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MMORPG's - The drugs of today?


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Pip, i could argue about the ammount of stratagy it takes to have a good PvP team in Guild wars. Basicly said, ALOT.












as far as MMORPG's being a drug, you can calsify nearly anything as a "drug". If i get adicted to ... i dunno, a sport, is it a "drug" automaticly? Different activitys help with different things.












also, MMORPG's don't teach anything, tell that to people that before they played MMORPG's such as runescape and others and knew little english, and now know much much more. Yup, they are good to learn languages. They are, belive it or not, good to help social skills.








Why? Well... some people tend to be shy. Well, when they are sitting behind a pc they no longer have that problem, and sometimes when they see the things they say don't just get laughed at (in a bad way) That , hey, maybe i shouldn't be that shy after all.












As far as your facts, like Gsw said, where is the proof? I realize i don't have much proof for mine (although, the learning english, go ahead and as Azvareth about that one.).












and Playing a game serriously, well, i'm not sure about you but I have fun doing that. I have fun trying to become the best, and at the moment, a great guild. And what would I do if i didn't play any MMORPG's? Well, probaly just.... I dunno, skate every once and a while, but i already do that. They don't "take over your life" (although, i'm not saying people haven't been adicted to them, but its not enough to count mmorpg's as a drug)












My point is... i want to see some facts.




















PS: Wyrm, whats your guild wars name? and exarch whats yours too :)

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To tell the truth i have never realy learned anything from runescape, besides the game itself. Runescape is just a good way to kill time. Or when i get badly hurt from skateboarding :lol:








I think tip.it has got me interested into computers and got to improve my grammer. When i joined tip.it's forums i had realy bad grammer and acted very childish, but now i can use good grammer (almost) all the time. If it wasn't for morpg (runescape) i wouldn't be here on tip.it :D .

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A resistant audience argues against me no matter what, an invited audience agrees with me and gives examples.








I'm sorry but I've never heard of anyone getting addicted to sport and/or other things, but I know people who get addicted to MMORPGs.








About teaching yourself english, it's the same thing as what I told to Wyrm. Sure you learnt it, but you wasted 500+ hours doing it as opposed to 100 if you just hadn't sat down and played the [developmentally delayed]ed game in the first place.








Proof of what? That people get addicted? My real-life friends, people I have met on the internet and me myself, which ironically stems from the fact that we strive to be the best, but the truth is the higher up you go, the more mechanised and routine it gets, and this is true for pretty much EVERY game.








They don't take over your life? Obviously you've never known a person who has become addicted. I know people who do drugs that don't take over their lives, and some people have been addicted to them, therefore drugs aren't drugs according to your syllogism.








As for the strategy, I'll agree that low-level playing to medium-level playing is strategy, but high-level strategy becomes experience rather then strategy, ultimately being meaningless.

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ive been addicted to runescape, ive been addicted to other games, ive been addicted to tv shows, ive been addicted to books, ive been addicted to playing guitar, ive been addicted music, i even was addicted to legos a month or two back (hey, im only 18, i can still play with blocks :lol: ). none of that really hurt or helped me more than any of the other ones. i sat down and read "wishong of shannara" in one sitting. sure i was reading a book, but did it help me more than playing a game for the same amount of time? no. i got a headache from reading, but that same amount of time spent on the computer and nothing happened. so reading is bad in that case. and no one can really say too much time on the computer is bad, even on these forums you learn stuff. a big skill i aquired on this forum is in fact talking skills. i know that seems crazy, but the debates i get into on the forum helped prepare me for debates in real life (i totally pwned my government teacher in a polital-economic system debate :D ). the internet and mmorpgs in general arent any worse than any thing else, just something for someone to complain about.



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No...I'm almost positive that drugs are actually the drug of today still. Nice theory, though.








I have no regrets from playing...I can almost gaurentee if I hadn't played, I'd for SURE be 100 times less intelligent, and I'd probably have done drugs and drank and I might even be a father - This is 50% of the people I used to hang out with in a nut shell. I know at least 8 of them are fathers and 2 are mothers..The rest I don't know anything about, but I know all the girls in my old school can be defined by a word that starts with an "S" and ends with "lut" and all the guys do drugs, drink, and are wasting their lives.








Now, arguably, I'm wasting my life on here, but at least I aspire to be something when I grow up, unlike them.








No regrets here. I didn't miss out on anything except "Highschool" life, which doesn't appeal to me, oddly considering I was in the "popular" group. It just all seems a bit too moronic for me..

