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The other side to Russia


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Hmm....so you whine about a country developing weapons in an age where most all countries are developing new weapons, when more unstable countries such as Iran and North Korea have The Bomb and are more likely to use it. makes perfect sense




I personally wouldn't worry about developing a new type of a superweapon, I'm worried about the situation that drives countries like USA and Russia to strenghten their militaries like this. The safest and cheapest point for both sides would be to decrease their WMD's, not increase or even create them.




Also Iran and NK aren't a real threat here. They might start or cause a war, but that won't be a risk for this planet. NK got really primitive nukes still and no real missiles to send them all around this place and Iran is in pretty much the same stage.




Russia is stabilizing pretty well politically by now. I think we should have your eyes more on North Korea and Iran than Russia. They are much more unstable. Besides, with such a low population these days they could be wiped them out if need be. I think this bomb was just made as a show that there aren't out of the game yet and to keep other countries off their backs.




Maybe stabilized if you mean that the opposition is silenced and the current power is tightly in one hands. However Russia's growth itself goes in an unhealthy way.




1) They have said they will point there missles at Europe if American Builds this defensive shield




That's a logical thing to do. The missile shield shouldn't be build to the middle/eastern Europe in a first place. Remember here that Putin was actually ready to fund around 50% of the shield if it's placed in a location where it isn't a real threat to Russia.




2) There flying bombers of routine flights, over the UK and other countries (They used to d this in the cold war)




The flights were cancelled as they didn't have money. Currently as they are getting more money, stuff like this could be relaunched.




3) They kill people on british soil with bloody polonium 210, And don't say the goverment or Mr Putin didnt know about it, I am sure they probably did




There's no solid proof that Russian goverment was behind it and just because you feel like Putin knows more than he says, it doesn't help here at all.




4) I can't really remember but they were mad at some country for tearing down a war memorial? Cant remember what they did




Gotta agree with this one.




5) They cut off gas to a country, sorry Don't Know which one




This is because Russia is getting a power monopoly to many countries and might be a real threat in future if relationships start to go in a direction they are going. However you gotta remember that Georgia wasn't paying a fair price for it and actually stole some of it. Gas pipes aren't charity.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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Also Iran and NK aren't a real threat here. They might start or cause a war, but that won't be a risk for this planet. NK got really primitive nukes still and no real missiles to send them all around this place and Iran is in pretty much the same stage.


Correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm pretty sure I'm not, but doesn;t North Korea actually have missiles capable of reaching Washington D.C.? There was a big scare about it a while back, but it got forgotten.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Also Iran and NK aren't a real threat here. They might start or cause a war, but that won't be a risk for this planet. NK got really primitive nukes still and no real missiles to send them all around this place and Iran is in pretty much the same stage.


Correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm pretty sure I'm not, but doesn;t North Korea actually have missiles capable of reaching Washington D.C.? There was a big scare about it a while back, but it got forgotten.




You were wrong. North Korea's longest range missiles can only go about as far as japan, which is still a big threat, but people stopped paying much attention to them when the missile launch success rate was only like 10%.

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Not long for WW3 now.....


(I just hope we're on the winning side :D)




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅI don't know what weapons will be used in World War III, but in World War IV people will use sticks and stones.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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Not long for WW3 now.....


(I just hope we're on the winning side :D)




What winning side? In a nuclear war, no one will win when the earth's rendered unlivable by the massive amounts of radiation.... -.-




All the whole thing about Stalin.. so what? We(people in Amercia) have Stalin in our history books, and heck we even have Hitler as well. When the book gets to the page about the Cold War and Stalin, all it says in the Russian history books is-


Here be penguins.






Umm censorship ftl?


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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And just because a country isn't a democracy doesn't mean they're unstable and vise versa.
So a gradual shift from democracy to autocracy is "stable", where as the past 50 years of dictatorship in North Korea is "unstable".




Not tracking.




I didn't hear anything about Stalin back in their history textbooks though. Where did it say anything about that, and are they advocating his views/actions?
Here's one article that does a pretty good job at explaining what they're up to.




edit: And Unoalexi, look up the word "rehabilitating"?

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If anyones going to attack it'll be russia allied with china...




But then we all have the Royal army to rely on ya? oh...no...because all of our troops are over in iraq and afgan!




Seriously, America needs to follow us and pull out of iraq. Leave men in afgan if ya want but pull out of iraq, leave iraq to Iran/turke.



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If anyones going to attack it'll be russia allied with china...




But then we all have the Royal army to rely on ya? oh...no...because all of our troops are over in iraq and afgan!




Seriously, America needs to follow us and pull out of iraq. Leave men in afgan if ya want but pull out of iraq, leave iraq to Iran/turke.




This will probably never happen as both countries have nukes, Where nukes are involved, no one fights for obvious reasons




Anyway China is becoming more of an Ally than Russia tbh, China are becoming more capitalist, Russia are crawling up into the communist ways again, Stupid idiots




I just saw on the news Putin hasnt ruled out working for another term.....in 2012 , If this muppet comes back, we are doomed




I can bet you the Russian Election will be rigged

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If anyones going to attack it'll be russia allied with china...




But then we all have the Royal army to rely on ya? oh...no...because all of our troops are over in iraq and afgan!




Seriously, America needs to follow us and pull out of iraq. Leave men in afgan if ya want but pull out of iraq, leave iraq to Iran/turke.




This will probably never happen as both countries have nukes, Where nukes are involved, no one fights for obvious reasons




Anyway China is becoming more of an Ally than Russia tbh, China are becoming more capitalist, Russia are crawling up into the communist ways again, Stupid idiots




I just saw on the news Putin hasnt ruled out working for another term.....in 2012 , If this muppet comes back, we are doomed




I can bet you the Russian Election will be rigged




Muppet... lmao




As for the Russian Election, we Americans aren't much better(points at President Bush)




And the history textbook thing- Forgive me, but I thought you meant something else. If the Russians are praising Stalin's ways and means again in their textbooks, thats probably a step in the wrong direction.


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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