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Well... My computer has just blown up for the last time... the power outlit in the back of the laptop is shot, and i can't get any power to it.




i'm trying to type this before i loose the last 2 minutes of power...




do any of you know a good computer UNDER $1500 with:


Good gaming capability.


Ability to use programs like photoshop quickly.


I would prefer a laptop.


macintosh or windows.


quick uploading/downloading speeds.


load internet games and videos quickly.




ok my computer is dead... please help meee.




thanks in advance.


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Back to RuneScape, Again.Avatar by Brian The Great

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I'm not a Windows guy, so I'm gonna go ahead and advertise for Mac...


First off, the MacBook.


I own a older version Macbook, and it has fared me well.


Good gaming capability: Yes, though 64MB of video RAM can slow advanced games down a bit.


Ability to use programs like photoshop quickly: I have PS Elements 2.0 on mine, and even though that version isn't made to work with Intel, it works flawlessly.


Laptop? Yup.


Quick uploading/downloading speeds: That really depends on your internet.


Load internet games and videos quickly: So does this.




I recommend the high-end White one, just because the Black is $100 dollars more because of the color, and it fades easily.






Although it is over your budget, you could also look at a MacBook Pro, which will allow you much better gaming capabilities because it has 256MB of VRAM.


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quick uploading/downloading speeds.




Has nothing to do with your computer unless your PC really is ridiculously slow.




I'm not a Windows lover but I'm gonna definitely go ahead and say "Screw Macs". Build your own PC, it's easy to do and it will be ridiculously less expensive than a Mac. You didn't specify if you specifically wanted a laptop, but if you don't then...




Put together something like :




E6600 CPU (Dual Core 2.4GHz)


2GB Performance RAM


8600/8800GT 512MB


500GB or more of S-ATA Storage


Good quality motherboard and PSU




You'll do that easily for under $1500 and with far higher specs than you'll get from a Mac.

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quick uploading/downloading speeds.




Has nothing to do with your computer unless your PC really is ridiculously slow.




I'm not a Windows lover but I'm gonna definitely go ahead and say "Screw Macs". Build your own PC, it's easy to do and it will be ridiculously less expensive than a Mac. You didn't specify if you specifically wanted a laptop, but if you don't then...




Put together something like :




E6600 CPU (Dual Core 2.4GHz)


2GB Performance RAM


8600/8800GT 512MB


500GB or more of S-ATA Storage


Good quality motherboard and PSU




You'll do that easily for under $1500 and with far higher specs than you'll get from a Mac.


I think that's what I'm gonna do for my next computer, I'm tired of having just one little thing that I don't like. I just need the Mac OS though... :P


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

4,968th to 99 Farming 10/9/09 | Runescaper August 2005-March 2010

Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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Good gaming capability: Yes, though 64MB of video RAM can slow advanced games down a bit.


That would mean it's a no. 64mb of video memory isn't going to play any new game at any kind of playable speed at decent resolutions. Not to mention a lot of them don't even support OSX.




This is why we have Newegg. Laptop search, dedicated video card, 2gb of ram. Pick any one of the machines in that list and it'll easily cover what you're looking for without the inflated Mac price.

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Cruiser's right. Unless you have a very high budget (around 2500+) Macs are not a very good deal. Any of the laptops listed on newegg, particularly the asus gaming series, are all good . This laptop is exactly what you are looking for. As far as installing OSX on a windows computer, it IS possible, but its illegal so I don't think i'm allowed to link you to the site. Just google it.

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Cruiser has the right idea. As far as a laptop, looking through that list I think THIS one looks the best.




Yeah, its also right at your limit (1499) but the specs are great. Pretty much will run any game on the market currently.

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All I'm gonna say is that Macs are NOT going to do very well unless you spend $2000 for components that you could get on Windows for about $700 less. And my experiences with RuneScape on Macs are also really bad.. I'd stick with Windows.




And about Apple's claim that it's possible to put Windows on a Mac but not Mac OS on Windows, that's just because they don't want people buying a Windows computer for way less than they could get a Mac for and installing Mac OS, so they made it illegal. It's definitely possible though.

I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
Pics or it didn't happen.
I hate my generation.
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thanks to everyone that posted!




I might go with the ASUS G Series G1S-A1 NoteBook if i can get it at my local computer store... (is it a popular model?)


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Back to RuneScape, Again.Avatar by Brian The Great

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thanks to everyone that posted!




I might go with the ASUS G Series G1S-A1 NoteBook if i can get it at my local computer store... (is it a popular model?)




woah, hold on a second there.




What local computer store are you going to buy from? Chances are you'll end up paying a lot more money than you should for the laptop, I would strongly strongly recommend you just order it from newegg.






If it's a bit more of a smaller owned place than maybe you can get a nice deal, but I doubt they would have that exact notebook there either. If it is a large place like best buy than don't even bother -- it'll be a waste of money spending the few extra hundred bucks (probably) buying a PC there.

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I bought a toshiba satellite p200-r2r ( i think) for $1400.




2.2 gigahertz 110gb hardrive intel centrino duo core etc... 17" screen :P[/code]


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Back to RuneScape, Again.Avatar by Brian The Great

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Christmas is coming, I also want to get one laptop that have good gaming capacity for my brother. These days I searched a lot online, and found these two seems better


http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/sto ... 1665234522


now i know sony arent considered gaming laptops...but it seems a pretty decent one...


http://www.[Link removed]/searchdeals.php?deal_id=73105


you can look up, or ask for some other peoples opinions.

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nadril: it is very similar.. but i don't think it is that excat model... the one i got had 2gigs of ram :|


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Back to RuneScape, Again.Avatar by Brian The Great

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Try the new mac desktop. it looks very cool and reasonably priced.




Ps. My laptop power blew up, it will cost like ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã85 to get sorted and the shop is being very slow, im using my mums desktop atm.

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Try the new mac desktop. it looks very cool and reasonably priced.




He wants a laptop, and wants to be able to play games on it. You suggested a Mac Desktop. Bravo.





Ps. My laptop power blew up, it will cost like ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã85 to get sorted and the shop is being very slow, im using my mums desktop atm.


That's nice.

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