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So by not drinking and doing drugs you instead took drugs a different way. :) Don't compare yourself to people who obviously have nothing better to do in life then crash and burn, that will never get you past step one.








By wasting your time here, ironically enough you're doing the same thing they are, which is wasting your time. Do you not see that?








And to the above poster, unfortunately for you reading a book would help you more then playing the game for the same amount of time, and you obviously don't know the meaning of addiction either. The debates on here are mostly mundane from what I remember and involve flamming/spamming until it gets locked, with virtually no intelligence or relevance to the topic such as most of the people here.








You get something out of dealing drugs and taking them as well, but it's always faster to bypass the addiction part.

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I would hardly compare MMORPGs with drugs though. You're comparing apples and oranges. They are not bringing down society in any serious way, whereas drugs make the best of people into scum. I know this is really cliche, but who cares? It's the choice of the gamer as to how they want to spend their lives. If you are trying to motivate them to a different way of life, then you aren't doing the greatest job. Sure they are addictive for some people, but it's what they enjoy doing in many cases. If you like playing a game, play it. If you like smoking, smoke. Whatever it is you enjoy, do it by all means.

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I was asking you for actual scientific proof of your "poor people are the smartest" claim...








In all my time here, I have never seen mods hang out this long in a thread like this. :shock:

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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I presented proof.








And a no-care attitude is a pretty poor attitude to go with Peter. Pedophiles enjoy raping kids, should they continue their ways because they enjoy it? You're the one comparing apples to oranges, not me.

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I presented proof.








And a no-care attitude is a pretty poor attitude to go with Peter. Pedophiles enjoy raping kids, should they continue their ways because they enjoy it? You're the one comparing apples to oranges, not me.








That hurts the whole society.








Yes, I agree with SOME things. There are ppl who are addicted to these games......BUT not all. Just because you couldn't play for just 1 hour a day, doenst mean that there isnt ppl who can. Don't catergorize everybody, there will always be somebody who stands out.








Oh, and btw, closed minded ppl are the easiest to influence, not the open minded, just in case u wanted to kno :wink:


Dragon drops: D med x3, D Spear x2, Left Half x1, D2h x1

Crawling Hands X4, Cockatrice heads X2, Basilisk head X2, Kurask head X1

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I am possibly one of the open-minded people I know. Just reading Wyrm's posts I realize that I am wrong in some areas, and I am willing to adopt a new view if it has some basis. Don't assume that just because I am argueing something against you that I am close-minded. That would make you close-minded. :roll:








And 50% of people can be classified as being addicted if you read the statistical proof I gave a couple of posts back, which means that every 2nd person you meet on runescape on average is addicted, so I'm not categorising everybody, I'm categorising every 2nd person I meet on a MMORPG.








I dunno, but I think there are less people who do drugs and are not addicted to them then there are people who play MMORPGs and are addicted to them, though this is a presumption with absolutely no basis so feel free to prove me wrong here.








I posted this into an invited audience with people who have had experiences of quitting MMORPG's or friends who play them and their reaction is 100% agreement with me. Interesting to note the different opinions held here. http://aot.sanctuary-network.com/index. ... 30988&st=0

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Hmm... Now that you mention it, I *have* been wearing my sunglasses more often than usual lately. I better go and cancel my Star Wars Galaxies subscription!








Name One MMORPG that sharpens your mind








A succesfull crafter in Star Wars galaxies *will* be using spreadsheets to keep track of prices, stock, supplies and profit. Not sure what the english word is (cost calculus?) but it's pretty much the same thing used to by real companies (I know my old man runs more complicated version of them at any rate). Pure math.








As for RTS's being better... The basic principle is the same for most of them; You have the resources, you have the victory.








Using the different elements of combat in MMORPG's to your advantage is a bit different. The formula's for calculation the resists on your armour in SWG (it's a dimishing returns formula. Last time, I had to make a spreadsheet) is a lot more math than "I can now build X Pwnagers and hit my enemy".








This is detracting completely from the topic, but we can talk about social classes. The smartest people hmm... I can take examples from my school, the smartest don't have the internet at all, they are on scholarships because they cannot afford the school costs. Poor people usually have to work hard to make money and get somewhere, the stupidest at my school co-incidentally are the richest.








Which could be easily explained by the fact that poor people who aren't "smart" enough to get a schoolarship do not go to your school. So the "poor people" you're going to see are all going to be the ones with schoolarship.








Or; Your "poor people" do not make up a statistically representative group of people to make comparisons by.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Albert Einstein was poor for most of his life.








