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Is scamming scammers acceptable?


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Earlier today I was talking about runescape with a real life friend. At one point he mentioned getting a saphire necklace (he's a very low level) by scamming someone who was trying to scam him. Apparantly the guy was trying to let him borrow something of his and my friend said yes but only if he gives something of his first. So the scammer gave my friend the necklace and he logged out with it. :|




Yeah, I know, pathetic f2p worlds...




But, setting this very simple form of scamming aside, what if someone was trying to scam you out of a lot of money or a whip or something...and you see an opportunity where you can both stop the scam and get something of theirs, that is approximately the same value as what he's trying to scam you out of...would you?




I wouldn't personally. I'd just report the scammer and log out so I don't lose my temper. And hopefully Jagex would give that scammer a black mark and a 7-day mute and he'd learn his lesson.




I don't really want to take "revenge" or anything, as I don't see the logic in fighting something bad with even more of something bad. And besides that would just be greedy; profiting over someone else's mistake is exactly what the scammer's doing, unless you destroy whatever you took...




And I don't think it would be right as a "punishment" either. That's supposed to be done by an unbiased third party like a jury and a judge (Or in this case, the bots at CS. Fabulous...), not by a short tempered adolescent filled with certain, well, unholy feelings...




Unlike some people here, I don't think scammers are pathetic losers who need to be abused at every corner. All I do is hope that one day they learn so that attitude doesn't translate into problems for them in real life.




Discuss. And I want more than two sentence answers. Remember this is Tipit, not the RSOF.

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I have no problem scamming scammers, as most of them are not very bright. The way I see it: If you're going to scam me, I expect you to do it like it's done in real life, with a big smile on your face and more cleverly.




I don't consider it scamming, I just call it payment for them taking up my time :-w .




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I don't consider it scamming, I just call it payment for them taking up my time :-w .




This kind of reasoning is the same thing that has led to Americans trying to justify torturing alleged terrorists. Putting a double standard of something is wrong.




Taking vengeance is taking the easy, quick, and satisfying way out. Showing yourself as the better man and forgiving, or at least forgetting, is the hardest thing in the world.

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Eh, it could be a good lesson for teaching them how much of a bastard they are when they attempt to scam people.




Well, I almost got past two sentences :-w .

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I don't consider it scamming, I just call it payment for them taking up my time :-w .




This kind of reasoning is the same thing that has led to Americans trying to justify torturing alleged terrorists. Putting a double standard of something is wrong.




Taking vengeance is taking the easy, quick, and satisfying way out. Showing yourself as the better man and forgiving, or at least forgetting, is the hardest thing in the world.

[bleep] forgiving the world has gone too political correct.


An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, if you can scam a scammer, do it.


If some one kills a member of my family or one of my good friends, im not going to leave it up to an impartial jury who didnt know the victim or the pain i felt, im going to skin the killer alive.


[bleep] forgiveness, some people justy dont deserve to live.

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Give "an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth", and the world will be blind and toothless. Just because he did it to you doesn't make it right for you to do the same to him.

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Give "an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth", and the world will be blind and toothless. Just because he did it to you doesn't make it right for you to do the same to him.
People who delight in hurting others dont deserve to live, bullies, thieves, murderers,rapists , scammers ect why should these people be allowed to live in a way that allows them to pull other people down.


If some one does something there has to be consequences and jails arnt working.

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Give "an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth", and the world will be blind and toothless. Just because he did it to you doesn't make it right for you to do the same to him.
People who delight in hurting others dont deserve to live, bullies, thieves, murderers,rapists , scammers ect why should these people be allowed to live in a way that allows them to pull other people down.


If some one does something there has to be consequences and jails arnt working.




There is always someone bigger and stronger. Bullies get beaten up by bigger brothers, thieves probably by other thieves, rapists get kicked by the whole family, scammers just get scammed.




The point is, nobody is allmighty.

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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Give "an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth", and the world will be blind and toothless. Just because he did it to you doesn't make it right for you to do the same to him.


Two wrongs don't make a right
Two great quotes. Very true.


People who delight in hurting others dont deserve to live, bullies, thieves, murderers,rapists , scammers ect why should these people be allowed to live in a way that allows them to pull other people down.
I agree that none of those people should be able to enjoy either real life or playing Runescape to the full extent those of us who follow the rules do. Which is why we have a court system and jails in real life, and why Jagex has given us a report button. But if you scam them back, you're not helping at all. You're only making the situation worse by letting the scammer go free and also making yourself a scammer. And moving yourself in a position to get in trouble. Instead of helping to rid the world of a scammer, you've only added another one to the list. So much for helping out the Runescape community.


