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Do you have your own personality?


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It is near impossible to actualy be yourself around other people. Weather you accept it or not, other peoples judgement does affect you in some way weather you try to fit in or not. Now im not saying we all act like other people either, we still have a distinct personality even if it may not acuratly refect who we really are.




Now in an online situation you would be more likely to have a more accuate representation of yourself since you dont know the other poeple and they dont know you. Still most people will try to fit in to an online community they are a part of so personality is still influenced.




I sometimes restrain my personality with regards to what I say. I say only about 1/3rd of what I think about saying which is just in my nature. But in a roleplaying situation I can change my reactions and thinking process but only in apperance. I still think like me but change visable reactions to emmulate someone.

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Do you have your own personality? Or do you, for example, act like a character on your favourite TV show?




I tend to act myself most of the times, but most of the times I'll pull out a Cartman or Homer quote.




Everyone has multiple personalities. And don't you dare deny it.




Arthur Miller himself says that everyone in life begins performing as soon they walk out of the door of their house. And it's right, society expects us to act a certain way, and we do, even if it isn't who we are? Why? We love to conform. Those who don't conform get looked at like they're weird.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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The blank masses. And yes, I have decided to be an individual.




Can't really argue, in most of the world individuality isn't always looked upon kindly, high school/college can be extremely confusing times in your life.




I mean... One month, it will be cool to be like everyone else, another month, it's cool to be "unique", one month it will be cool to be good in sports, one month it makes you a 'stud' or 'jerk' to be good in sports... What the heck? :lol:




Fortunately, when you grow up, a lot of adults realize how childish/dumb they've been, and often grow more mature/tolerant of different people. I'd say ages 11-16 are hell for being "individual", after that it gets a bit easier.

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i don't know. the randomness of my behavior i blame on the t.v. shows i watch... :-k


Peppy: "Do a barrel roll!"

Fox: "That's your solution for everything..."

Peppy: "Just press Z or R twice!"

Fox: "No, Peppy..."

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Do you have your own personality? Or do you, for example, act like a character on your favourite TV show?




I tend to act myself most of the times, but most of the times I'll pull out a Cartman or Homer quote.




~Check my RSN =). I have my own, definitely. After every single trade, you'll here a "Thanks come again" from me =).~

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I happen to believe that everyone has a distinct personality, but is heavily shaped by ones peers, parents and other such influences.




I have a personality that is very subdued, only ever going out of my shell when and where it suits me and only me. (hence my sudden reappearance here, as opposed to the Varrock library, where I practically live, and I'll probably disappear from here soon too.)




I personally see a lot of teenagers with a very generic personality. There are your jocks your gang members your geeks and your emos, BASICALLY, then, when I get to know people, my sight is either reinforced or warped a little. But I've been right on looks alone about 90% of the time.




Personality, too, is in the eye of the beholder




(Note, I only read the first couple posts)


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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There are your jocks your gang members your geeks and your emos,


And your correct use of commas. ::'




There is a guy who does not have his own personality: frank caliendo of Frank TV :thumbsup:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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