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Rage Against The Machine.


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HUGE fan here. They are coming to Australia next year. I am going (if the tickets for the big day out don't sell in like 2 minutes or however rediculously quickly they sold for the Sydney and Melbourne shows).




So yeah, I absolutely adore thier self titled debut. I'd even go so far as to call it the start of a musical uprising. An encompassment of everything the words "rage against the machine" stand for.

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Killing in the Name was the first song I learned how to play on my guitar. RATM is one of my favorite bands by far. They're right up there with Slipknot, Godmsack, Disturbed, and System. I'd love to fly to Australia to see them, if I had the money. :P

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They really need to come to Phoenix :(




NO, FORGET THAT! Everytime something importnat comes to AZ, it's always in freaking Phoenix. I'm tried of it. I live in Tucson, the only thing we get here is underground metal, emo/screamo, and rappers (like The Dogg, but he's not really my kinda taste), and it's always down in the [cabbage]ty parts of town like the UofA (I used to live down there, but I don't anymore). So NO, Phoenix gets everything, throw the little guy a bone every once in a while. :P






Anyways, I saw RAtM at Rock the Bells earlier this year. For those who don't know, RAtM always tours with my favorite group, the Wu-Tang Clan. I gotta admit, their performance was really good. They got the crowd pretty crazy. I'm usually not into groups like RAtM, but hey, if they're down with Wu, I'm down with them. :)




(But Wu and Nas had a better performance :P )

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NO, FORGET THAT! Everytime something importnat comes to AZ, it's always in freaking Phoenix. I'm tried of it. I live in Tucson, the only thing we get here is underground metal, emo/screamo, and rappers (like The Dogg, but he's not really my kinda taste), and it's always down in the [cabbage] parts of town like the UofA (I used to live down there, but I don't anymore). So NO, Phoenix gets everything, throw the little guy a bone every once in a while. :P




Tell me about it dude. I've lived in Tucson for the last 13 years (aaaah, I had Phx as my loc???). Noone ever wants to visit the old pueblo, so Phoenix is good enough for me. I tell you what I've been up there so many times the past few months I don't even mind the 2 hour drive anymore, RATM would totally be freaking worth it anyway.




PS: I go to the UofA :P


Gamertag: King Arizona

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NO, FORGET THAT! Everytime something importnat comes to AZ, it's always in freaking Phoenix. I'm tried of it. I live in Tucson, the only thing we get here is underground metal, emo/screamo, and rappers (like The Dogg, but he's not really my kinda taste), and it's always down in the [cabbage] parts of town like the UofA (I used to live down there, but I don't anymore). So NO, Phoenix gets everything, throw the little guy a bone every once in a while. :P




Tell me about it dude. I've lived in Tucson for the last 13 years (aaaah, I had Phx as my loc???). Noone ever wants to visit the old pueblo, so Phoenix is good enough for me. I tell you what I've been up there so many times the past few months I don't even mind the 2 hour drive anymore, RATM would totally be freaking worth it anyway.




PS: I go to the UofA :P






Well what do ya know, i live in tucson too!




haha yeah the only place that plays shows is the rialto and theres one good one every like 3 months haha.




I saw Alexisonfire and the sleeping last february, that was sick.




How on earth do three people from tucson, AZ post on one random thread?! lol...




and btw Wildcats ftw

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My lyrics were Dylan, anyway some of rage is alright i guess. I like The Nigh[bleep]chman, i think Daan told me about that or posted a thread or something. I have One Man Revolution, some pretty decent songs.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Have every album on my ipod and first day I put them there...expected to not like half the songs you know, pick a few out out throw em on the ole on-the-go playlist....nope, I keep those lists seperate and throw myself into the artist/album section when listening to them that I love every song almost, completely refreshing for my ears from the usual songs that have computer made beats, love the vocalist's control of breath, wish I could control it so good :D

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