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So, if you were lazy enough would you do this?


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Haha my grans got one of those. She's absolutally terrified of it, so me and my sister are free to take it wherever we want. This normally consists of racing round the garden but we once took it to the post office and back. You get some pretty funny looks.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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I am never to lazy to walk. So thus I would not have a need for such a device.




Even if I got older I would not consider a device. Instead I'd opt for surgery replacement of my legs.




However, I could make a business venture out of such devices. Anyone up for a race?

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I'd rather get that free atm, because... I have a Segway already :P


My dad got it for free because he's good friends with a guy who works there.


Heres a really old pic of me on the prototype Segway we had 4-5 years ago (we have a newer, better one now):






And a more recent picture of my sister wearing my older sisters 13 year old superman costume :lol: (Note: this is the segway we have now, the red one, its sweet)






Also, proof old people can ride it; my Grandma on the prototype :XD:




(btw, we were about to go to the beach, thats why it looks like she's not wearing pants :uhh:

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this fall i am attending the university of michigan. For those of you who don't know what the place is like: Its huge. I have to walk a half mile to get to my nearest class, half mile to my friends dorm, 6 flights of stairs to get to the base level and a mile to get to any of the frat houses. Now i love this. My goal by the end of the year is to have a serious defined calf.






In other words: NO.


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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Now and again I have to walk home from school. It's not far, about a 35 minute walk, but it's a dead straight boring road with lots of cars going past very fast, and it's mostly uphill. At times when I've got a sports bag, heavy school bag and other stuff one of those would be very tempting.




Other than that, no, no way.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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