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Halo Discussion thread


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Link to the thread please, I don't know what is what on there.




Anyway, can we work on Capture the Flag tomorrow? I really want to get it done. But we'll start with the warthog splatter, and do it in a separate game. That way the rest will be easy (assuming everyone knows what to do now)


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I am man, hear me rawr.


Whagh, really? You sounded so much like a girl in that infection game we played on Cold Storage, and in the voice reply to my getting Overkill :shock: :? These smiley's don't really describe my shock.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I am man, hear me rawr.


Whagh, really? You sounded so much like a girl in that infection game we played on Cold Storage, and in the voice reply to my getting Overkill :shock: :? These smiley's don't really describe my shock.






I'm 13, does that help explain at all?


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I suppose a little. If it helps, you did sound like a 15 or so year old girl. If it doesn't, just forget I said it. I need to find the Asprin...


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I suppose a little. If it helps, you did sound like a 15 or so year old girl. If it doesn't, just forget I said it. I need to find the Asprin...




You're going to try and feed me the whole bottle, aren't you?


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Changing the subject now.




But maybe.




Anyways, have there been any revelations as to why Bungie decided on the new ranking system? It seems like EA putting DRM in Spore, just ruining a perfectly good product where it's obvious backlash will be prevelant. And this isn't even a really poor attempt at combatting piracy.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I suppose a little. If it helps, you did sound like a 15 or so year old girl. If it doesn't, just forget I said it. I need to find the Asprin...




You're going to try and feed me the whole bottle, aren't you?


You knew he would, cause... he would ;)




Could you link me to this new ranking system? I can't find it.


I'll try and find it. it was in the Bungie Update a while ago.




EDIT- I believe this might be part of it: http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=15268

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Changing the subject now.




But maybe.




Anyways, have there been any revelations as to why Bungie decided on the new ranking system? It seems like EA putting DRM in Spore, just ruining a perfectly good product where it's obvious backlash will be prevelant. And this isn't even a really poor attempt at combatting piracy.




Does the mention of Spore have anything to do with your post? It seems very out of place.




I think that adding the new ranking system is a good way to show how good someone is in each play list, and maybe just to mix things up a bit. I personally love the decision.




Earliest (And I think first) mention of the Play list ranking system

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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I was trying to use Spore as an analogy of sorts, where the creators did something to it- in Halo's case the new ranks, and Spore's DRM and limited installation-to really screw it up and just make it less enjoyable. I know I won't be playing a whole lot of Halo anymore. And at least EA had somewhat of a reason- combating piracy. I have no idea what Bungie hopes to gain from this. I guess maybe the Spore problem isn't as widely known as I thought.




Edit: And I just saw they've retired rocket races as a playlist. That just blows, man. For me anyways.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I was trying to use Spore as an analogy of sorts, where the creators did something to it- in Halo's case the new ranks, and Spore's DRM and limited installation-to really screw it up and just make it less enjoyable. I know I won't be playing a whole lot of Halo anymore. And at least EA had somewhat of a reason- combating piracy. I have no idea what Bungie hopes to gain from this. I guess maybe the Spore problem isn't as widely known as I thought.




Edit: And I just saw they've retired rocket races as a playlist. That just blows, man. For me anyways.




Did grifball take its place? :twss:

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A too see no reason for the new ranks. And tbh, Rocket Race all too often paired me up with an idiot 9 year old trying to get kills :evil:




Thats why I'd rather play Grifball, though people are idiots playing that too..

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It always made me laugh when I would pass two teams shooting rockets at each other on foot as I speed past towards my final goal. I really don't understand those people. One guy shot me, shot my mongoose away, and just tried to kill me the whole time. I was even the VIP. He finally killed me and I said, "What, do you want a cookie or something?". Don't know if the other teams can hear you, though. I forget. He didn't respond, at least.




But somehow I usually seem to get pretty lucky with partners. I even met this one over excited British chick in a rocket race match and she added me after it was over. We were partners for the next race, too.




