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.:!Support this random event!:.


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I see you have opened this thread about a great game suggestion. As a player who has experienced the mime random a few times along with the different types of emotes that you get from tutorial island, I have a great new emote. What is this emote? Well we get the camo random enough right? And all we get after we have the full set is 500 measly gp. So I have decided to post about a new idea. The camo emote. How do you unlock this? Well you need to get the event, if you get the event wrong just like to mime random) You will get an emote instead of clothing, that way you don't walk away empty handed. I have made up a picture of how it would look. camopushupsinvarrockfortipit.jpg




Now if this looks good to you then you need to fill this out and post it.





|Tip.it name:                        |


|RSN:                                |












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It would be better than 500gp, I guess that makes me the second supporter!




Oh, and for some reason, when i look at the picture, i expect the guy to start doing the worm. I don't know why, great picture though.

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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I Support TET!| If you want bunny PM Me.|Click For My DevArt


^ Cowboy is the Best ^


Hell yeah I do. Whats your msn?

That's how it all starts.


Next he's going to ask you what flavor of candy you enjoy and whats your favorite color van.

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