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Carna's 1st PK Vid.

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Watching,edit soon :arrow: I'll be gentle :P




E: Well,it was ur first vid. Lets talk about editing and the non-rs things first. In my opinion,the last song didin't just dont fit into rs videos,it was too slow. Also,you had no editing,and i guess u had a hard time putting all those clips together,but hey,it was ur first vid and u can learn alot about editing later.




Now to the pk's: I really liked the pking. U made some medium KO's (like 28-28 spec),and u got good loot,alos whips.




So overall im gonna give u 7ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâý/10,because it was kinda boring with no other editing. Gl on pking more and I'll be waiting for your next vid! ::'

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Thanks for the feed back :P I was going to add in effects, but when I tried to, it would ruin what you would see in the pile :( Ah well, can only get better :P Evanescence pwns though :twisted:

Fire Cape on SeriousCarna: Achieved 25/09/07

Fire Cape on Melee_Carna: 2 Failed Attempts.

Fire Cape on Rune_Carna: Not Done.

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nice vid for a first. Couple of tips though.. the first song is way overused, it's probably the 20th vid i've heard that in. Also, host it on filefront or megupload.. you don't lose image quality like you do with youtube.




I liked the fact that there wasn't effects in every scene.. most people try to add as many as they can to spice it up but it ends up being annoying to watch. Transition effects would probably help your vid, just not over the ko's.



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I get PJed most fights so I'd rather have teleports than not, if people dislike that they should go to MB, Duel Arena or take TB. I don't have a teary when someone teleports on me, I just know I wasn't fast enough to KO them :wink:

Fire Cape on SeriousCarna: Achieved 25/09/07

Fire Cape on Melee_Carna: 2 Failed Attempts.

Fire Cape on Rune_Carna: Not Done.

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Wow... 1 iteming and rushing nice. Remember you from trying to rush me long ago. But for positive feedback; It is so annoying to watch from Youtube because can't almost see what are you saying because of bad quality. Few whip pk's made video little better but still so much to fix. There were none editing tho.


I'd give number 7

My 150m+ gallery

69 whips and a lot barrow stuff.


My videogallery

150m+ loot, 50+ whips on video, Great vegas editings, Unused music, greens&edge, what else do you want?

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