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Gender Dysphoria

The Dark Lord

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Umm, you called "Spam!" on someone who made a valid post...Therefore, you're stupid, and were told that you are stupid. You're only making it worse by reopening the wound.




Actually, I said '^Spam?' Note the question mark!? Oh, and, this is a topic about something that ISN'T Homosexuallity.




But that's not the point I'm getting to. It's the fact that PCY can post one liners, that may be humerous, yet it's still spam.




Btw, I'm not stupid. I may be stupid in comparison, as I'm only 13. <.<




If you're only 13, why are you even acting as if you know anything? Anyone under 16 has no idea what they're even saying as a general rule, and most people under 18 still don't. Even then, many folks under 25 do not, and even worse yet, most people NEVER do. I'd sooner take advice from a blind man on how to properly cross the Interstate safely than I would listen to a 13 year old tell me what's what.




It's clear what you're doing - you're trying to play mod. Lots of people do it, and everyone fails.




To the OP: You really need to reconsider things here. You "feeling" a certain way doesn't mean you need to act upon it. The people who run those pro-trans-gender sites are absolutely not people you want to listen to on this matter. They are people that have forsaken advice of others and acted upon their mental disabilities. I don't mean to down you, but if you feel this way, something is going on with your brain that isn't right. Like I said, you're NOT a female trapped in a mans body. That's the chant that trans-gendered idiots chant to try to make people understand. That is not a diagnosis.




Listen to your parents, seek medical help, and don't think about gender re-assignment or hormone therapy or something. It will NEVER make you the opposite sex. Ever. If you're a girl and you feel like a guy, in this day and age, there is no reason you cannot just simply ACT LIKE A GUY. Women can do anything men can in this society now.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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The people who run those pro-trans-gender sites are absolutely not people you want to listen to on this matter. They are people that have forsaken advice of others and acted upon their mental disabilities. I don't mean to down you, but if you feel this way, something is going on with your brain that isn't right. Like I said, you're NOT a female trapped in a mans body. That's the chant that trans-gendered idiots chant to try to make people understand. That is not a diagnosis.




Listen to your parents, seek medical help, and don't think about gender re-assignment or hormone therapy or something. It will NEVER make you the opposite sex. Ever. If you're a girl and you feel like a guy, in this day and age, there is no reason you cannot just simply ACT LIKE A GUY. Women can do anything men can in this society now.




Mental disabilities? I find that extremely offensive. Why isn't she a female trapped in a man's body? If her self-identity as a female isn't enough, what the hell is? There is a reason that you can't just act like a guy - and it's because you AREN'T a guy. You're really a woman. It's not about opportunity ("women can do anything men can in this society now") but a complicated hormonal and identity question. You can't just reduce it like that.




If reassignment surgery can you make you feel comfortable with yourself and your body, why in the world wouldn't it be a good thing to do (other than monetary cost)? Transgender activists aren't crazy idiots - they're just trying to bring about awareness of the issues that transgendered individuals are facing. When prejudice like this exists out there (saying that transgendered individuals are mentally disordered and just need to "think harder" and suck it up and pretend their gender is the same as their biological sex), that's why transgender activists need to exist to work to make it a safer place for transgender people :(

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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To the OP: You really need to reconsider things here. You "feeling" a certain way doesn't mean you need to act upon it. The people who run those pro-trans-gender sites are absolutely not people you want to listen to on this matter. They are people that have forsaken advice of others and acted upon their mental disabilities. I don't mean to down you, but if you feel this way, something is going on with your brain that isn't right. Like I said, you're NOT a female trapped in a mans body. That's the chant that trans-gendered idiots chant to try to make people understand. That is not a diagnosis.




Listen to your parents, seek medical help, and don't think about gender re-assignment or hormone therapy or something. It will NEVER make you the opposite sex. Ever. If you're a girl and you feel like a guy, in this day and age, there is no reason you cannot just simply ACT LIKE A GUY. Women can do anything men can in this society now.