Stephen Hawking didn't grow up in too grand a place.








Pity you can't read the topic.








The fact that people are willing to spend so much time on Star Wars Galaxies is re-inforcing my point. Guess what, spend that time on the stockmarket and hey presto! You're making money! Or you can do it on a game and get nothing and waste time.. awesome!








God.. The ignorance of some of the people here. (Not that God exists of course, just an expression = provocation)

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You lot haven't read "Everything Bad is Good for You", have you?








It's a book that is doing the round in England at the moment, and apparently was successful in the US a month or so ago.








In it the basic theory is that computer games, television etc (which most people believe are degrading society) are actually improving it. Using his examples, look at television. Before hand, in the so called 'golden-age of television' (mid 70s), shows have 1 plot, 2 or 3 main characters, and that's it. Now look at the Sopranos, 10+ characters, all with their own complex backgrounds, stories and plots, all interweaving. Desperate Housewives (only seen one episode), same amount of characters, varying and interelating plotlines. It's complex!








Now, videogames. If they were just pure escapism, or mind-numbing entertainment, games would be getting easier. Not so. They're getting more challenging. You have to think about what you're doing. When you start a new game for the first time, you have to process alot of information very quickly. Next year I am going to Belfast to read History for my degree, and I blame this on a mix of Age of Empires 2 and Civ 3! If I hadn't played those games 4/5 years ago, I wouldn't have found history interesting. I wouldn't have done it at GCSE, and I wouldn't have carried it on to A-level (where it is my best subject). And I certainly wouldn't be planning to do it university! Without those two games inspiring me and teaching me (as the T2 supplement says, "Many a GCSE pass in History has been laid at its [Civ 3's] feet!") I wouldn't be anywhere near what I am today.








Modern culture/games/tv/wahetever takes a lot of effort to understand! It improves your mind! It expands your ability to process information.








I can use an example from my own life. Myself and my gamer friends at school have an uncanny ability to remember information very easily. In my philosophy class, if one person mentions one fact, my brain goes into overdrive and recalls information that is entirely related to the subject at hand. No one else in my class can do this, and no one else plays (or played) games as regularly as I do (or did).








Essentially, games have expanded my ability to process information, which will provide me with many advantages in later life. Sure, I read a lot, and that gives me a vivid imagination. So, with both reading and games under my belt, I should be able to tackle pretty much any career!








It increases your brains ability to process information

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Well let's see, I'm an avid fan of history and age of empires 2, getting an A in the subject. I've never played a biology/english/chinese/ game and getting A+ in those subjects and find them quite interesting. Therefore there is no link to this or the other. You can't assume that you would never have found history interesting.








Modern Culture/games/tv doesn't take a lot to understand. The reason they were created was to mellow out and stop thinking you realize?








The last games I played on difficult were piss-easy, they aren't challenging at all, I dunno where you are coming from at all. The hardest games I found was some really old game on my Nintendo.








You make a lot of assumptions in your post which ultimately can be disproved. You can tackle any career no matter what, don't say you can because of books and games. That's the same thing as saying God gives you the ability to do things, it's just degrading yourself.

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Name One MMORPG that sharpens your mind.




There obviously would have to be SOME games that sharpen your mind, but those are created for the purpose such as maths games and such :)








I don't see how playing runescape could possibly make you get more into computers, considering that getting on to runescape and playing does not require computer skill whatsoever, and that it would lead to computer graphics or art is just funny.








This is detracting completely from the topic, but we can talk about social classes. The smartest people hmm... I can take examples from my school, the smartest don't have the internet at all, they are on scholarships because they cannot afford the school costs. Poor people usually have to work hard to make money and get somewhere, the stupidest at my school co-incidentally are the richest.











actually it was a surprise to me but RuneScape did sharpen my mind, if it wasnt for that game i would have never learned to talk to people tacticly in real life.




if it wasnt for RuneScape i would have never learned how to deal with corporate Rip-Offs leading to a total waste of money.








and actually the game inspired me to get more into drawing and as a matter of fact i got good at traditional art, now working on the more digital side.




the game can lead you to draw something related to it.(as for art)




the game can lead you to try and figure out how its all coded and constructed (as for getting into computers)








your confusing knowledge with intelligence, i mean you dont have to be either rich or poor to be smart.

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Albert Einstein was poor for most of his life.




Ah, right. Since Einstein was poor, obviously, poor people are on an average smarter.




Pity you can't read the topic.







Ouch, that hurt.







