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Officers told her 'rights' were 'only in the movies'


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A head injury...notice the word..HEAD....your skull isn't that strong of a bone...Could have caused major damage.






Which it clearly has on yourself.




Also notice, that your skull has the thickest bone in your body.. Your forehead :roll:




In your case it doesn't necessarily apply.






They probably needed more medical care, physically and psychologically after the friendly police visit, than they needed prior to the visit.


Might be but the side of your head...the top of your head...use a bit of sense.




American soldiers are trained to knock and be polite in the streets and homes of Baghdad in a foreign country. I know this, I've recieved the same training.




American policemen are trained to bust down the doors and treat all civilians as armed hostiles. VERY VERY SIMLIAR TO THE GESTAPO IF YOU ASK ME.




I fail to see the logic, unless its because they consider their own civilians a greater threat than terrorists. =D>




LOL i wouldn't be surprised if they did :roll:




If she had just let him get checked up PROPERLY this would have been avoided. Self caused she brought it up on herself.

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i once fell from a chair and passed out for like half an hour after i fell on my head, my parents didnt take me to the hospital, and why? cause i didnt need it! and did policemen come and break down our door? no.


if the same thing that happened to that womans children would happen to your children, you think you will just sit back and shut up? i think what the SWAT team did is truely dumb. and u arguing that what they did is correct, is dumber.

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A head injury...notice the word..HEAD....your skull isn't that strong of a bone...Could have caused major damage.






Which it clearly has on yourself.




Also notice, that your skull has the thickest bone in your body.. Your forehead :roll:




In your case it doesn't necessarily apply.






They probably needed more medical care, physically and psychologically after the friendly police visit, than they needed prior to the visit.


Might be but the side of your head...the top of your head...use a bit of sense.




You're merely scapegoating in your last couple of posts. the issue is not wether the child sustained severe bodily damage, required ice to bump is not severe, no matter what your mommy might tell you.

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i once fell from a chair and passed out for like half an hour after i fell on my head, my parents didnt take me to the hospital, and why? cause i didnt need it! and did policemen come and break down our door? no.


if the same thing that happened to that womans children would happen to your children, you think you will just sit back and shut up? i think what the SWAT team did is truely dumb. and u arguing that what they did is correct, is dumber. i




Well aren't your parents caring.


They risked the chances of you having a permanent brain injury.


Fall of your chair and pass out requires you to get of your backside and get checked up...yes you had no problems then but they don't just happen straight away.

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Not to take sides with the cops or anything, but Worldnetdaily isn't exactly a bastion of quality journalism and well-informed opinions.
And as it was posted by cryztalwing the credibility of the thread is also not that great.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Maybe the Swat didn't have anything else to do the past few months and decided to go all the way on this one. To show off, being important and all.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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What a [beep].


When your arrested you only have 3 rights.


And that this was 100% legal. They don't know what they're going in to? for all they know the woman could be a gun wielding mad man. This will teach her that if your kid sustains a head injury they MUST go to hospital/doctors.




I are in agreement.




The women was endangering her child, and the S.W.A.T. team doesn't need to tell the women squat. They do, however, need to tell the child squat (which I'm positive they did.) What they did was perfectly legal, safe, and was not any farcry from what was expected from these men. If a women is endangering her child by preventing him from going to a doctor (which she was, it's against the law of Colorado. I live there :D and I know that 'reckless endangerement of minors' is a huge offense.) Not letting him go to the doctor is about as safe as chugging five tacquilas and going for a drive with your one year old child. While texting and putting on 'lip gloss' (which is by the way [developmentally delayed]ed.)




Remember, If A = B and C = B then C = A.




A: The women was recklessly endangering her child. TRUE.


B: Reckless Endangering of a child is illegal. TRUE.


C: The SWAT team may be allowed to quickly and ruthlessly respond to serious law breaking that could get ugly. TRUE.




The SWAT team is allowed to respond in the manner that they did in order to prevent the women from further endangering her child.




