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The Path of Glouphrie Quest Guide


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There are no real pics for this quest that would be of any use, in my opinion at least... if someone can figure out something worth taking a pic of, I'll include it




Difficulty level: Hard


Start location: Speak to King Bolren in the Tree Gnome Village near the Spirit Tree.






Quests: Eyes of Glouphrie, Waterfall Quest


Skills: Level 45 Agility, Level 47 Ranged, Level 60 Strength, Level


56 Slayer, Level 56 Thieving


Items: Crossbow (any metal), mithril grapple, crystal saw






Items: Sextant, watch, chart




Monsters: Warped Terrorbird (Level 143)


NPC: King Bolren, Golrie, Longramble, Hazelmere




1: Another one??


Items Required: None


Items Suggested: None




King Bolren has a new pet - one of the evil 'cute' creatures. You will warn him of what his precious Dumpling really is, but Bolren refuses to believe you. You decide to seek another anti-illusion device to prove that Dumpling is evil. After a discussion about Oaknock's machine, his son Yewnock, and crystals, you will need to find a gnome who keeps old elven artefacts.




2. Finding the Machine


Items Required: None


Items Suggested: None




Go out the gate to exit the village, then go down the ladder just east of you. Head to the western part of the dungeon and ask Golrie about an anti-illusion device. He has boxes and boxes, all sent to him by his grandfather. Go to the eastern room in the dungeon and crawl through the tunnel.




You will come across a big monolith which is in your way. Push it once and you'll be able to go around it. Search the chest to find some crystalline disks. North of this there is a more complex set of monoliths. To get through, follow these steps:




1. Push the southwestern monolith one step north.


2. Push the northwestern monolith one step east.


3. Open each chest to find a key, a notebook, and some more crystalline disk.


4. Push the small monolith one step south.


5. Push the northwestern monolith one step west.


6. Open the mahogany chest and search it to find a strongroom key.


7. Push the southeastern monolith one step west.






3. Breaking Illusions


Items Required: None


Items Suggested: None




Open the strongroom door on the western side of the area. The lectern on the south wall can offer some insight into the history of Bolrie and how Glouphrie tried to use him for power. Put the proper number of crystalline disks into Yewnock's machine to activate it. If you cannot get the right numbers, use Yewnock's Exchanger, which is the northern part of the machine. The values for each piece are the same as in Eyes of Glouphrie:




[hide=Colour/Shape Combos]Red Circle - 1


Red Triangle - 3


Red Square - 4


Red Pentagon - 5




Orange Circle - 2


Orange Triangle - 6


Orange Square - 8


Orange Pentagon - 10




Yellow Circle - 3


Yellow Triangle - 9


Yellow Square - 12


Yellow Pentagon - 15




Green Circle - 4


Green Triangle - 12


Green Square - 16


Green Pentagon - 20




Blue Circle - 5


Blue Triangle - 15


Blue Square - 20


Blue Pentagon - 25




Indigo Circle - 6


Indigo Triangle - 18


Indigo Square - 24


Indigo Pentagon - 30




Violet Circle - 7


Violet Triangle - 21


Violet Square - 28


Violet Pentagon - 35[/hide]




4. Searching for Arposandra


Items Required: None


Items Suggested: Sextant, watch, chart




When the machine becomes active, Dumpling will be revealed as the evil creature he is. Return to King Bolren and destroy the evil creature. Talk to Bolren, who wonders why Glouphrie sent only one watcher to the Tree Gnome Village while sending many to the Grand Tree Stronghold - to the point of wanting more evil watchers just to prove he's worth it. You decide to find Glouphrie, who you believe is in Arposandra, a hidden gnome city. Bolren sends you to Aluft Gianne junior to locate Longramble, a gnome who set out for Arposandra.




Head to the Grand Tree Stronghold and go to the first floor of the Grand Tree. Gianne jnr is on the west side, speak to him about Longramble. Gianne tells you that Longramble has a longstanding order, but no one can find him. He gives you coordinates to his location - 2 degrees, 7 minutes south and 3 degrees, 7 minutes west.




5. Finding Sickness


Items Required: Crossbow, mithril grapple


Items Suggested: None




Head to the northwestern tip of the peninsula southwest of Castle Wars and grapple the tree to get to Longramble. Speak to him, he is seeking the edge of the world, with Arposandra as a mere detour. With Glouphrie being the one to hide the city, however, he suspects it will be hard to locate. He has, however, found a waste outlet which he believes is from the city, as elves wouldn't have waste outlets.