It's not for you to decide what's right and what's wrong. This person is seeking comfort and solace in what is going on in her life, not looking for people to flame her for her choices. Listening to people who are close-minded about the entire world is not the answer. The transgender help sites are there to HELP people, not to convince people that they are something they are not. I'm not gonna look at a transgender site and go decide "well, I'd better go becaome a guy, it's normal to do that." No, because I know that I am a chick, and I don't feel like I should be a guy. You have to look at individual people, not at society as a whole. Society has gotten it wrong multiple times.




This is normal. It's been scientifically proven about transgenders being normal. I would believe science over society any day.




By the way, it would be different if it were a multiple personality disorder. THAT is a mental disorder. Not this.




One last thing, how old is this Flamecaller person? Stating that people under a certain age are stupid or don't know anything is actually age discrimination.

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To the OP: You really need to reconsider things here. You "feeling" a certain way doesn't mean you need to act upon it. The people who run those pro-trans-gender sites are absolutely not people you want to listen to on this matter. They are people that have forsaken advice of others and acted upon their mental disabilities. I don't mean to down you, but if you feel this way, something is going on with your brain that isn't right. Like I said, you're NOT a female trapped in a mans body. That's the chant that trans-gendered idiots chant to try to make people understand. That is not a diagnosis.




Listen to your parents, seek medical help, and don't think about gender re-assignment or hormone therapy or something. It will NEVER make you the opposite sex. Ever. If you're a girl and you feel like a guy, in this day and age, there is no reason you cannot just simply ACT LIKE A GUY. Women can do anything men can in this society now.




Are you ignoring anything that contrasts your opinion, such as what has already been mentioned about some transexuals having the same brain as the gender which they identify with. As was said earlier if a scientist recieved a true transexuals brain they would say it was the brain of someone from the same sex as the transexual claims they are.




So what are you not understanding, it seems more complex to write this off as a mental disorder, do you have any grounds to call this a mental disorder or are you just assuming here? If you are i doubt you should be trying to pass your opinion off as fact, which is what you seem to be trying to do.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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If you're only 13, why are you even acting as if you know anything? Anyone under 16 has no idea what they're even saying as a general rule, and most people under 18 still don't. Even then, many folks under 25 do not, and even worse yet, most people NEVER do. I'd sooner take advice from a blind man on how to properly cross the Interstate safely than I would listen to a 13 year old tell me what's what.




It's clear what you're doing - you're trying to play mod. Lots of people do it, and everyone fails.




To the OP: You really need to reconsider things here. You "feeling" a certain way doesn't mean you need to act upon it. The people who run those pro-trans-gender sites are absolutely not people you want to listen to on this matter. They are people that have forsaken advice of others and acted upon their mental disabilities. I don't mean to down you, but if you feel this way, something is going on with your brain that isn't right. Like I said, you're NOT a female trapped in a mans body. That's the chant that trans-gendered idiots chant to try to make people understand. That is not a diagnosis.




Listen to your parents, seek medical help, and don't think about gender re-assignment or hormone therapy or something. It will NEVER make you the opposite sex. Ever. If you're a girl and you feel like a guy, in this day and age, there is no reason you cannot just simply ACT LIKE A GUY. Women can do anything men can in this society now.




You soo do not have a clue what you're on about. You say someone who is 13 has no idea? Do you realise most TS's know that something is terribly wrong very early on in life, probably from the age of 5 or 6. And please don't say they have no understanding of the differences at that age, believe me they do. I could go into this deeper if you like, but from your attitude, I doubt you would want to know, or even listen.

