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I was watching my favourite tv show on the national irish channel earlier today, and my show ended. I had nothing else to do so I watched the next show, and to my surprise, it was the special olympics entrance, I never even knew this was on, and having a sister with down syndrome, I felt sort of embarrased.




They cut the show off after the entrance, and went back to gaelic (Irish sport) now, I was wondering if anyone else had known, so I asked my parents, and brothers, they didn't know either. I checked if it was still on, and it wasn't. I think this is a disgrace. Those people, after training for months, maybe even years, are not being shown on irish tv? Hell, they're probally much better than me at things like swimming, and soccer. What do you think about this? Should the channel have shown it? Or do you really not care what a mentally handicapped person does, I mean, come on, it IS the olympics.





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To be honest, I don't mean to say this offensively, but people would rather watch other things than people with special needs doing sport.




While they are probably better than you or me at sport, they are not as good as other professionals that we see regularly on TV that people like to watch.




And the TV station will just play whatever they thing will get the highest ratings and get the most money, it doesn't mean that they dont respect disabled/ special needs people, but they are not a charity, they are there to make money.

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I was watching my favourite tv show on the national irish channel earlier today, and my show ended. I had nothing else to do so I watched the next show, and to my surprise, it was the special olympics entrance, I never even knew this was on, and having a sister with down syndrome, I felt sort of embarrased.




They cut the show off after the entrance, and went back to gaelic (Irish sport) now, I was wondering if anyone else had known, so I asked my parents, and brothers, they didn't know either. I checked if it was still on, and it wasn't. I think this is a disgrace. Those people, after training for months, maybe even years, are not being shown on irish tv? Hell, they're probally much better than me at things like swimming, and soccer. What do you think about this? Should the channel have shown it? Or do you really not care what a mentally handicapped person does, I mean, come on, it IS the olympics.








NO way, if i wanted to laugh i would of watched south park.

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I was watching my favourite tv show on the national irish channel earlier today, and my show ended. I had nothing else to do so I watched the next show, and to my surprise, it was the special olympics entrance, I never even knew this was on, and having a sister with down syndrome, I felt sort of embarrased.




They cut the show off after the entrance, and went back to gaelic (Irish sport) now, I was wondering if anyone else had known, so I asked my parents, and brothers, they didn't know either. I checked if it was still on, and it wasn't. I think this is a disgrace. Those people, after training for months, maybe even years, are not being shown on irish tv? Hell, they're probally much better than me at things like swimming, and soccer. What do you think about this? Should the channel have shown it? Or do you really not care what a mentally handicapped person does, I mean, come on, it IS the olympics.








NO way, if i wanted to laugh i would of watched south park.




Wow, that was the RUDEST thing I've EVER heard.

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I was watching my favourite tv show on the national irish channel earlier today, and my show ended. I had nothing else to do so I watched the next show, and to my surprise, it was the special olympics entrance, I never even knew this was on, and having a sister with down syndrome, I felt sort of embarrased.




They cut the show off after the entrance, and went back to gaelic (Irish sport) now, I was wondering if anyone else had known, so I asked my parents, and brothers, they didn't know either. I checked if it was still on, and it wasn't. I think this is a disgrace. Those people, after training for months, maybe even years, are not being shown on irish tv? Hell, they're probally much better than me at things like swimming, and soccer. What do you think about this? Should the channel have shown it? Or do you really not care what a mentally handicapped person does, I mean, come on, it IS the olympics.








NO way, if i wanted to laugh i would of watched south park.






u cool?

Doctor of Dental Surgery-2014

Medical Doctor-2018?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon-2024?

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To be honest, I don't mean to say this offensively, but people would rather watch other things than people with special needs doing sport.




While they are probably better than you or me at sport, they are not as good as other professionals that we see regularly on TV that people like to watch.




And the TV station will just play whatever they thing will get the highest ratings and get the most money, it doesn't mean that they dont respect disabled/ special needs people, but they are not a charity, they are there to make money.

In words of Jimmy Carr


Even if they win(disabled people) they are still [developmentally delayed]s.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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I was watching my favourite tv show on the national irish channel earlier today, and my show ended. I had nothing else to do so I watched the next show, and to my surprise, it was the special olympics entrance, I never even knew this was on, and having a sister with down syndrome, I felt sort of embarrased.




