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police involved in runescape matters?


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That's blackmail, if you really didn't "hack" him, then why should you give him 4mil? I don't think the police would get involved in game matter about virtual money anyways. :roll:




P.S.: He's not your friend if he's threatening you, let alone about something so small such as 4M. :P


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one of my friends thinks i hacked his account -i really didnt- but hes threatening to invlove the police if i dont give him 4mil. what should i do?




Get new friends, or don't worry about it. They can't do anything to you, since you're innocent....

When I see people say it, I pronounce it "poon" in my head. Makes more sense to me. My friend said it in real life once and I almost kneed him in the family-maker.

$DO || ! $DO ; try
try: command not found

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If you hacked a free account, they won't take action. If you hacked a PAY account, they'd have to involve British police, since the Jagex firm is located there (right?). If you didn't hack his free account, he wouldn't be blackmailing you. If you didn't hack his pay account, he'd be blackmailing you.

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If you hacked a free account, they won't take action. If you hacked a PAY account, they'd have to involve British police, since the Jagex firm is located there (right?). If you didn't hack his free account, he wouldn't be blackmailing you. If you didn't hack his pay account, he'd be blackmailing you.





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actually.. lets say i did hack him.. hypothetically. the runescape website says all content is owned exclusively by jagex. therefore police cant do anything correct?


Are you saying you did?




If you really didn't, you have nothing to worry about...

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If you hacked a free account, they won't take action. If you hacked a PAY account, they'd have to involve British police, since the Jagex firm is located there (right?). If you didn't hack his free account, he wouldn't be blackmailing you. If you didn't hack his pay account, he'd be blackmailing you.








With a free account, the friend can't make any correlation between the real money he paid and the money in the game. If he paid for his account, the hacker is hacking something that has value. In the same way, a person blackmailing for imaginary money can't be prosecuted for blackmail, but if it was a pay account, the money in the game has value.

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Whether you hacked him or not, you got nothing to fret about.




If he took this to the fuzz they'd laugh in his virtual face. :D

Don't follow me. You might not make it.

All your accounts are belong to us now.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator
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