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Ok i'm tired of people in varock (forgot how to spell it) complaining about how the dogs in varock are a example of "animal abuse".It's a game!It's not like I'm shooing your pet senior fluffles away from me!It's pixels!




Screw the animal lovers.I'll go up and kill the pixel dog if I want to.Then I'll go make cat hide shoes!And if your so worried about animal abuse, look at what we do to the cows!We slaughter the poor mofo's without warning using fire, earth,ice,water,wind,arrows,spears,and swords etc.Then we sell their hide for cheap profit...




So is cow slaughtering abuse?Possibly.Oh and when you turn your cat into a "Demon cat" isn't that kinda cruel?Did it WANT to be turned into a evil creature?Maybe it didn't....Oh and remember that easter holiday where you were a rabbit and the guy beat you on the head?THAT'S ALSO ANIMAL ABUSE.




So animal lovers, lay down your weapons and axes and stop beating up on the the helpless cow,turning your cat into a demonic entity, and letting yourself be beat upon by a farmer.And maybe, just maybe, Shut up about Varock! (may be to late for this topic but....meh).




Wooooo!!! :D






I quit runescape, but oh well!




*gets cat hide shoes, leather armor, snakehide gloves & chaps, crossbow with cow sinew as string, and a bone sword*




Fight the animal lovers!




You are sick minded people.




I doubt anyone would kill a cat on purpose then make shoes out of it.




Cows are killed for meat in real life, Animal Activists only act out if it is done in an inhuman way. Snakes, kill em all I hate em, would they have a second thought about killing you? Bone Sword? Yeah you'll get real far with that, and it'd be a clubbing weapon.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Ok i'm tired of people in varock (forgot how to spell it) complaining about how the dogs in varock are a example of "animal abuse".It's a game!It's not like I'm shooing your pet senior fluffles away from me!It's pixels!




Screw the animal lovers.I'll go up and kill the pixel dog if I want to.Then I'll go make cat hide shoes!And if your so worried about animal abuse, look at what we do to the cows!We slaughter the poor mofo's without warning using fire, earth,ice,water,wind,arrows,spears,and swords etc.Then we sell their hide for cheap profit...




So is cow slaughtering abuse?Possibly.Oh and when you turn your cat into a "Demon cat" isn't that kinda cruel?Did it WANT to be turned into a evil creature?Maybe it didn't....Oh and remember that easter holiday where you were a rabbit and the guy beat you on the head?THAT'S ALSO ANIMAL ABUSE.




So animal lovers, lay down your weapons and axes and stop beating up on the the helpless cow,turning your cat into a demonic entity, and letting yourself be beat upon by a farmer.And maybe, just maybe, Shut up about Varock! (may be to late for this topic but....meh).




Wooooo!!! :D






I quit runescape, but oh well!




*gets cat hide shoes, leather armor, snakehide gloves & chaps, crossbow with cow sinew as string, and a bone sword*




Fight the animal lovers!




Help the animal lovers who have a brain!


Animal abuse is wrong.


But sayin shooing away dogs in varrock is animal abuse is dumb.

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I wonder if the people are against killing the dogs in the game are against killing the guards in varrock...or each other in the dual arena/wildy. I mean they're pretty much like yeah we can kill each other but not animals?




and anyway they respawn!

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of your many (many) rants i actually agree with this one. it's not like people don't abuse animals in the real worls and this game some what (emphasis on the somewhat) mirrors real life. just no maging or anything *talking about an economy community etc.*.




its literally like tree luggers going around like an oak tree in runescape and saying jagex is promoting global warming by getting rid of the trees in runescape which reduce carbon dioxide emitions that warm the earth that al gore is telling us. etc. if people seriously think that not giving a stray dog food is animal abuse IN A GAME then you seriously have to get your head out of your [wagon] and look around you. lots of stray animals. lots of other crap going on and your complaining about animal abuse.... sheesh <.<


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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Ok i'm tired of people in varock (forgot how to spell it) complaining about how the dogs in varock are a example of "animal abuse".It's a game!It's not like I'm shooing your pet senior fluffles away from me!It's pixels!




Screw the animal lovers.I'll go up and kill the pixel dog if I want to.Then I'll go make cat hide shoes!And if your so worried about animal abuse, look at what we do to the cows!We slaughter the poor mofo's without warning using fire, earth,ice,water,wind,arrows,spears,and swords etc.Then we sell their hide for cheap profit...




So is cow slaughtering abuse?Possibly.Oh and when you turn your cat into a "Demon cat" isn't that kinda cruel?Did it WANT to be turned into a evil creature?Maybe it didn't....Oh and remember that easter holiday where you were a rabbit and the guy beat you on the head?THAT'S ALSO ANIMAL ABUSE.




So animal lovers, lay down your weapons and axes and stop beating up on the the helpless cow,turning your cat into a demonic entity, and letting yourself be beat upon by a farmer.And maybe, just maybe, Shut up about Varock! (may be to late for this topic but....meh).




i lol'd


me > samurai lux ;-) :ohnoes:



10/10, and yes I would agree with that statement he is way to pompous.
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Maybe i was a little harsh but hey, if you want to get someone to listen you got to beat some sense into them.


And sometimes the dog! :thumbsup:


Hahah, well anyway, I totally agree with you. I can't tell you how many times I've seen one of these topics on rants forum in RSOF. Shows how moronic some Runescapians are. XD




EDIT:Yay, I made you a page 4 ;D

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wait... this idea better be good cuz it's hurting my brain... wear a radioactive protection suit, and hold on a protest about varrock, irl. Then, take everyone to some remote place, and drop a nuke. animal lovers? pssshh... more like charred radioactive corpses.

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People who complain about animals abuse in runescape, aka those evil, stupid, brain dead, anti-American, disease carrying, heathen known as animal rights activists (can you tell i hate them more than God hates the devil). As i have feared they are now on runescape.




I have hunted in real life. and these guys attack my kind because of our sport, now they're on runescape. Why wont they stfu.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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