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girl thing


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before i start i wana mention that this happend in the past and i just really wana now if i done the right this :o anyway it all started when i moved to a new town from toronto, i made new friends etc and than i met this girl which I reealy liked. We became pretty good friends and all but i could never figured if she liked me back than or not sinse shes s been a cheerleader type who "flirted" with every1. Back than i was a wimp so i decided not to take chan ces of asking her out abd im so glad i didnt cause a week later i was so suprized watching her pulling of intu my nebours driveway. Finally it turned out she was the niece of an old women who my parents were good friends with. So later on i met her on all the BBQs and all but i new that this will never work as friendship so i had a choice. 8) But i wimped out evan though all my friends told me to do it i just couldnt imagine what would happend if she either said no or it wouldn't work out and than i would have to meet her on all those parties.. :oops: well what do u think? should ive done it or not its not about that girl anymore more about ways to live...












P.S. I don't know if its the alcohol or the 521 fire jiants slayer assignment that made me post here, abd also i dont mind criticism but please dont random;ly flame at least provide why :wink:

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If the chance is there go for it. Even if it dosn't work out you'll always be glad you tried. I'm only 18 and I already think I've passed up far too many chances, if I could go back and do some things over again i would have no doubt in my mind. Do what you can while you can, regret is one of the most painful things in a persons mind.

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Meh. even though I've done it loads, it still takes me a while to work up the courage to actually ask a girl out. Maybe you should take advantage of your current alcohol intake and ring her? (Joke, never call a girl when drunk. Unless you were at the same party together and you need to find out where she is)

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Ive been in that situation and I did ask her out. She said no. I felt awkward around her for about a week and that was it. Go for it, there isnt anything to loose really.

A recent study shows that 92% of all teenagers have small purple pet elephants named Jack. Put this in your sig if you are one of the 8% who like to do the fandango on Wednesday afternoons

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Chances are that you wont get a second shot at life, you will learn that it's very stupid to always think "I'll do it later". Do it now, your life is NOW. And if a girl tells you she doesn't want to start a relationship with you, then at least you'll know it. Now you will never know if it would've worked out or not.








Also, read the following:




I find that it's better to regret something you DID do, rather than regret something you DIDN'T do.
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bad grammar and spelling :evil: ahh wall of text :x








ask her out. Worst case scenario: you end up just being friends if she says yes and then you break up.

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Its kinda sad that u look at the net for answers to this question to be honest when the answer is so clear. ASK HER or ull regret not asking. What the worst she can do to u.








I could answer that, but I'd rather not. The consequences to the moral on this board could be devistating.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Its kinda sad that u look at the net for answers to this question to be honest when the answer is so clear. ASK HER or ull regret not asking. What the worst she can do to u.








I could answer that, but I'd rather not. The consequences to the moral on this board could be devistating.








Answer what???

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Your question "What's the worst she could do to you?" I could answer, but it would probably demoralise most people on this boards to the point of never posting again. I have a very active imagination.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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If i were you i would have probably acted the same.








But heres a good tip that i would suggest to anybody who would be in your shoes for that situation. That would be to not ask her out.








The only circumstance where she would ahve said yes would be that if she secretly liked you and that was her dream come true, but you said she was a flirty chearleader so i would doubt that. She would have said no because it would have been too much of a suprise for her i think.








Now what to do instead: Ask her to a movie or to hang out or something, or get her phonenumber or give her yours. Thats a way easier thing to do than to ask her out. By hanging out with her she would become more relaxed around you and would not find it so shocking if you asked her out later, and if you guys did continue to hang out she would start to like you.








But becareful. I did that last week with this really attractive girl in grade 12 at my school. I thought she didn't like me so i gave up on liking her. Then she asked me to her grad and then it wasl ike a dream come true but I thought that was the last thing she would say to me so i kinda stuttered for like 2 minutes and ended up saying "yes" 5 minutes later.

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I mean whats the worst that can happen? She says no, and never wants to see you again. You become depressed. Drop out of high school. End up cleaning septic tanks the rest of your life, hey its honest work.








if only my life were as grand as what your mind spawned.

How does a profession differ from an occupation?

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god, the worst she can say is no.








Nope. She can say "Yeah right loser, you are ugly, and a nerd. You must be kidding me. * off.
























If you need help with a girl, you aren't worthy of one right now. It should all feel natural, so if you need to ask online for help, you don't deserve a girl right now.




Thats all I really have to say.









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