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no offence and this is hard to explain but are you sure that it isnt that you have been reading too much about transgender things and think that you have it because you think you "think like a girl"? how do you know exactly what girls think like or whats normal to think like for a boy? or even because of reading about it, you think you have it and then think like what you think girls think like. also you are only 16, weird things happen during puberty plus its a very young age to think about making permanent changes to your body. also its probably illegal below 18, also if it is just a "phase you are going through", itd be very bad to have it then afew years down the line think "Oh i wish i hadnt done that". There is probably lots of people who have had it then regretted it in later life, but probably also people who have had it and being glad they had it. good luck with whatever you do.

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As for Goddess, I think you should stop acting as if you're an absolute authority on everything. No offense. But I don't see how you can be as great and knowledgeable and experienced a counselor as you claim, when you act so hurtfully and NOT sensitively to other people's issues and problems.




IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m unsure if youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re having a bad day or something? Maybe men problems? IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m extremely sorry. However, I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t feel that IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m acting as any authority figure, nor have I ever claimed to be great or knowledgeable. In fact my opinion of myself isnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t even great or high in itself. I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t understand why you think I have claimed this? Regardless of your quite hurtful, publicised opinion towards me, I have helped plenty of people on this forum with their issues and problems, unconditionally. In fact, I was just about to post how much I enjoyed reading your contributes to this thread, as I'm learning a lot and I'm sure others are too :D



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I'd have to say sit your parents down and have a good talk with them probably is the best way to go. Make them understand what you are and who you are. If they won't accept it. Then when your 18 you can leave from them and live your life.




Best of luck on whatever you plan on doing.

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no offence and this is hard to explain but are you sure that it isnt that you have been reading too much about transgender things and think that you have it because you think you "think like a girl"? how do you know exactly what girls think like or whats normal to think like for a boy? or even because of reading about it, you think you have it and then think like what you think girls think like. also you are only 16, weird things happen during puberty plus its a very young age to think about making permanent changes to your body. also its probably illegal below 18, also if it is just a "phase you are going through", itd be very bad to have it then afew years down the line think "Oh i wish i hadnt done that". There is probably lots of people who have had it then regretted it in later life, but probably also people who have had it and being glad they had it. good luck with whatever you do.




I've considered the possibility that my mind thinks that I have this condition because I've read about the condition so much. However, I don't think that's the case because I can trace memories to around the age of five where I felt as if I my physical looks didn't match my image. I also specifically remember acting like a typical male in order to fit in. I've also had confusion over why I was so similar to a girl because I thought boys and girls were supposed to be different. I also didn't feel like I imagined like a male should feel like. Not only that, but my mental voice is feminine, and I've always felt uncomfortable with my male body.




I took a "brain gender" test on the BBC site as the first step in learning about the subject. My intuition told me that I would score on the female side, so I wasn't surprised at all when I scored as an average woman.




I mostly studied gender identity.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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For example, did you know that there exists a strong movement to add "ze" and "hir" and "hirself" to the vernacular as gender neutral pronouns? They are gender-neutral equivalents of "he/she" and "her/him/his" and "herself/himself". This is extremely useful for talking about people who don't fit into the typical gender binary, and also just for general use when you're talking about a nonspecific individual :) I've used them quite effectively in papers, for example! :D


I think we should just call everybody heshe because that would be funny.

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If you're only 13, why are you even acting as if you know anything? Anyone under 16 has no idea what they're even saying as a general rule, and most people under 18 still don't. Even then, many folks under 25 do not, and even worse yet, most people NEVER do. I'd sooner take advice from a blind man on how to properly cross the Interstate safely than I would listen to a 13 year old tell me what's what.




It's clear what you're doing - you're trying to play mod. Lots of people do it, and everyone fails.




To the OP: You really need to reconsider things here. You "feeling" a certain way doesn't mean you need to act upon it. The people who run those pro-trans-gender sites are absolutely not people you want to listen to on this matter. They are people that have forsaken advice of others and acted upon their mental disabilities. I don't mean to down you, but if you feel this way, something is going on with your brain that isn't right. Like I said, you're NOT a female trapped in a mans body. That's the chant that trans-gendered idiots chant to try to make people understand. That is not a diagnosis.




