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The truth, just quit


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1.I agree with you




2.I disagree, you can have both


E.G play for fun to pass time, you can't always hang out with friends.




I know why people are so against you. Because they are kids, REBELS. Thats what they do. You give them advice, they take it for granted and then take it to the next level. Just let them be and learn for themselves. :)

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Why would I want to quit? Every gold farmer that being trying to ruin my beloved game has just been render obsolete. I'm absolutely delighted.




Judging from the numbers playing today, the silent majority feel the same way. Best I can figure it, there's been a 5% drop in players today compared to before the recent announcements/updates. The majority of this 5% are probably the cheats themselves and the remained the minority who have decided to quit (many of whom will like return once the tweaks have been introduced)

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Im sorry my life is not fully lived? In your eyes, dear knower of all. Because if you I shall now forever quit a hobby, to experience what I believe everyday, becuase im really jealous of dropouts with std's who wear Abercrombie and Fitch shirts. /endsarcasm -.-

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I just love how the original poster seems to think that sports/high school relationships/getting stoned|drunk at parties are somehow more 'meaningful' things than an online game... :roll: I like my life that way it is, 'kay?

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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you can have the best of both worlds




why do people always feel that it's all or nothing? (on both sides of the spectrum)?


Agreed. I have a good social life, and i attend the gym so my fitness level is fine AND i still find the time to play Runescape.

P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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are you people angry at him just because what he said is pretty much true?




and what if he made a few mistakes? who cares if he hasnt posted as much as you, doesnt make him different from you or me or any other person. so what if you are the people who have jobs, a life, and still play? this wasnt directed at you, or anyone in fact, its a point of view which im sure everyone of us has..




did you take offense because this might have been you? who cares? its a game

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its a game




Games are best played if you haven't realised. True, you don't want to spend 10 hours a day on them, but there is a balance. Also, he took the time to register on a game fan site and complain. Unless you really had quit to do other things than gaming, I doubt complaining about the game you just left would be one of them.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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Look guys just go buy WOW and play a real game,At least on WOW they care what the players want.


The mods and owners aren't Ban happy,and they have Superior security.


The graphics on Runescape will always look like a 3rd grader programed it.


Stop paying for a game that really isn't worth the money,there are other games out there that are free and way better game play.




that game is $15 a month and up to $40 a month sometimes, with more addiction involved and no skill gain.....runescape is the same with less addiction, free and maxes at $5




why would we play WoW?



Member of 100+ Korrupted Fury

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sell your car and your computer and your girlfriend.




dont tell me what to do over the internet.




Would you rather he tell you what to do over the phone?




and why would i give him my phone number? :-s




so he can call you and tell you what to do




that doesnt explain why i would give anyone my real life info.




if you do that then thats cool, but i dont.




thats why its over the internet perhaps?


if your trying to be sarcastic to my internet command its because he cant communicate with me any other way, so why try and make up something and smile in your chair thinking you served me somehow when your theory makes no sense lol.




You take everything way to seriously.




+1 Lighten up a little. I found his phone retort quite funny.


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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i quit runescape in September. i just had enough of jagex making stupid updates and the way they deal with customer support (got perm muted for saying "msm") and they do not read appeals. not just that but i knew that one day they would do something so stupid that will ruin runescape, so i just logged in dardan79 and gave everything away to random people i saw (some people got very lucky that day lol).




but i agree with this post, we are paying so why are jagex ruining the game for us? if i was member now i would instantly cancel it.

runescape died 10-12-07

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Heh, I think I can make my own decisions thank you. Oh, and the only way a boycott will be effective is if everyone does it. Somehow I don't think you have exactly touched our hearts.

~ W ~



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RuneScape doesn't interfer with my real life. It's just a game. "time waste" or just something I do in my spare time. Similar to others playing other games, watching tv or reading a book.




I do my homework. I get decent grades. I've got a girlfriend for 4 years. I play football each day. I'm on my last year at college (guess that's what it is in English). From next summer I'll be a pro footballer (no [cabbage]). I party whenever I can - which is much these weeks with no real football.




Have fun and good luck in your own life. :wink:

99 ranged | 99 magic | 99 defence | 99 hitpoints

Remember, it's just a game

Feel free to add me on RS. :) Always ready for a chat.

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BBC3 I am not forcing you to quit. Everything you read on the internet you don't have to do. My "theory" does not apply to you, since you don't have anything other than Runescape. So you can keep on playing. Oh darn, sorry, I did it again. I told you "what to do."




Berbatovsky, average person sleeps 8 hours a day, 122 days a year. Quitted is a word and sorry I was typing fast.




777thzapster, I "poped" up now and then not only to play but to talk to my friends.




Actualy it "to have quit" or in this case you could say "has quit".


The closest you can come is 'aquited' (which I probably spelled wrong) and that dose not mean anything like quit.




And it wont acomplish much. At ,most they'll just remove the members version or updates and take some free severs offline. Then wait for popularity to grow and bring back members when they think they have enough new interest. They are adamant about the RWT issue and circumventign it will just result in far more unfavorable updates.

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with the new post jagex made, things will never go back to normal, even if you quit.




jagex spends too much money trying to kill off autoers and their sites, and more people will join anyway.




they stated the purpose is to kill off all autoers and rwt and they have succeeded.


4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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BBC3 I am not forcing you to quit. Everything you read on the internet you don't have to do. My "theory" does not apply to you, since you don't have anything other than Runescape. So you can keep on playing. Oh darn, sorry, I did it again. I told you "what to do."




Berbatovsky, average person sleeps 8 hours a day, 122 days a year. Quitted is a word and sorry I was typing fast.




777thzapster, I "poped" up now and then not only to play but to talk to my friends.




clearly you know all about my real life now :lol:


4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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