The fact that people are willing to spend so much time on Star Wars Galaxies is re-inforcing my point. Guess what, spend that time on the stockmarket and hey presto! You're making money! Or you can do it on a game and get nothing and waste time.. awesome!







There are better things to do in life than making money. Oh, d̮̩̉̉ja vu...




God.. The ignorance of some of the people here. (Not that God exists of course, just an expression = provocation)





-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Once again, another post not relating to the topic whatsoever. I really am trying to make a point, but it's wasted on ignorant people who want to detract from the topic and make stupid unrelated spam.








If you're into art, you're into art. If you're into computers you're into computers. Runescape has nothing to do with it. Learning social skills through the computer is not learning social skills as you're only learning how to interact without the person present. Runescape will never help you deal with corporate rip-offs. Ultimately talking to people on the other hand on runescape evidently seems to make you stupider such as in bluetear's case.








I'm sorry bluetear if you would rather waste your life doing nothing, at least you could make money and give it to some people to do something with it, if you see the flawed logic in that you're obviously an idiot.








You really try to make yourself out to be superior, pity your vision is blocked by your ego.

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A lot of people seem to have played MMORPGs and quit and agree with me.. what a co-incidence that people who haven't quit don't agree with me. Maybe if you did you could wisen up like these people.












"I've played heaps of MMORPG, and what Pip is saying is 100% true. After donating hour after hour into the games, i ended up with nothing after i quit, and as Pip said I could have used the time to enjoy something else in life or/and do something more productive.




















"Now I play aom, and can find games/time to do other things. This is great.








runescape sucks unbelieveably."












"i played runescape back in the day... after i quit to play aot again, i realized that i wasted so much time on that game..."












"i played wow for about a month before i had to give it up despite my crying and pleading. (bad internet and comp made it not worth it)




totally addicting"












"i gotta agree, you see it constantly in the MMORPGs, even the lame ones like runescape, people are addicted and play 4 hours + a day. I cant imagine what its like with the well made MMORPGs like WOW and EQ..."

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Alright, I'm ending this.








BlueTear is completely right, and Pip, you're wrong. Simple as that.








Secondly, everything you're saying is biased, based on opinion, and generally completely moronic.








Let's recap...








"If you're into art, you're into art. If you're into computers, you're into computers. RuneScape has nothing to do with it."








Guess what? I'm heavily into games and I'd love to make it a career. I learn things about how games work, how to make them, etc, all from playing. Before I played, I knew nothing about it. So wanting to be a game designer is no longer a valid career? Whatever...lol.








"Talking to people online gives you no social skills"








Oh? Why is that? I don't believe it is written anywhere that "social" means face-to-face contact. Get a dictionary.








Some random stuff about BlueTear being stupid..








He's actually intelligent, obviously. Who are you to say otherwise?








"I played this game for a while..."








You were banned for autoing. You never played. Shut up, go away. You have no MMORPG experience, because you auto'd your stats.








"I'm sorry bluetear if you would rather waste your life doing nothing, at least you could make money and give it to some people to do something with it, if you see the flawed logic in that you're obviously an idiot."








First off, define "Life" and "doing something". Obviously, we are all living, thus we have lives. Playing a game is doing something. Are you aware that a LOT of people who play are actually going to college currently? What are you doing that's so awesome? Are you a doctor? A dentist? A lawyer? Will you ever be? Then shut up.








I'd like to address for a moment before I continue, that you state games/tv/etc does nothing good for you. In order to be successful, you must go out, get wasted, and have a "normal life". Most of what I do nowadays is watch tv, play games, and "self-study". I probably know more about just about anything you could think of, and you know where I learned it all? The internet, TV, magazines, etc. Know what I learned in school? That people are complete idiots and ruin their lives for "popularity". That's it. Well, that and some math.








Dude, tv/the internet is awesome. I can learn anything I want, WHEN I WANT, rather than sit through 45 minutes of complete BS just to get an the answer I'm looking for. I hated school because I never learned jack. I'm too intelligent to be locked in a room and force-fed things I don't care about. You know what I learned in hundreds of hours of English class? NOTHING. I learned all my grammar from the INTERNET. As you can see, it's not too bad. I came home everyday after school and taught myself about things I should have learned in school, but was interupted by some moron throwing paper at a girl in front of him because he wanted in her pants. I can honestly say that I learned absolutely nothing (aside from math, and how to read, duh..) in school. Nothing. Yet they made me go to school for, what, 13 years? Man, I could have learned all that crap in 3 years, tops.
