I think we forget that the poor tike grabbed the handle of a car that was driving when he fell down. That's not a little bump, that's practically a concussion. If the car is going at even 10 miles per hour, pulling a prone 40 pound person for about 6 feet, you can take an almost fatal amount of damage. Especially if the child is moving from a prone, unmoving speed to a 10 mph moving speed while falling and dragging on the ground. The kid could have died, and the parents refusing to allow paramedics to view the child is undeniably reckless endangerment.




P.S. This isn't anywhere in Colorado newspapers...haven't heard a scrap of it.

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i once fell from a chair and passed out for like half an hour after i fell on my head, my parents didnt take me to the hospital, and why? cause i didnt need it! and did policemen come and break down our door? no.


if the same thing that happened to that womans children would happen to your children, you think you will just sit back and shut up? i think what the SWAT team did is truely dumb. and u arguing that what they did is correct, is dumber. i




Well aren't your parents caring.


They risked the chances of you having a permanent brain injury.


Fall of your chair and pass out requires you to get of your backside and get checked up...yes you had no problems then but they don't just happen straight away.




i think you're just jealous most of us didnt have a permanent brain injury, and you did.

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"My daughter Jeanette was coming out from the back bedroom when she was grabbed, drug down the hallway, across a couch and slammed to the ground," she said. "The officers then began throwing scissors and screwdrivers across the room (out of our reach, I suppose) and going through our cupboards.




Their grammar ain't too good either. :?




On the topic, though, I think this was grossly mishandled.




Come on, brutalizing harmless civilians... Score one for America's SWAT Teams. :roll:


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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i once fell from a chair and passed out for like half an hour after i fell on my head, my parents didnt take me to the hospital, and why? cause i didnt need it! and did policemen come and break down our door? no.


if the same thing that happened to that womans children would happen to your children, you think you will just sit back and shut up? i think what the SWAT team did is truely dumb. and u arguing that what they did is correct, is dumber. i




Well aren't your parents caring.


They risked the chances of you having a permanent brain injury.


Fall of your chair and pass out requires you to get of your backside and get checked up...yes you had no problems then but they don't just happen straight away.




i think you're just jealous most of us didnt have a permanent brain injury, and you did.




Come off it. At least limp can actually spell out his words. First off, 'dumber' was grossly misused. 'u' isn't a word, it will never BE a word, and it betrays your laziness, ignorance, and stupidity.




Believe it or not, feeling don't matter one friggin' ioda, political correctness does NOT exist, cannot be instated without lying, and equality is NOT truth. The SWAT team did what they had to do, whether it hurt their 'feewwings' or otherwise. Go watch Barney or drink your Kool-Aid if you think that's the big deal here, because it's not.

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Raven guard, I can't wait for the police to knock down ur door at the dead of night , half-rape ur wife, beat ur children , knock all ur teeth in and than realize that they actually got the wrong door, after actually removing your door with a wrecking ball, since "you dont know if theres a maniac hiding behind the door".

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Raven, I find part of what you said contradicts your signature. You claim u and dumber are not real words. Guess what, neither is noob, or fewwings for that matter.




Ji, the SWAT and police can't injure innocents, if they did, they'll get raped at the court.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Pfft, well I'm not going to neglect my child when they need health care




Raven guard, I can't wait for the police to knock down ur door at the dead of night , half-rape ur wife, beat ur children , knock all ur teeth in and than realize that they actually got the wrong door, after actually removing your door with a wrecking ball, since "you dont know if theres a maniac hiding behind the door".




Only the SWAT team didn't [bleep] up and get the wrong door, they got the right door with a very, very messed up women. Who doesn't take their kid to the doctor after they got dragged by a car? I mean, the kid probably suffered some serious brain injury or head injury. If he fell on his forehead, it could have split his skull. If it his temple, he could have died. Anywhere else on the head, it could have indented or caused permanent brain damage. And believe me, a check up cost for a serious bump is NOT an expensive procedure. EXAMPLE: I had a heart palpatism followed by a juggular expansion and my brain had too much blood to handle. I went to the ER, the EMERGENCY ROOM as quickly as the amublance could take me, and the entire procedure only cost 2400$. That's not a small amount of money, but my condition was urgent, life threatening, and possibly permanently damaging. This kid just needed a checkup. It couldn't have cost more than 400 dollars. At MOST.