Listen to your parents, seek medical help, and don't think about gender re-assignment or hormone therapy or something. It will NEVER make you the opposite sex. Ever. If you're a girl and you feel like a guy, in this day and age, there is no reason you cannot just simply ACT LIKE A GUY. Women can do anything men can in this society now.




*E-Punches you as hard as possible*




To the thread starter: don't listen to a word this mad guy says, it is all bs.

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I'm afraid to say that's rather selfish serephurus.




they also must be very emotionally hurt. yet you can only blame them for this as it's putting you down. Thier distressed over you yet you are frustrated with them for being distressed.




They can't hide thier emotions, much like you. yet you blame them for that.




How is what she said selfish at all? Serephurus admits that it must be tough for her parents, but also admits that the way they're acting is hurting her, too. Wouldn't you be extremely hurt if your parents didn't accept you for who you are? Even though you may understand that it's tough for them, and feel for them even, it's going to hurt you a lot, too. She isn't just blaming them (though I assume Serephurus would be happier if they would be more open and accept her as a female), but acknowledging that it's a tough situation, but one that leaves her feeling pretty hurt. That is completely reasonable, and not selfish in the slightest.




Sorry i read it wrong.




I thought she implied that her parents are in the wrong because they are in distress about it and so hurts her own feelings. if she did mean that however then i would be inclined to say that she is rather selfish. I must admit if i was so (no offence to serephurus) self-obsessed i might become extremely selfish. yes I do know that there is a difference between the two.




Wouldn't you be extremely hurt if your parents didn't accept you for who you are?




Yes slightly, but i believed she blamed them for that. I do think that no matter what your parents will never like what serephurus is saying. Blaming them for that is wrong. Again, I thought this is what she did.




on another note, Flamecaller please don't begin an unneccessary argument about whether what rayoxide said was spam or not, because it is spam.

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Mental disabilities? I find that extremely offensive.




Well it's either a mental disability or a physical disability. His brain incorrectly developed as a female's or his body incorrectly developed as a male's. Would you call it a mental blessing?






The definition has not become more broad. The definition has been changed completely. In my previous post, I showed that Paul assumed homosexuality was a willful preference of sexual pleasure, a choice made during life, as if we are all capable of bisexuality and some of us follow the right path of penetrating vaginas while others eventually decide to deviate by penetrating butts.




It is a choice to act on an unchosen homosexual desire though. Just like a man will have desires for a woman that is not his wife; you can choose to act on them (which is immoral), or you can choose to ignore them (which is moral). I don't think Paul would condemn someone for simply having an unchosen desire, but I do think Paul would condemn someone for acting on a homosexual desire, born with or not, as he specifically denounces the action in this passage.




However, there are no principles and passages, other than Leviticus, that would lead you to believe that a man cannot love another man.




What about sex being for marriage, and marriage always spoken in the context of man & wife?




Those two meanings also apply to the term "heterosexuality." I assume that we are using the latter meaning, as we are not sex researchers discussing sexual acts and whatnot.




The second definition is about sexual attraction and romantic feelings. I would definitely identify this definition as sexual in principle.

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If you're only 13, why are you even acting as if you know anything? Anyone under 16 has no idea what they're even saying as a general rule, and most people under 18 still don't. Even then, many folks under 25 do not, and even worse yet, most people NEVER do. I'd sooner take advice from a blind man on how to properly cross the Interstate safely than I would listen to a 13 year old tell me what's what.




It's clear what you're doing - you're trying to play mod. Lots of people do it, and everyone fails.




To the OP: You really need to reconsider things here. You "feeling" a certain way doesn't mean you need to act upon it. The people who run those pro-trans-gender sites are absolutely not people you want to listen to on this matter. They are people that have forsaken advice of others and acted upon their mental disabilities. I don't mean to down you, but if you feel this way, something is going on with your brain that isn't right. Like I said, you're NOT a female trapped in a mans body. That's the chant that trans-gendered idiots chant to try to make people understand. That is not a diagnosis.




