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How can I make money?(Please read)


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I know many people post this question, and many reject it and say do what you want, or whatever but hear me out. My main method of making money was GWD with my team bringing me ~4m a day averaged out, which is nothing to sneeze at. Obviously this is gone, so I went back to Visage hunting and tested my luck. With approx. 5k dragons total that have a chance to drop one, I haven't seen any yet. I've also tried Slayer as many have said that it is decent money, and i'm 35k or so off 74, and havent seen anything moneywise yet. My stats are in my siggeh, any suggestions I have many plans in mind that require money and I can't start any of them yet :x


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Buy oak logs, make into planks. GREAT way to make money now that the autoers are gone.




I know what you mean about no boss killing. Im doing what your doing, KBD, mith drags. Trying to get visage.




Boss killing will be back soon hopefully, so I reckon do the things you always wanted to try out, because you have time now





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You were getting ~4M per day and you're whining about not making money? Just be thankful that you knew a group of people that helped you do that. You can try finding a reliable Kalphite Queen partner and hope you get lucky getting Dragon Chains. You might also want to try killing the TzHaar denizens and selling the Obsidian equipment.



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People like you anger me... Yes I still want to make money so I can raise my skills further. The ~4m a day went to previous skills, following me so far? Good, so I now want to keep raising them. On the other hand, thank you for the ideas, but please, next time you are answering a thread, just try to help the person instead of having to add your two cents when it's not your place.


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No advice on money making here, that is not my thing. I do what I enjoy, and when money come my way, I use them.




In the mean time, while you think about how to move on, why not work on some skills that dont require money? Like agility, thieving, fishing etc? At least to me, it feels great to level where you didnt buy the level.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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I don't see here some skills trained from incomes 4m at day ;)




You can have something like hight construction, smithing, herblore, crafting or prayer - they are depended from money (maybye i forget some sorry then)..

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


Visit my exp track

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Collecting seconds is a good way to get a decent cash pile. Its no 4m a day but a cool 900k+ for 4 hours work dependent on what you collect.




Also whoever suggested killing obby things for money and selling items, thats a good idea too. Its a bit unreliable since drops are never guaranteed but it is good melee exp so if you don't get item drops then you can at least come out with better melee stats for when they fix the lootshare.

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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i say stick with slayer, your time will come #-o



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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Did you try barrowing? You probably did.


When you subtract the food and prayer potions and about 100 slayer darts, its still a gain.




On average you get 40k~60k per run worth of runes, with portal you can do 3 runs per hour, so thats 120k~160k* Exclude the barrows drops/ d meds/ keys. I would say its a decent and sustainable.




If you dislike danger than gain RC- again you prolly tried and have all the pouches available to you level.




RC is way less frustrating and constant, plus thats #1 way for people to achieve phats.

Total Level 2247- 11x 99s All Combat Skills, Slayer, Summoning, Woodcutting, Herblore

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