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Fletching with the Exchange


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I think I'm going to attempt 99 Fletching & wanted a little advice. See, since the arrival of t he Grand Exchange; prices have been a little unbalanced. I'm curious to know what is the most economical path to take when attempting my goal; and if I take the most expensive but quickest route; how much am I looking to blow.




Should I do 75-99 with Yew Longs




75-85 Yew Longs, then 85-99 Mage Longs




NOTE: I'd prefer the route in which I'm able to use High Alchemy on the bows. However, if this proves to be VERY costly and it seems better to just sell them and then alch something different, let me know.

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I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert but if you alch you will lose money probally. Unless you are cutting yews or making nats you will probally lose like 25 or so gp every bow.

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.

^^^At least I'm not the only crazy one

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You could try that fletchers guild in Yanille, trade longs for supplies.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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I already own the Nats, so it is a matter of the supplies (logs + string). Like I said, it would be alot better, as far as skilling goes, to alch them rather than sell them. I wanted to know, an estimate, based on the Grand Exchange's new prices of how much I'm looking to lose if I did alch them. Figures from 75-99 Yew Longs and figures from 75-85 Yews/85-99 Mages.

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you make even i think with mage longs but it's slower...




May I ask how it is slower? I've never attempted 99 Fletch before, on any account, so I don't know this. I mean, by Tip.It's calculations:




85-99 Fletching =

65,173 Yew Longbows


53,420 Magic Longbows




So, how can 12K advantage make it slower?

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you make even i think with mage longs but it's slower...




May I ask how it is slower? I've never attempted 99 Fletch before, on any account, so I don't know this. I mean, by Tip.It's calculations:




85-99 Fletching =

65,173 Yew Longbows


53,420 Magic Longbows




So, how can 12K advantage make it slower?


i ment selling them... i'm not sure how often they sell tho, use forums..


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you make even i think with mage longs but it's slower...




May I ask how it is slower? I've never attempted 99 Fletch before, on any account, so I don't know this. I mean, by Tip.It's calculations:




85-99 Fletching =

65,173 Yew Longbows


53,420 Magic Longbows




So, how can 12K advantage make it slower?


i ment selling them... i'm not sure how often they sell tho, use forums..




He dosnt want to sell them, he is going to alch them.








I would stick with yews, 10k really isnt that many more do do once you have done 53k. It is much easier to buy 60k yew logs than it is to buy 50k magic logs. Also, the profit margin for yews is a little bit higher than it is for mages, if you do it right.

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Went ahead and drew up the conclusion myself, with a bit of research. Posting the results here, for others that might need the assistance. Feel free to question it or add on to these calculations. These are a bit rough & prices might fluctuate a bit & it is based on IF you purchased all of the required materials before-hand.




75-99 Fletching: Yew Longbows[Route A]


78,827 - Yew Logs


78,827 - Bowstring


78,827 - Nature Runes




75-99 Fletching: Yew & Magic Longbows[Route B]


13,655 - Yew Logs


53,420 - Magic Logs


67,075 - Bowstring


67,075 - Nature Runes




Grand Exchange Average Market Price Today: 12/06/2007


Yew Log - 397 gp


Magic Log - 1,225 gp


Bowstring - 140 gp


Flax - 52 gp


Nature Rune - 269 gp


Yew Longbow - 712 gp


Magic Longbow - 1,416 gp


Total Cost = 42,330,099[A] & 80,251,035[B], excluding Nature Runes.




Yew Longbow: High Alchemy


768 gp x 78,827 = 60,539,136 gp


768 gp x 13,655 = 10,487,040 gp




Magic Longbow: High Alchemy


1,536 gp x 53,420 = 82,053,120 gp




So, in conclusion, this is what we've found out:


  • If you make your own Bowstring from Flax, you save 6,936,776[A] or 5,902,600[B].
    If you craft your own Nature Runes, you save 21,204,463[A] or 18,042,368[B], excluding Pure Essence purchasing/mining.
    If you purchased all materials & alched, you'll take a loss of 2,995,426[A] or 5,753,243[B].


In the end, it comes down to the fact of IF I wish to spend an extra 3m to get done faster (approximately 12K bows/alches faster). Did I leave something out or is that pretty much all of it in a nutshell?

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Personally I'd do this if I still had members status,




1) Buy Yew Logs and Bow Strings at the cheapest GE price (Unless you know you can get enough cheaper elsewhere)


2) Make them into yew longs


3) Every 1k made I'd pop them into the exchange at a reasonable price


4) While they're selling I'd make another 1k


5)Repeat until 99 :D






Best of luck


Samari <3:


Help me starting out again - Give YOUR advice!

If you're collecting in game "hyt's" send me a message here or in game :D

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In the end, it comes down to the fact of IF I wish to spend an extra 3m to get done faster (approximately 12K bows/alches faster). Did I leave something out or is that pretty much all of it in a nutshell?




You could just get like 100 bowstrings/logs and test to see how long those take to string and alc... doing that would give you a basis to make calculations on whether yews or magics are better...




Find out how long it takes in minutes to make/alc those 100 bows and then times the amount of minutes by 120 (to find the total extra time it would take)


Now, do 3,000,000 (the extra it would cost) divided by the number you just got above.