Listen to your parents, seek medical help, and don't think about gender re-assignment or hormone therapy or something. It will NEVER make you the opposite sex. Ever. If you're a girl and you feel like a guy, in this day and age, there is no reason you cannot just simply ACT LIKE A GUY. Women can do anything men can in this society now.




*E-Punches you as hard as possible*




To the thread starter: don't listen to a word this mad guy says, it is all bs.




I have been e-punched by a child. Whoopie? What the hell did that accomplish? Feel better?




I am not obligated to agree with any of you, nor am I obligated to be politically correct, or to bow down to YOUR opinions. As far as I'm concerned, my opinion is the right one, and yours isn't. Hence why I say mine. Arrogant? Indeed. But do you really feel or act any different? Nope. You just don't out-right SAY it.




I was merely warning the poor kid that she should think about what she's doing before being brain-washed by opinionated pro-mutilation sites who are not looking out for her best interests. You know who IS looking out for her best interests? Her parents. And she has chosen to ignore them and to side with a website ran by people who are not 1) her parents 2) medical experts or even 3) intelligent people in general.




The people who run those sites are not looking to comfort you or help you. They're looking for people to join the cause so that it becomes an acceptable thing to do. Feel like you should have been male, but you're female? Great! We do too, so come join us and mutilate your body, because it's okay to do! We're perfectly sane. Honest.




Riiiight. There is nothing sane about loppin' your woo-woo-dilly off and replacing it with a wa-cha-cha no matter WHAT you feel like. I just made those words up, but I think you see my point.




What I would like to know is why that's an acceptable answer. People like Mad4u (as darling as she is) have obviously just sat here and spewed "acceptance and diversity" garbage that we're taught our whole lives that completely forsakes common sense. There is nothing that makes sense about "I'm a girl, but I feel like I should have been a boy...So lets take hormones and get a sex change!"...No. That makes absolutely no sense at all. None. If I was a girl and felt like I should have been a boy...I'd obviously just do manly things that I enjoyed and felt like I was supposed to be doing...Because thankfully, in our society, that is absolutely accepted and an awesome thing to do. But what in the hell do you need to be fake for? Taking hormones and getting a sex change isn't "you", it's you being fake. She was born a girl and she feels like she should've been a boy...So you're encouraging her to stop FEELING fake by actually become fake? That's..good...advice...I guess...:roll:




Please, people. Use the part of your brain that thinks for yourselves, not the part that remembers waht you've been told. Diversity and acceptance is bullcrap. If a black man robs you, and then another rapes you, and then another shoots you, and then another kills your family, are you still going to like black people? According to diversity and acceptance, you must. According to human common sense, you're going to at least be suspicious of all black people, if not out-right hate them all.




And no, I'm not racist. Just thought I'd cover that base since I said the word "black", which to morons of all races alike that worship "diversity and acceptance", is racist.




And for the record, I do have sympathy for the OP. I'm not a heartless bastard who doesn't understand. I'm a person who is concerned that someone with a mental disorder is going to act upon it. Would you knowingly let a person commit suicide? Didn't think so. Being born with a male brain and a female body is no excuse to mutilate yourself to try to match the inside. if you were really born in such a manner, then it's a disorder, and most people with disorders have to *gasp*...Accept them for what it is. I'd really love for someone to tell me what mutilating yourself really accomplishes here. It's blatantly obvious that you're all spewing acceptance and diversity propaganda, because not one of you could tell me why it's acceptable or sane to mutilate your body and make yourself fake in order to make yourself "real". it doesn't make any sense.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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All I have to say to you Flame, is regardless of your fabulous opinion, people are going to continue to choose their sexuality and, there's nothing your opinion can do about it.




You can continue to waste your breath as much as you like, it doesn't affect me nor the growing population of transgender.