Rule 2 - Item Scamming


You must not scam or deceive other players. Lying to other players for your own personal gain is not in the spirit of the game.

The rule clearly says no scamming, and we can only assume it says no scamming under ANY circumstances. I'm assuming all of you can read and understand that rule. But yet you choose to ignore it. And that says a lot about the community of Runescape(and the direction where it is headed) when we choose to ignore rules without any second thought.

-Runescape Addict --- Seven-time Writer for the Tip.It Times-

"Yes I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you the illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion." - The Glass Menagerie


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<> Dragon drops: Plateskirt(1), Half Shield(1) <>

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As much as I would like to sit here and scam some scammer who just did me wrong, some little voice would probably say no.




As mentioned two wrongs really don't make a right, I know that by scamming a scammer I AM as bad as them even if they did me wrong in the first place.




Not only that but I rather like my account and don't wish to be muted/perm muted/banned, just because of my temper.




I'll let jagex deal with him/her and go and obtain the item again <3:




As for rule 2, it says you must NOT scam or decieve other players, that scammer is still a player. So whether or not you'd be possibly doing justice to get your item back, in the eyes of jagex, you are still breaking the rules.

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two wrongs doesn't make a right


But three rights make a left. \'





And two Wrights can say "The sky is the limit, no more!".

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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I don't consider it scamming, I just call it payment for them taking up my time :-w .




This kind of reasoning is the same thing that has led to Americans trying to justify torturing alleged terrorists. Putting a double standard of something is wrong.




Taking vengeance is taking the easy, quick, and satisfying way out. Showing yourself as the better man and forgiving, or at least forgetting, is the hardest thing in the world.

[bleep] forgiving the world has gone too political correct.


An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, if you can scam a scammer, do it.


If some one kills a member of my family or one of my good friends, im not going to leave it up to an impartial jury who didnt know the victim or the pain i felt, im going to skin the killer alive.


[bleep] forgiveness, some people justy dont deserve to live.




With pain brings bias and hate. Just because you might be the one who's hurting doesn't mean you have the right to take the almighty power of vengeance. And it certainly doesn't mean you can make a fair decision on what the correct punishment should be.




I believe in reform, not crazy Nazi elitism in reverse. :|




Can't you unserstand? Wars have been started by that philosophy. If someone smacks you, and you smack them back, he's probably just gonna smack you again, and then it'll turn into a bloody fight, one that probably would have never happened if you had just forgiven him for smacking you in the first place.




Of course, if you can't understand that, there's always the practical risk of getting banned/muted. :wink: (which would be a fair punishment for your childish behavior)




All I hope for is that the scammer will stop scamming and get himself back together.



If some one does something there has to be consequences




Yes, but they don't deserve to get violently lynched. :?

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I don't consider it scamming, I just call it payment for them taking up my time :-w .




This kind of reasoning is the same thing that has led to Americans trying to justify torturing alleged terrorists. Putting a double standard of something is wrong.




Taking vengeance is taking the easy, quick, and satisfying way out. Showing yourself as the better man and forgiving, or at least forgetting, is the hardest thing in the world.

[bleep] forgiving the world has gone too political correct.


An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, if you can scam a scammer, do it.


If some one kills a member of my family or one of my good friends, im not going to leave it up to an impartial jury who didnt know the victim or the pain i felt, im going to skin the killer alive.


[bleep] forgiveness, some people justy dont deserve to live.




With pain brings bias and hate. Just because you might be the one who's hurting doesn't mean you have the right to take the almighty power of vengeance. And it certainly doesn't mean you can make a fair decision on what the correct punishment should be.




I believe in reform, not crazy Nazi elitism in reverse. :|




Can't you unserstand? Wars have been started by that philosophy. If someone smacks you, and you smack them back, he's probably just gonna smack you again, and then it'll turn into a bloody fight, one that probably would have never happened if you had just forgiven him for smacking you in the first place.




Of course, if you can't understand that, there's always the practical risk of getting banned/muted. :wink: (which would be a fair punishment for your childish behavior)




All I hope for is that the scammer will stop scamming and get himself back together.



If some one does something there has to be consequences




Yes, but they don't deserve to get violently lynched. :?