P.S. They didn't rape anybody. Clearly you didn't read the post. They just roughed them around.




P.P.S. A SWAT team member's BOOT is not a wrecking ball.




P.P.P.S. They didn't beat up anybody, nor did they 'punch ur teeth in'. Nobody was hurt. At all. Maybe 'deir feewwings were hurt and the big bad SWAT didn't say sowwy' but that's a kind of '[bleep] you, too bad' sort of situation.




P.P.P.P.S. Spell out your damn words.




EDIT: P.P.P.P.P.S. Sworddude, I know, but that's for fun. I don't ACTUALLY talk like that. :D And furthermore, 'feewwings' is just a childish way to say 'feelings' since I don't believe they really exist. Small children slur their 'L's' into 'W's' so...that's what I'm getting at. :wall:

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In this case, it was unneeded. We KNOW that the head 'injury' was not sever, and a simple iceing was all that was needed. Thus the swat team over reacted and a social worker should of been sent in first to try and deal with the mother and family in order to obtain the child.






The police did not try to NON VIOLENTLY obtain the child first, which is a HUGE NO NO. I'm sure if a social worker had been sent in and described what kind of things could of happened, things would of been handled peacefully and there would of been no conflict at all.




Now had the mother not responded to that, sure send in either normal cops or a swat team, but not at the rate they did.




If anyone here says that "they could of had a gun and could not of been trusted", you better have some damn good security, because you just said that you trust no one in the world and that you think every single person has a gun.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Raven, I find part of what you said contradicts your signature. You claim u and dumber are not real words. Guess what, neither is noob, or fewwings for that matter.




Ji, the SWAT and police can't injure innocents, if they did, they'll get raped at the court.




Court of Justice? The same one that issued a warrant for the arrest of the terrorists who didn't bring their kid to a hospital?


I laugh :lol:

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A head injury...notice the word..HEAD....your skull isn't that strong of a bone...Could have caused major damage.






Which it clearly has on yourself.




Also notice, that your skull has the thickest bone in your body.. Your forehead :roll:




In your case it doesn't necessarily apply.






They probably needed more medical care, physically and psychologically after the friendly police visit, than they needed prior to the visit.


Might be but the side of your head...the top of your head...use a bit of sense.




American soldiers are trained to knock and be polite in the streets and homes of Baghdad in a foreign country. I know this, I've recieved the same training.




American policemen are trained to bust down the doors and treat all civilians as armed hostiles. VERY VERY SIMLIAR TO THE GESTAPO IF YOU ASK ME.




I fail to see the logic, unless its because they consider their own civilians a greater threat than terrorists. =D>




LOL i wouldn't be surprised if they did :roll:




If she had just let him get checked up PROPERLY this would have been avoided. Self caused she brought it up on herself.




I doubt its child abuse to give the care you feel best for your child. What my mom used to do was try to make me better in the house first and take me to the hospital if she thought i really needed a check up.




Unless he had a gash down his forehead and blood was spewing out there was really NO NEED for this. As you can see the doctor prescribed the same thing the mother was already doing (or so the news story claims) don't even bother saying she's lieing or anything of the sorts because you can't tell and neither can I and i doubt we will ever know the full story so don't sit in judgement thinking the SWAT are the almighty truth.




Sure if i had a recieved a complaint a woman isn't taking her child to a doctor, i'd have probably sent a few policemen to question her not a god dam SWAT team to screw her whole family over and possibly traumatize them for no reason.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

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Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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Mmmm...cherry Kool-Aid. Your favorite, I assume?




Look, Colorado law and US law in this case is all about reckless endangerment of a child. The government could have pulled in the damn Army if they wanted to, because they had warrant, they had the right, and they exercised it. The women wouldn't take her child to healthcare, which is not a sound and logical choice. Their was no details as to how bad the child was hurt at the time, and for all the SWAT team knew, he could have been bleeding out of the eyes. Special Forces always prepare for the WORST possible situation when they have MINIMAL intel, which was the case.




The SWAT team was justified, so go deal with it.

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Mmmm...cherry Kool-Aid. Your favorite, I assume?