Whether youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re right or not is really irrelevant, you can't stop it, ever.




And regardless of your wonderful opinion that it's a mental disorder, psychologically according to a DSM IV, it certaintly is not. A doctor will tell you the same.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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All I have to say to you Flame, is regardless of your fabulous opinion, people are going to continue to choose their sexuality and the higher the year number, the higher the rate of people coming out of the closet. And, there's nothing your opinion can do about it.




You can continue to waste your breath as much as you like, it doesn't affect me nor the growing population of homosexuals or transgender.




Whether youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re right or not is really irrelevant, you can't stop it, ever.




...I was trying to stop it?




And what does this have to do with homosexuality? Who even said I wanted to stop that? I don't care about homosexuals...They're not harming anyone. not even themselves.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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I changed my post just before you posted.




And regardless of your wonderful opinion that it's a mental disorder, psychologically according to a DSM IV, it certaintly is not. A doctor will tell you the same.




Transgender will continue to do their thing, sleep well.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I changed my post just before you posted.




And regardless of your wonderful opinion that it's a mental disorder, psychologically according to a DSM IV, it certaintly is not. A doctor will tell you the same.




Transgender will continue to do their thing, sleep well.




Ah, I forgot that you took a couple psych courses and now you're an expert. :-k




...Who says I'm not as well?




Okay, so let me get this straight...A female is born with a males brain, and this isn't a mental disorder?




...Again, someone lacking a Y chromosome, is born with the respective Y chromosome brain...And this isn't a disorder...




That is like saying hermaphrodites have no disorder at all. They're completely normal.




Does not compute, Will Robinson. Danger.




Edit: Sweet ninja edit to make yourself look less foolish.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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Let's read this again. I'll break it down for you.




And regardless of your wonderful opinion that it's a mental disorder, psychologically according to a DSM IV, it certaintly is not. A doctor will tell you the same.




according to a DSM IV, it certaintly is not




Who says I'm referring to myself? I'm saying according to a DSM IV it certaintly is not.




A doctor will tell you the same.




Regardless of your theory, a doctor will still tell you the same.




...Who says I'm not as well?




Fabulous so you should know this then :D And that lawfully by a DSM IV if it's not on there, it's not a disorder.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Let's read this again. I'll break it down for you.




And regardless of your wonderful opinion that it's a mental disorder, psychologically according to a DSM IV, it certaintly is not. A doctor will tell you the same.




according to a DSM IV, it certaintly is not




Who says I'm referring to myself? I'm saying according to a DSM IV it certaintly is not.




A doctor will tell you the same.




Regardless of your theory, a doctor will still tell you the same.




...Who says I'm not as well?




Fabulous so you should know this then :D And that lawfully by a DSM IV if it's not on there, it's not a disorder.




Well, this is certainly hilarious. You knowingly changed the part in your second post that said "Leave the labeling to the experts", which is what I was referring to by saying "and you're the expert because you took a couple classes?", and applied it to a previous post that I never saw because you edited THAT in too to make it seem like I was saying whatever book/doctors you're talking about is below me. Brilliant move.




Someone 'cheating' is the #1 way to tell that they're inferior to you. Surely your book doesn't say that, though.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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I have a severe case of OCD actually and it's extremely rare that I don't edit a post. If it offends you, you're probably better off talking to me on a chat program? It's something I can't help.




Anyone on tip.it who is a regular user can tell you this.




And when I did say Leave the labeling to the experts I wasn't referring to myself, I don't like to call myself that.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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If you're only 13, why are you even acting as if you know anything? Anyone under 16 has no idea what they're even saying as a general rule, and most people under 18 still don't. Even then, many folks under 25 do not, and even worse yet, most people NEVER do. I'd sooner take advice from a blind man on how to properly cross the Interstate safely than I would listen to a 13 year old tell me what's what.




