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im not going to sleep (closed)


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going for staying up all night and sleeping early like at 6 pm.




I've been doing that for the past 2 weeks ever since I've been on break. :?


And that's why you wear the pants on these forums.




No one informed me I had to wear pants! :(


Ew, you guys wear pants? Grody.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Going without sleep isn't such a big deal... -.-


Max for me I think is 4 days without sleep.(But then I slept for a day and a half after that :lol:)


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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going for staying up all night and sleeping early like at 6 pm.




I've been doing that for the past 2 weeks ever since I've been on break. :?


And that's why you wear the pants on these forums.




No one informed me I had to wear pants! :(




That explains it- you were posting when I was, and I'm in Finland, with at least a 7 hour time difference, and I posted at like 15:00...


No streaking on Off-Topic, Nad. :shame: That was Bubsa's job.




Lenin64, look at your location and think about what you posted...


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hi all i did it 24 hours (atm) woot :thumbsup:




im trying to alcomplish (soz for spelling)




to see my record of staying up to see how long










the head range / half leader


ever heard of falador masker


i was in it

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I still don't understand a word of what he's saying. The only thing I think he's trying to do is get some attention.




You've had it, Quit now? Making fun out of insomnia isn't funny at all. You seriously need a stimulant every small hour?




Get a girl. Guaranteed to stay awake (Unless you fall asleep with her in your arms <3: )


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Go get some damn sleep.




Really [bleep]s you up when you don't get enough sleep.




I speak from experience and feeling like [cabbage] after I get some decent sleep from staying up over a long period of time.




Even my mate gets [bleep]ed up when he stays up all night.




Heck he was tired like hell by 10pm with only a couple hours of sleep. I felt the same after 4 hours of sleep earlier that morning.




We had ways to stay up, 2 PS2s running, a Wii. (Used my screen on 1 PS2 so the three of us could be doing something, I watched my mates play Fifa and Pro for abit. Defeated Sephiroth on Easy that night (KH2)).




So go get some damn sleep kid.




EDIT: We didn't use caffine to stay awake, grnated we each had a 2ltr bottle of juice (They had Dr. Pepper, I had Coke) but they were mostly gone by 11pm.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Lenin64, look at your location and think about what you posted...


I said I was in them, not necessarily wearing them.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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