Head north - you will encounter a dead-looking spirit tree. He is alone, separated from the others. Speak to the spirit tree, he is grateful to find a tree whisperer. He has lost his connection to the anima mundi, which allows the spirit trees to communicate. You accidentally contact Hazelmere who attempts to sense the problem in the tree - he finds it is ailing because the soil has been poisoned. He explains that this is a symptom of the separation of nature and the anima mundi, which would create so much power that life would become unbalanced. Fixing all of this requires a spiritual cleansing which can only be completed by elven magic.




6. Spiritual Healing


Items Required: Crystal saw, crossbow, mithril grapple


Items Suggested: None




Return to the dungeon in the Tree Gnome Village. Head into the monolith room and follow the same steps to get to the Crystal bowl. Revert your crystal saw to a small crystal seed, then use the sing-glass option on the bowl. Your crystal seed will now be crystal chimes. Return to the ill spirit tree and ring the crystal chime. He will be restored to health and permits you access to the swamp.




7. Warped Finale


Items Required: Crystal chime


Items Suggested: Armour, weapon, food




Head southwest of the spirit tree and enter the sewer. Follow the dungeon's path until you come across an intersection. Head to the east room to fight the final battle with three Warped Terrorbirds (Level 143). You must use your crystal chime on each warped terrorbird to make it attackable, this will wear off and you will have to make it vulnerable again. After defeating the warped terrorbirds, peek at the hatch door on the east side of the room. A cutscene will show two terrorbirds talking about guarding upstairs. They will realize you're in the room and press a button which sets off numerous security devices. Hazelmere will mindmeld with you as you faint, and rescue you to his house. Speak to him to complete the quest.






1 Quest Point


5,000 Magic Experience


30,000 Strength Experience


20,000 Slayer Experience


5,000 Thieving Experience


Access to the Sewer Slayer Dungeon






If you take Tangled toads' legs to Longramble, he'll give you a mint cake.




Written By: SaidinWoT


Thanks to: Adamskii, Mc90123


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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Is the new slayer dungeon any good?

Guide to Everything Fletching XBL: Karmastocracy





* Sits on a mossy rock with a notebook in hand, observing the behavior of the specimens dubbed "Fanboys"


"Even when the odds are against you, even when the chance of victory is bleak and your situation looks hopeless, take a look at the horizon, and think back to what you have learned. You'll be filled with the confidence to take on the world."

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What attack style do the 3 Terrorbirds use for the final fight?




They use a combination of range and melee attacks, but I would recomend protect from missiles prayer as the melee attack hits less.




Actually, i used no pray on them, they don't seem to hit very hard if your wearing armor, and if you can get them 1 at a time, you basically could use no food on this fight. I did, and used maybe 3-5 sharks

99 Fletching 99 Attack 99 Constitution 99 Cooking 99 Strength

Gamertag: H8tebringer


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Other Things:




I got an extra seed from Brimstail. After a short conversation with him in his cave, I got it. I had my crystal saw with me though.




You can make the new crystal thing anytime as long as you can enter the cave.... As soon as I got my seed, I made the new crystal thing, even before I activated Yewknock's machine!




The tree where you need to grappel, and the place where the sick spirit tree is, does not appear on the Jagex map of Rs.




If you put the coordinates that Gianne Jr. gives you into Tip.its Coordinate map used for clue scrolls, the point appears in western Yanille.




(Haven't tested this out yet, but going too now) You can use wild pie (gives a +5 slayer level) to attack the monsters in the final fight, if you are too low of slayer level to attack them normaly. Wild pie also restores 22hp total, and gives a bonus in another skill.



Psst, try refreshing! Watch the sig!

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If you put the coordinates that Gianne Jr. gives you into Tip.its Coordinate map used for clue scrolls, the point appears in western Yanille.





idk if u put it in wrong or if it did at first and is now fixed but the Tip.It Coordiante locater will pin point the entrace of the sewers




also on items suggested maybe put a ring of dueling? helps jus a tid bit







Dk team: axe - 5 zerker - 7 warrior - 4 mud - 1 seercull - 2

Barrows: guthans helm - 2 guthans skirt - 2 torags legs - 1 ahrims skirt - 2 ahrims staff - 2 torags helm - 1

Dragon: axe - 1 legs - 4 skirt - 4 med - 3

Draconic visage - 2

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Add to your guide that the protect from missiles prayer will sheild you from the terrorbirds long range attacks, probably saved me a ton of food.


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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Please add the form exchanger. i forgot about it and took longer to figure out how to solve the machine.




And... I could house teleport from the cave on my scouting trip




Also, in the final combat you can hide from at least one of them using the columns in the room. I did this by happenstance and it was easier to concentrate on the battle without more damage from the 3rd.




Good quest all around !!!


And good guide, congratz.

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