It's clear what you're doing - you're trying to play mod. Lots of people do it, and everyone fails.




To the OP: You really need to reconsider things here. You "feeling" a certain way doesn't mean you need to act upon it. The people who run those pro-trans-gender sites are absolutely not people you want to listen to on this matter. They are people that have forsaken advice of others and acted upon their mental disabilities. I don't mean to down you, but if you feel this way, something is going on with your brain that isn't right. Like I said, you're NOT a female trapped in a mans body. That's the chant that trans-gendered idiots chant to try to make people understand. That is not a diagnosis.




Listen to your parents, seek medical help, and don't think about gender re-assignment or hormone therapy or something. It will NEVER make you the opposite sex. Ever. If you're a girl and you feel like a guy, in this day and age, there is no reason you cannot just simply ACT LIKE A GUY. Women can do anything men can in this society now.




*E-Punches you as hard as possible*




To the thread starter: don't listen to a word this mad guy says, it is all bs.




I have been e-punched by a child. Whoopie? What the hell did that accomplish? Feel better?




I am not obligated to agree with any of you, nor am I obligated to be politically correct, or to bow down to YOUR opinions. As far as I'm concerned, my opinion is the right one, and yours isn't. Hence why I say mine. Arrogant? Indeed. But do you really feel or act any different? Nope. You just don't out-right SAY it.




(1) I was merely warning the poor kid that she should think about what she's doing before being brain-washed by opinionated pro-mutilation sites who are not looking out for her best interests. You know who IS looking out for her best interests? Her parents. And she has chosen to ignore them and to side with a website ran by people who are not 1) her parents 2) medical experts or even 3) intelligent people in general.




The people who run those sites are not looking to comfort you or help you. They're looking for people to join the cause so that it becomes an acceptable thing to do. Feel like you should have been male, but you're female? Great! We do too, so come join us and mutilate your body, because it's okay to do! We're perfectly sane. Honest.




Riiiight. There is nothing sane about loppin' your woo-woo-dilly off and replacing it with a wa-cha-cha no matter WHAT you feel like. I just made those words up, but I think you see my point.




What I would like to know is why that's an acceptable answer. People like Mad4u (as darling as she is) have obviously just sat here and spewed "acceptance and diversity" garbage that we're taught our whole lives that completely forsakes common sense. (2) There is nothing that makes sense about "I'm a girl, but I feel like I should have been a boy...So lets take hormones and get a sex change!"...No. That makes absolutely no sense at all. None. (3) If I was a girl and felt like I should have been a boy...I'd obviously just do manly things that I enjoyed and felt like I was supposed to be doing...Because thankfully, in our society, that is absolutely accepted and an awesome thing to do. But what in the hell do you need to be fake for? Taking hormones and getting a sex change isn't "you", it's you being fake. She was born a girl and she feels like she should've been a boy...So you're encouraging her to stop FEELING fake by actually become fake? That's..good...advice...I guess...:roll:




(4) Please, people. Use the part of your brain that thinks for yourselves, not the part that remembers waht you've been told. Diversity and acceptance is bullcrap. If a black man robs you, and then another rapes you, and then another shoots you, and then another kills your family, are you still going to like black people? According to diversity and acceptance, you must. According to human common sense, you're going to at least be suspicious of all black people, if not out-right hate them all.




And no, I'm not racist. Just thought I'd cover that base since I said the word "black", which to morons of all races alike that worship "diversity and acceptance", is racist.




(5) And for the record, I do have sympathy for the OP. I'm not a heartless bastard who doesn't understand. I'm a person who is concerned that someone with a mental disorder is going to act upon it. Would you knowingly let a person commit suicide? Didn't think so. Being born with a male brain and a female body is no excuse to mutilate yourself to try to match the inside. if you were really born in such a manner, then it's a disorder, and most people with disorders have to *gasp*...Accept them for what it is. (6) I'd really love for someone to tell me what mutilating yourself really accomplishes here. It's blatantly obvious that you're all spewing acceptance and diversity propaganda, because not one of you could tell me why it's acceptable or sane to mutilate your body and make yourself fake in order to make yourself "real". it doesn't make any sense.




