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Revenge: An eye for an eye?


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I hate to say it, but I'd do the same thing as everyone else in this case.




If my friend was beaten brutally for no reason, if I had a child who was abused by a molester, etc... I don't think a prison with 3 warm meals a day, a TV and books for five years is a proper punishment. I'd put my life on a halt and do everything in my power to track down, locate, and make the people responsible suffer as intensely as possible.




It's very hard for me to explain. I wouldn't take such action against a robber. I wouldn't do it against a person who nicked my car door. I wouldn't do it against a person who hit me or somebody else in the face. Those people have completely different motives.




As far as my memories go, I've always hated, with a passion, people who are cowardly and systematically (with full knowledge of what they are doing) take advantage/assault people who are weak and have absolutely no chance to protect themselves, such as children.




Man, you must've had it BAD.




I'll agree with you on this one, even though I don't hate many things. But I wouldn't say death is the answer. Nobody deserves to die. But some people deserve to remain locked up for the rest of their lives, in cold, prison cells. No shower, no toilet, and no TV (I need a TV though, football, I take it very seriously), and anything else that would leave the person with nothing to do.

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I'll agree with you on this one, even though I don't hate many things. But I wouldn't say death is the answer. Nobody deserves to die. But some people deserve to remain locked up for the rest of their lives, in cold, prison cells. No shower, no toilet, and no TV (I need a TV though, football, I take it very seriously), and anything else that would leave the person with nothing to do.




I, too, don't see the point in using death as a punishment. If you come to think of it, it's an easy way out for someone who has done unforgivable crimes. Many mafia bosses just turn the gun on their head instead of giving themselves up for a 60-year jail sentence in a max-security prison, if they get caught by the cops/their home is raided etc.




If you can kill 10 different storekeepers who were trying to live normally and feed their family and kids, just because they wouldn't give you 30% of their profits as protection money.. Sitting 60 years incarcerated inside 4 walls with no stimuli doesn't seem disproportionate.




Or, as in China, put the worst criminals to good use and send them to labour camps. You get to help society, you stay alive, get excercise and food... But you'll have to work physically for the rest of your life. Everyone wins.

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it just makes complete sense in my mind that if someone kills or even rapes a member of my family, i am personally going to kill them no matter what the cost of my own actions. and i sure am not going to wait for the pathetic legal system to do its job and take 20 yrs or even never by sending the person to life in prison

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Some prisons are definitely too relaxed. Prisoners get meals, exercise, books, tv, and the pleasure of sodomy. How are prisoners supposed to be punished among all these comfortable amenities???
Australia has some prisons which have better facilities than a lot of public schools, and public housing.... way to go governments. I quite like the asian approach, dark, dirty and crowded. Probability of death in jail ... decent. None of this serve a 20yr sentance and be in perfect health at the end of it bs :uhh:
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Isaac Newton's laws and theories are based on science, not human psychology.




Think, if you're 16. A huge buffed guy comes at you, hits you in the face and brandishes a knife. Is your body telling you "activate primate fighting instict, hit him back" or "remember Isaac Newton's third law of motion"?




No, if you wanted to have any chance of surviving, you'd run away as fast as possible. I don't see how that applies in societal behaviour and retaliation.






I can't believe you've replied rationally to one of my (obvious) jokes. :shame:

[oh man... come on.. i didnt do that bad to your modesty... and i was drunk! you were not! you took advantage of me... wildernessfreelancer!]

Yep, that's what they'll always say, LoL.

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It depends on what they did. If they killed someone then, no, revenge is stupid. if they steal from someone, again, quite silly.




But if it's something really small then revenge is ok. for example i always annoy those who annoy me. Simple as that.

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I always go by "Hit me and I'll hit you back, harder" :wink:




I go by that too, otherwise it's "Hit me and I'll hit you back harder, but I'll have something sharp in between my knuckles."




EDIT: 400th post, wewt!


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a subtle difference between revenge and retribution.




Revenge implies that the victim of a crime is trying to derive some pleasure/satisfaction/sense of closure from the punishment of the bad guy.




Retribution implies that the perpetrator of a crime won't be allowed to get away with it. If you only had to pay a $5 fine for assault and battery, I bet a lot of people would start rampaging and paying a small fine.




"Revenge" (retribution is a more accurate word) is necessary in a just society to deter crime. That sums it up, really.



"The best defence is to stay out of range" - French proverb

Bad luck happens. Learn and get over it.

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Read The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare.




It shaped my attitude towards revenge which was that it is fair.




However people can go either ways on this play on their view of revenge..

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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The only thing that stops me from thinking about such acts of revenge is having the knowledge that I know (even though I shouldn't IMO) I will feel bad afterwards. Should I not know how bad I would feel afterwards of committing such an act I would gladly take revenge for almost anything.

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