They cut the show off after the entrance, and went back to gaelic (Irish sport) now, I was wondering if anyone else had known, so I asked my parents, and brothers, they didn't know either. I checked if it was still on, and it wasn't. I think this is a disgrace. Those people, after training for months, maybe even years, are not being shown on irish tv? Hell, they're probally much better than me at things like swimming, and soccer. What do you think about this? Should the channel have shown it? Or do you really not care what a mentally handicapped person does, I mean, come on, it IS the olympics.








NO way, if i wanted to laugh i would of watched south park.


Piss off you little piece of [cabbage]e, that is extremely offensive and rude.

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To be honest, I don't mean to say this offensively, but people would rather watch other things than people with special needs doing sport.




While they are probably better than you or me at sport, they are not as good as other professionals that we see regularly on TV that people like to watch.




And the TV station will just play whatever they thing will get the highest ratings and get the most money, it doesn't mean that they dont respect disabled/ special needs people, but they are not a charity, they are there to make money.

In words of Jimmy Carr


Even if they win(disabled people) they are still [developmentally delayed].
I didn't mean to take the piss at all. My step-dad's adopted sister has special needs, Jimmy Carr is a tw*t tbh.




I was just trying to help the thread author understand why it wasn't on the air.

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To be honest, I don't mean to say this offensively, but people would rather watch other things than people with special needs doing sport.




While they are probably better than you or me at sport, they are not as good as other professionals that we see regularly on TV that people like to watch.




And the TV station will just play whatever they thing will get the highest ratings and get the most money, it doesn't mean that they dont respect disabled/ special needs people, but they are not a charity, they are there to make money.

In words of Jimmy Carr


Even if they win(disabled people) they are still [developmentally delayed].
I didn't mean to take the piss at all. My step-dad's adopted sister has special needs, Jimmy Carr is a tw*t tbh.




I was just trying to help the thread author understand why it wasn't on the air.




I think he was on about me lol.

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I'm trying not to be insensitive here, but it'll be hard.




The network knows that not many people would watch it. They know they could make more money showing something else. They are obviously in it for the money, like most businesses. They won't lose a bunch of money to show something that deserves to be shown. Not many people are interested in that, so they don't show it.




Morally, yes, they should have shown. But since they're a business, they didn't have much reason to show it, it would be a loss in profit to them.

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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Does anyone else think that the whole 'special olympic' name is extremely condescending?






no matter what you call it its gonna sound condescending...




mentally handicapped olympics?


mentally challenged olmypics?




er... nope, cant think of one that isnt.

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The Junior Special Olympics is on in Tasmania, Australia next year apparently (kinda' ironic, but I'm not going to go there). Its the first time they've ever had it as a Junior competition from memory.




Anyway I think there's plenty of professional woman athletes (and even some men) who aren't getting a fair go for what they're doing. I could name a ton of sports done also by females (but is a male dominated sport) and aren't getting the Television coverage they deserve. Its all about the ratings really, and to be quite obvious tv stations aren't going to put on the Special Olympics when they know their not going to get the ratings. Its harsh but that's life. :(






Anyway I'm all for equal sporting opportunities for all, so I back the S-Olympics all the way! :thumbsup:

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sorry to hear bout your sister and ive watched special olympics before, it makes me feel good, that anybody with anything wrong with them can overcome it to compete in sporting events, its good mmkay? :)




lol your wrong man, if you believe in god, you would know that he made you a boy for a reason... eww...eww...




Nice one #-o

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Does anyone else think that the whole 'special olympic' name is extremely condescending?












Given the choice i'd rather see beautiful and healthy people (err.. read women). Since i don't watch TV this isn't really an issue to me though. For the whole how do you say? "People with special needs"? Why are my needs less special? You can either treat someone as special or as equal. You don't need to be a jackass about peoples disabilities, but you don't have to go out of your way to treat them special.




"Jackass" reminds me on something. There is a very good movie about the subject: The Ringer with Johnny Knoxville. I really liked it, although i'm not the guy enjoying Jackass, meaning that it is nothing like Jackass.

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sorry to hear bout your sister and ive watched special olympics before, it makes me feel good, that anybody with anything wrong with them can overcome it to compete in sporting events, its good mmkay? :)




lol your wrong man, if you believe in god, you would know that he made you a boy for a reason... eww...eww...




Nice one #-o




? =;

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