(1) Her parents may have good intentions, but sending her to a 'christian psychologist' whose intentions are to shake her out of her fad isn't going to help. As for choosing to side with a web site which is not her parents, a medical expert or intelligent people in general, as far as I can remember, she has been actually seeing a medical professional and I don't think she's docile enough to take anything we or anyone else on the internet says as a source of authority without first consulting a medical professional. At least, that's what I think she should ensure she does, so in a way I agree with you here.




(2), (3) I wouldn't be so sure of the reaction you should be having to this unless you're in Serephurus' position. The common sense position is of course not to mutilate yourself unneccesarily but I don't think you'd accept the common sense position so easily if you were in her position. You assume you'd easily control the way you feel when any number of anectodes suggest that controlling how you feel when it comes to matters of sexuality is a hard ask and that many genuinely do yearn to be the opposite sex (or can we just put that down to pro-mutilation opinionated propoganda?).




(4) And I suppose you'd be totally fine with this if you were a black person? You'd be totally fine being stereotyped and suspected of being a criminal because of your skin colour? Come on now, it's totally logical and fair to be skeptical of your innocence if you're black, you shouldn't have a problem with it at all.




(5) I think you need to revise what a mental disorder is.




(6) I don't know what it accomplishes myself and I can't understand it. But I have empathy and don't feel like jumping to conclusions about the effects transgender 'mutilation' has on people without first reading the psychological outcomes and secondly actually understanding the feelings of those who have it done before and after the procedure. Only then, if the story is a resounding 'useless effects', could you actually be justified in calling diversity and acceptance attitudes when it comes to transgender surgery propoganda.

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I have a severe case of OCD actually and it's extremely rare that I don't edit a post. If it offends you, you're probably better off talking to me on a chat program? It's something I can't help.




Anyone on tip.it who is a regular user can tell you this.




And when I did say Leave the labeling to the experts I wasn't referring to myself, I don't like to call myself that.




That's good considering you're not an expert.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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That's good considering you're not an expert.




I'm trained but I'm not an expert, what exactly is your point again?




This is supposed to be a post about transgender, there's no need to go tangent just because you were proved wrong by calling it a disorder.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I'll address #4 since it's really the only one that needs to be...




Black people have their own stereotypes for whites. Being white, I can say most do not apply to me (I'm not "out of get the black man down", for example...Not that anyone is...That is just paranoia/excuses on the part of blacks), but you have to take whatever comes. One bad apple spoils the whole bunch, as they say. When 1/4 of black get sent to prison in their life-time, they're stereotyped as dangerous criminals because a large portion in fact ARE dangerous criminals, however, I'm fully aware that not all are.




However, if someone were to wrong you over and over again and they were all of one race...Are you honestly telling me you wouldn't start to have some sort of spite for that entire race? Surely you can't say you wouldn't for sure. I'll admit it right now that I'm one bad black person encounter away from being a White Nationalist...Actually, no...Those guys are morons too. But I am to the point where a certain group of people have wronged me so many times that it is becoming instinct to not trust them as a whole. Yet still, I am not racist...Somehow. I do not hate black people, I've just had bad experiences with them enough to instinctionally not trust them right off the bat. It's human defense and it's natural. It's how humans first learned that touching fire = bad. It's how you learned that as a baby.




In it's own way, even that is a stereotype, and stereotypes are important to our lives. They're not always fair, but they help. They can also hurt, but they also help. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and if you don't like it, you have to change those around you. If there are 4 whites and 3 are criminals and 1 is not, and a black person is stereotyping all 4 as criminals, it's the job of the one non-criminal to change his peers and thus, change the black person's mind.




...Wait, this is getting so off-topic. :P

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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