"The fact that people are willing to spend so much time on Star Wars Galaxies is re-inforcing my point. Guess what, spend that time on the stockmarket and hey presto! You're making money! Or you can do it on a game and get nothing and waste time.. awesome!"








You seem to miss every point put in front of you. People LEARN how to do things when they're playing. I'll give you $100 and no knowledge of the stock market, and let's see how much you make. But if I gave you $100 to get a subscription to a game, or heck, a tv program, a magazine, but game being the big one here, you could learn how to do it all with NO RISK, and then go out and become the best darn stock-broker in the world because you learned first. Sure you can just go straight to college for it, but how are you going to knowif you even like it or not before you go? How do you think I found out I love games so much? I only "liked" games before, now I love games so much, I'd rather MAKE them than play them.








"I am possibly one of the open-minded people I know."








You JUST denied the existance of God in a previous post. BS much?








"Poor people are the smartest people"








lmfao....If they were so smart, they would go to college and NOT be poor! WHOA!








Just because some saps got lucky doesn't mean it's majority. Eminem grew up broke, now he can write ryhmes and is a millionare...So? How many white kids from nowhere has this happened to? Oh yea, none. So Einstien was poor! Yea, and? Being broke makes you smarter? My sister and I grew up rather poor, and she's a moron. She took the typical "loser" alcohol, drug, etc path. I took the "Keep myself clean of nasties, live longer, learn more, and eventually be MUCH better than her, rather than just better than her." method. Worked out good. I don't even get your theory on how poor people are smart, lol. I know so many poor kid's, and none of them are actually intelligent, come to think.








I'm too lazy to type more. You need to stop posting your biased, unfactual, moronic opinions, though. You're degrading everyone (well, trying) and degrading yourself in the process. Guess what? WE KNOW WE'RE WASTING TIME! But we're wasting it how WE WANT TO. Have you forgotten you once played? Well, auto'd, but played kind of. :lol: You also once wasted time. WHO CARES. Sooner or later, everyone will quit and move on to their lives, a lot of us will be the future sucessful people of the world. What are you going to do, join a People Against MMORPG's group and complain the rest of your life? JUST SHUT UP already, God.

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Pipalonias, I have quit several MMOs..








I played RS for 2 years and agreed that it was stupid, so I quit.




I played EQ for about 2 months and agreed that it was stupid, so I quit.








I've been playing GW for a while now, I really enjoy it, maybe I'll find that I ultimately don't enjoy it anymore, but for now, I believe that it is improving me.








The people I have met through my gaming experiences have improved my mind and my social skills.




Up until about a year ago I had zero confidence in "real life", now that's not the case. There's a few people that go to my school who are now really good friends that I would never have met other than through games.












Let me just end off that you are the single most hypocritical person I have met in a long time.

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Sigh, a smartass with words, I'll just ignore that bit :roll:








Guess autoing level 30 to 50 on mining means I didn't play. Level 1-99 thieving obviously doesn't count for anything does it. Please grow up before you alienate based on unfair stereotypes, you obviously have never played an MMORPG like I have.








What's wrong with the internet/tv? It's an awesome research tool, glad to see you're using it how I suggest you should. I agree with you that most people are complete idiots and ruin their lives for popularity, good to know there's more then one person out there. This point is pretty much re-enforcing what I've been saying the last 4 pages. And of course I highly doubt you could know more then me at just about everything, that's a poor egotistical statement. Btw Doctors, dentists and lawyers aren't my thing, they don't do enough for intelligent people to work with.








Right... you don't have to pay anything to learn how to use the stockmarket, so long as you do the research for it, but then again we're all too busy playing MMORPGs, and no the stockmarket on the game is not based on real-life statistics.








You make unbelievable amounts of assumptions. I don't go out ever. I sit in front of my computer and pretty much learn about stuff that interests me. I hardly watch tv except for documentaries.








Maybe you didn't read the part next to it which said provacation specifically meant for people who don't read my posts.








Poor people are the smartest people - Everyone keeps alluding to this, I did not bring it up, people chose to continue it, I have no knowledge, I make up statistics. and WTF.. poor people go to college? I don't have any idea what you're trying to say at all there.








Your last point is [developmentally delayed]ed. You're basically saying to give up on people who are not doing anything. If one person quits this game because of me I would have achieved something, if the rest of you play and waste time fine. Until you quit you do not realize that I am right. Like you said, you can teach yourself everything in 3 years, but not if you're addicted to an MMORPG.

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