On a side note, anybody else ever enter a lobby and try to make it seem as if you were telling some really weird story? Me and rushrock were playing team social, I think, and just when it was searching I told him to just follow my lead. Just as we entered the lobby I started to say "...so then three days after the wedding, she chops him into little pieces and mails him to his mother!". Didn't work, though.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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It always made me laugh when I would pass two teams shooting rockets at each other on foot as I speed past towards my final goal. I really don't understand those people. One guy shot me, shot my mongoose away, and just tried to kill me the whole time. I was even the VIP. He finally killed me and I said, "What, do you want a cookie or something?". Don't know if the other teams can hear you, though. I forget. He didn't respond, at least.




But somehow I usually seem to get pretty lucky with partners. I even met this one over excited British chick in a rocket race match and she added me after it was over. We were partners for the next race, too.




On a side note, anybody else ever enter a lobby and try to make it seem as if you were telling some really weird story? Me and rushrock were playing team social, I think, and just when it was searching I told him to just follow my lead. Just as we entered the lobby I started to say "...so then three days after the wedding, she chops him into little pieces and mails him to his mother!". Didn't work, though.




haha, yes. I have done that! I was searching google for random stuff like man shot by cat, or dog or whatever...


I got a "WHAT THE "----" a couple times.




And, just for the record. They CAN hear you, but only when you are in their motion tracker.

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in my recent studies i have found that shotty snipers is the best for getting a betrayal-extermination.




in a game of shotty snipers i played on the pit yesterday, i managed to achieve that elusive betrayal-extermination within the first 10 seconds of the game.




2 no-scopes and a no-scope/beat down, i achieved my goal, and was promptly booted.




anyone notice that it is much harder to kill a teammate than an enemy? i think it has something to do with a sticky reticule or some kind of homing on enemies.




also, the new ranking system is purely to attract new players to halo and entice older players to come back from presumably, call of duty 4. the new ranking system will allow previously low-ranked players who could not get general via trueskill, achieve the rank from simply xp. its just a hook.

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I just figured out how to connect my 360 online thru my laptop. I don't have to buy that pricey wifi adapter anymore




edit: LOL I just realized I'm still connected to the internet. The guide said I won't be able to connect to the internet unless I disable the bridge. siiiiiiiiiick

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My microsoft Word wont work anymore - I can't finish my script, edit it, or even view it. :o




This will solve the issues, and I prefer it over the Microsoft Office programs anyways.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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My microsoft Word wont work anymore - I can't finish my script, edit it, or even view it. :o




This will solve the issues, and I prefer it over the Microsoft Office programs anyways.




Well, I prefer Microsoft word more... I don't know why.


Anyways, my mom is going to look into getting a cide so we get Microsoft word free (Goverment workers get some privilages ;))

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On a side note, anybody else ever enter a lobby and try to make it seem as if you were telling some really weird story? Me and rushrock were playing team social, I think, and just when it was searching I told him to just follow my lead. Just as we entered the lobby I started to say "...so then three days after the wedding, she chops him into little pieces and mails him to his mother!". Didn't work, though.


Nah, it didn't work. Too much of my nervous laughter. I'll try again, though. When do you get your Xbox back?

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behold. 10 things your xbox can do that microsoft doesnt want you to know.




http://www.techradar.com/news/gaming/co ... -do-464200




1,4 & 9 are really the only useful ones that I didn't already know about.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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On a side note, anybody else ever enter a lobby and try to make it seem as if you were telling some really weird story? Me and rushrock were playing team social, I think, and just when it was searching I told him to just follow my lead. Just as we entered the lobby I started to say "...so then three days after the wedding, she chops him into little pieces and mails him to his mother!". Didn't work, though.


Nah, it didn't work. Too much of my nervous laughter. I'll try again, though. When do you get your Xbox back?


Hehe, guess you missed the blowout then. I got it back on Thursday, but they didn't send back my power supply cable. I called back, and they said they'd ship it, and it would be another week at minimum.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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