Now, times THAT number by 60....




This resulting number would be the break-even point for average salary...


If you make OVER this amount PER HOUR, then go with magics, if you make UNDER, then go with yews.






Also, note, though, that with the other option you get more alcs... An alc is an alc no matter what, so that will be more magic experience.


So, you could include that in the extra money costs (like add 5gp for every experience point of magic you are missing out on... or instead of 5gp, whatever you estimate it costs you to train magic per 1 exp)...

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If you WANT to alch the mage longs then that is the route to go seeing as you should make a profit off of it, seeing as you already have the nats now.




If you were trying to sell the mage longs, then it would take you longer to get rid of them. I would have to say it's quite difficult to resell mage longs for alot less than you'd make alching them.




If you want the mage exp, then by all means do the mage longs and alch them, but if you want to just resell, I would say go with the yew longs. They are far more easier to resell, and in the time it would take you to sell the mage longs, you could have already started on another skill or started making more money in the process.




Just in case you didn't know, yew longs sellf for 610-620 on the forums. I dont know what this means to you, but it will be hard to sell those on the GE as well. Since the GE price for yew longs is so misconstrued(sp?) I would have to assume that it is the same for mage longs. Hence the reason I said it would be harder and longer to sell the mage longs, with noone buying from GE and barely anyone buying from forums.

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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Also, note, though, that with the other option you get more alcs... An alc is an alc no matter what, so that will be more magic experience.


So, you could include that in the extra money costs (like add 5gp for every experience point of magic you are missing out on... or instead of 5gp, whatever you estimate it costs you to train magic per 1 exp)...




Too true...




Going Route B would lead me up to, possibly, 88 Magic. However, in taking the longer Route A, I could very well end up at 90 Magic; or somewhat close. What I'll do, for now, is go ahead and get the Yews that'll lead me from 75-85 and decide later. No matter what, I'll have to do Yews till 85 so that'll be the breaking-point.

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You can buy yew logs and bowstrings, fletch to yew longs and still sell the bow for a profit.




Yew Logs = 350ish


Bow Strings = 200 worst case scenario








Yew longs sell to alchers for 630ea. So thats a 70gp profit per bow. Obviously if you have loads of nats to burn you can alch for a bit more profit but if your planning on buying nats then you will operate at a loss.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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I have 99 fletching, and got it going completely yew longs, and bought all the supplies at once, and then just fletched. I would have done Mage longs, which were definitely faster, but the supplies were higher than the bow prices at the time, so i went with yews. If your gonna alch, go with mage longs, but if your just fletching and selling, yews can turn better profit if you buy supplies low, and you probably can at this time, but i still suggest mage longs.

99 Fletching 99 Attack 99 Constitution 99 Cooking 99 Strength

Gamertag: H8tebringer


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[hide=spudrow analysis]

Went ahead and drew up the conclusion myself, with a bit of research. Posting the results here, for others that might need the assistance. Feel free to question it or add on to these calculations. These are a bit rough & prices might fluctuate a bit & it is based on IF you purchased all of the required materials before-hand.




75-99 Fletching: Yew Longbows[Route A]


78,827 - Yew Logs


78,827 - Bowstring


78,827 - Nature Runes




75-99 Fletching: Yew & Magic Longbows[Route B]


13,655 - Yew Logs


53,420 - Magic Logs


67,075 - Bowstring


67,075 - Nature Runes




Grand Exchange Average Market Price Today: 12/06/2007


Yew Log - 397 gp


Magic Log - 1,225 gp


Bowstring - 140 gp


Flax - 52 gp


Nature Rune - 269 gp


Yew Longbow - 712 gp


Magic Longbow - 1,416 gp


Total Cost = 42,330,099[A] & 80,251,035[B], excluding Nature Runes.




Yew Longbow: High Alchemy


768 gp x 78,827 = 60,539,136 gp


768 gp x 13,655 = 10,487,040 gp




Magic Longbow: High Alchemy


1,536 gp x 53,420 = 82,053,120 gp




So, in conclusion, this is what we've found out:


  • If you make your own Bowstring from Flax, you save 6,936,776[A] or 5,902,600[B].
    If you craft your own Nature Runes, you save 21,204,463[A] or 18,042,368[B], excluding Pure Essence purchasing/mining.
    If you purchased all materials & alched, you'll take a loss of 2,995,426[A] or 5,753,243[B].


In the end, it comes down to the fact of IF I wish to spend an extra 3m to get done faster (approximately 12K bows/alches faster). Did I leave something out or is that pretty much all of it in a nutshell?





This is actually a pretty good analysis! Since I plan on getting lvl-99 runecrafting, the methods you describe are within the scope of my training style. It looks like it all comes down to the matter of maximizing net profit or minimizing time spent. Method A definitely maximizes net profit since the cost of yew logs is about a quarter of magic logs. Method B minimizes time since you'll fletch and high alch 12K fewer bows. Considering money verses time, Method A is much more advantageous since you'll have higher net profit and you can use that money to fund another skill such as construction, herblore or smithing.



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I minpriced about week with maple/yew longs in GE, but no results... nobody buy :( price still to hight i think... is sad..

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


Visit my exp track

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