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dragon chain


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energy isnt a stat, it will not help u agsint players or monsters


If you read what I said, it's a stat of the item.




Just because it doesn't help you in combat, doesn't mean it's not a stat.

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energy isnt a stat, it will not help u agsint players or monsters




Well if you are running around from monster to monster or running from a group of players in BH being lighter is better since your energy will last longer. Therefore it does serve a purpose.

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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i told my friend about getting a dragon chain, he said i should work towards a fighter torso, he said its a really good and will only take a day or two at outpost?




Stop wasting your time. ONE THING AT A TIME. With the way you are going you are never going to get anything done. First you want 99 wc. Then 99 this and 99 that. Then a d chain. Now a fighter torso. Then 99 agility.




Make up your mind and stick with it... And please Please PLEASE stop spamming the forum up with multiple threads about your different ideas that you want to try and do. Put all your questions into one thread with a title of "A few questions on gaining levels"

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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Do as i did, get Guthan's platebody (290-300k) and Guthan's chainskirt (308k)..


I TOTALLY LOVE EM, great defence bonus and looks, combine it with a cheap torags helm and u will do fine :D




EDIT: Ultimatballr be kind to the newbies >:/

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Do as i did, get Guthan's platebody (290-300k) and Guthan's chainskirt (308k)..


I TOTALLY LOVE EM, great defence bonus and looks, combine it with a cheap torags helm and u will do fine :D




EDIT: Ultimatballr be kind to the newbies >:/




No one can be babied their entire life. You don't learn unless you get confronted. Its a part of life.

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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get d skirt, it's cheaper and it has better stats




Not better - but the same :-#




Get 2M more, buy a green mask - get 99 wc, resell, and buy d legs and chain.








Its lighter than platelegs, weight is a stat.




Remind me again how weight effects you're attack/strength/defense, or how you train weight.






It's a stat of the item. It affects your energy, so I don't see why it shouldn't be counted.




Because it can't be trained.






Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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get d skirt, it's cheaper and it has better stats




Not better - but the same :-#




Get 2M more, buy a green mask - get 99 wc, resell, and buy d legs and chain.








Its lighter than platelegs, weight is a stat.




Remind me again how weight effects you're attack/strength/defense, or how you train weight.






It's a stat of the item. It affects your energy, so I don't see why it shouldn't be counted.




Because it can't be trained.






And you obviously don't understand what we mean... we're not talking about "skills".




Stats, as in the numbers that define a piece of equipment.




Or think about it this way, you can't train Slash Bonus, or Crush Defense either.

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If only the definition of Stat was what you presume it to be.






And what do you define stat as? Something that you can train?




As I said before, you can't train specific bonuses either.

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Which is why they are called bonuses instead of stats.




Nonetheless, were both spamming this topic, and all were going to do is argue back in forth :|




So, I'm going to quit now, nice "debate" if you will.






Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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best looking hauberk in runescape without a doubt. i wear mine originally cause i got mine from a drop and i simply love it. however with 12m, it would be surprising if you couldn't afford the repairs. the plate alone costs around 500k, which leaves you with a good 11.5m to spend it on repairs... :|




if its your goal to get one, why not? i bought them at the point where they doubled the price.

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