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Is i me who's stupid?


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Alright, I'm going to post this here instead of make my own topic.




I took everyone's advice when dealing with this situation:




I was training on experiments... So I went and attacked one, with this other guy nearby, though he was fighting a different one. Let's call the guy 'D'.




D: My spot


Me: You can't claim a spot.


D: Ya i can


Me: No you can't.


D: And u are bad


D: Cant even hit


D: So leave


Me: No.




Since there was no experiment to attack in his 'spot', I looked around, and found another one. There was this other guy there. Let's call him '6'.




6: Noob


Me: Thanks.


6: Np




So then I walked back to the other area, and started fighting an experiment just before D did.




D: Omg dude


D: Ur such a nub


Me: Thanks.


D: U dont take some1s spot


D: Gawd




Then I got another experiment before he did.




D: Go steal some1 elses spot


D: Gawd




He logs out.




People like that are [wagon].

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Its part of the composition of life, you occasionally come across some morons and egomaniacs who think they're so good and clever. Fortunately, for the rest of us most of us do have more than 10 active brain cells.

My Last.Fm


Random Furry Dance!!!

Proud to hate life, since not too long ago!!!

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heck i am a 17 year old guy who has a IQ of 141


And im Odysseus, son of Laertes, king of ithica and conquerer of troy.




Autograph please?








OT: Really, he was being stupid and loosely used noob because he didn't get his way. Although, I would improve your grammar or you might get called a noob more often.

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From the grammar I found in your story, I do infact believe, that he has a higher IQ than you.




However his IQ is also low because he uses the word "noob"




Why must you assume that anyone with higher combat than you isa dork, don't stereotype this way :notalk:

if you said "runescape" at my school, seeing that 90% of the population there are rednecks, they'd be like "whats that", me: "a computer game online", "eh!? oh one of those thinga-ma-gigers mrs clark got on her desk? a compooter?
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Im about to solve a great mystery.




[hide= The answer to the meaning of life] Karamja[/hide]




Beautiful,ruin the joy of seeing other people write Kamama or (This was the best) "Yo Manja".And no,he did not do that on purpose.




OT though,he's just an idiot who lost that helm you sold him because he's afraid the lessers on "Kanooja" call him a safer.Yes,I mean that.Anyway,next time an idiot like hime comes along,just ask one of us who's higher level than him to be a jerk to him,see how he likes it.Now that one was sarcastic.(Actually,its not classified as sarcastic,I just didn't mean it)


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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