How have I offended thee?


Wrap your tender arms round me


Oh Lord Oh Lord


Oh My Lord




Ooh, brilliant. So much feeling put in it, and then it ends with a incredible finally, which is on par with the ending groove of Lateralus.




The entire song is amazing, but especially from minute 3:40 till the the end. Man. It's the song Oh My Lord by Nick Cavde & The Bad Seeds.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Yeah, i bought that album after you suggested it and said I'd wet myself :P




Piano rocks, specially in that song and in "As I Sat Sadly By Her Side" and "Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow". I'll get the other album you mentioned yesterday soon as well, hope it is as strong an album as that this one though.




Anyway, I'm now listening to that song.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Heh, cool you like it! As I sat sadly by her side, no more shall we part, fifteen feet of pure white snow, hallelujah, God is in the house, Oh my Lord and Sorrowful wife are my favorties of the album. The other tracks are good too, but they can't equel these. :P Which was the other one I mentioned? Abattoir Blues? Or The Boatman's Call? Boatman's Call is brilliant as well. More intimate than this one, and it's all ballads. The band is so incredibly subtile on it, incredible preformance.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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