A girl i knew in highschool was gang raped, she eventually hung herself, the guys who did it got a maximum of 6 months in jail.


The jury didnt see how this girl suffered, having an impartial jury doesnt give justice, the punishment never fits the crime.




Look at it this way, you have a friend on rs, he borrows some stuff off you and steals it, 6 months later your on a new account and meet up with this same guy, he lets you wear his santa hat..


Are you going to give it back?

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A girl i knew in highschool was gang raped, she eventually hung herself, the guys who did it got a maximum of 6 months in jail.


The jury didnt see how this girl suffered, having an impartial jury doesnt give justice, the punishment never fits the crime.




All you're saying is that the United States has a horrible legal system, which I already knew. :P




Look at it this way, you have a friend on rs, he borrows some stuff off you and steals it, 6 months later your on a new account and meet up with this same guy, he lets you wear his santa hat..


Are you going to give it back?




Yes. ::'

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A girl i knew in highschool was gang raped, she eventually hung herself, the guys who did it got a maximum of 6 months in jail.


The jury didnt see how this girl suffered, having an impartial jury doesnt give justice, the punishment never fits the crime.




All you're saying is that the United States has a horrible legal system, which I already knew. :P



Im australian.


And if you would give back the santa to some one who has scammed you in the past your a fool, he doesnt deserve to have it in the first place.

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It depends. Is "Scamming a scammer" deceiving him as well, or only foiling his plans to my advantage?


I'll give you an example. Take this case:


-Mr. S wants me to help him with a Pking video, he just wants me to go to the wildy with my whip and let him kill me, and he'll pay me for it. When he trades me, let's say, 4 Torags Hammers, I low alch one of them, and pray-protect my whip. (Which won't make the scammer stop scamming, I'm sure)


Is that scamming the scammer?

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A girl i knew in highschool was gang raped, she eventually hung herself, the guys who did it got a maximum of 6 months in jail.


The jury didnt see how this girl suffered, having an impartial jury doesnt give justice, the punishment never fits the crime.




All you're saying is that the United States has a horrible legal system, which I already knew. :P




Look at it this way, you have a friend on rs, he borrows some stuff off you and steals it, 6 months later your on a new account and meet up with this same guy, he lets you wear his santa hat..


Are you going to give it back?




Yes. ::'




This here is a perfect example of the true epitome of what the world would be filled with were it a perfect place. If everyone felt this way, there would be no suffering or pain, because anyone causing suffering or pain would be dealt with fairly and justly. The legal system is definitely a brilliant example of stupidity in government, and the fact that power corrupts. However, as Makoto earlier said, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth make the whole world blind and toothless. There's really no point to scamming scammers, becase, while you make some money and take some from someone who earned it unlawfully, you're really only stooping to that person's level. That makes it acceptable for others to do the same to you, by whatever means they deem necessary to part the money from its unlawful posessor. This will generally degrade the whole game (or country, should you happen to still be talking about the legal system), and make chaos rule. Anarchy, however bad the government may be, is the worst possible outcome. You should report any scammers to Jagex/the government, and allow them to deal with it as they may. I realize that Jagex/the government isn't perfect (matter of fact, they're two of the farthest things from it, although Jagex are better at their jobs than the government are), but even should they only deal with 10% of the scammers, they're still doing a better job of governing than anarchy would. Scamming a scammer does nothing for you or anyone else, because they'll keep doing it and you've tarnished your record.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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A girl i knew in highschool was gang raped, she eventually hung herself, the guys who did it got a maximum of 6 months in jail.


The jury didnt see how this girl suffered, having an impartial jury doesnt give justice, the punishment never fits the crime.




All you're saying is that the United States has a horrible legal system, which I already knew. :P



Im australian.





Oh sorry, it's just whenever I think of a sucky court system I think of the US.

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A girl i knew in highschool was gang raped, she eventually hung herself, the guys who did it got a maximum of 6 months in jail.


The jury didnt see how this girl suffered, having an impartial jury doesnt give justice, the punishment never fits the crime.




All you're saying is that the United States has a horrible legal system, which I already knew. :P



Im australian.





Oh sorry, it's just whenever I think of a sucky court system I think of the US.




And rightfully so. Unfortunately, the Aussie legal system blows too.

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Oh sorry, it's just whenever I think of a sucky court system I think of the US.




And rightfully so. Unfortunately, the Aussie legal system blows too.




Don't they all? I think it's just general government policy to screw over the common person.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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