Look, Colorado law and US law in this case is all about reckless endangerment of a child. The government could have pulled in the damn Army if they wanted to, because they had warrant, they had the right, and they exercised it. The women wouldn't take her child to healthcare, which is not a sound and logical choice. Their was no details as to how bad the child was hurt at the time, and for all the SWAT team knew, he could have been bleeding out of the eyes. Special Forces always prepare for the WORST possible situation when they have MINIMAL intel, which was the case.




The SWAT team was justified, so go deal with it.

So your telling me a misinformed, poorly judged choice is justified?

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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Mmmm...cherry Kool-Aid. Your favorite, I assume?




Look, Colorado law and US law in this case is all about reckless endangerment of a child. The government could have pulled in the damn Army if they wanted to, because they had warrant, they had the right, and they exercised it. The women wouldn't take her child to healthcare, which is not a sound and logical choice. Their was no details as to how bad the child was hurt at the time, and for all the SWAT team knew, he could have been bleeding out of the eyes. Special Forces always prepare for the WORST possible situation when they have MINIMAL intel, which was the case.




The SWAT team was justified, so go deal with it.

So your telling me a misinformed, poorly judged choice is justified?




We're talking about the guy who says not being able to reproduce is un-natural.




That kind of force is unjustified without proof of proper endangerment, and they say the child at the window first, it would have been obvious he wasn't bleeding.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Well, there is internal bleeding probability. But knocking a door down and forcing ones children to the floor won't help that.


Precisely; if a person really does need an ambulance, then they need to kept under as little stress as possible before they cuase their own body some damage. There is a reason paramedics come across as a 'calming' influence and it isn't just to be nice people.




This is in no way child abuse/neglegence. If the child had gone on to develop a more serious illness, I might understand. However, she was offered a trip to the hospital by the paramedics, and declined. Instead, she was told by the doctors how to make sure the child is safe, and she followed those directions perfectly. If all the injury needed was a bit of ice, then it clearly wasn't that serious in the first place and, as has been put in the article, just a bumped head which I expect every child in the world will have at some point. The cure isn't to go hysterical and demand hospital treatment thus clogging up the health service, it's to use paracetemol, cocodemol and ice to reduce the swelling and pain, and not allow any vigirous activity in the few days after.




Your justification that this was a case of "child neglence" and thus they needed to have guns pointed to their faces in order to comply your (non-educated) 'judgement' of whether the patient actually needed hospitalisation has no weight whatsoever.

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Well, there is internal bleeding probability. But knocking a door down and forcing ones children to the floor won't help that.




A couple of things to remember when you read news articles.. First off, the victim is going to make it sound 10x worse than it was. They didn't like what happened, they want to make the people responsible look as bad as possible and make themselves look as innocent as possible. Second, this is the media. The more shocking a story is the more likely people are going to watch their programs and buy their newspapers. The SWAT team could have knocked on the door and when it wasn't answered they forced their way in.. But the knocking on the door part made the forced entry sound more justified, right?




Now as I see it, head injuries are very dangerous. A "bump" could be more than it seems. Concussions, internal bleeding, etc are all possibilities. If paramedics were called to the scene, it wasn't just the boy falling down and getting back up. So why did they refuse medical treatment? Maybe they didn't have insurance. But I'm sure you childs life is worth a little bit, at the least. But what if the parents abused their child? He'd probably have bruises under his clothes and if the child had to stay at the hospital the medical staff would have eventually seen the evidence, correct? According to the article, there was no evidence found/mentioned so appearently the child wasn't abused. But there aren't many reasons to refuse medical treatment for your child are there? I personally think the media/victim changed the story to make the SWAT team look unjustified and I also think the gov't had a right to make sure the child wasn't seriously injured or possibly abused.

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Deloriagod, I believe the child has suffered more harm than good, after this incident. What about next time the kid bumps his head? He won't tell anyone because of what happeend, and in theory the state will have killed the child.




I do have to agree, but I would personally put blame on the parents for refusing medical treatment. Head injuries are serious business. I would never trust a bag of ice at home as the only treatment for a head injury. The gov't had justification to get the child proper treatment and as I said, the story seems blown out of proportion. I refuse to believe half the crap that was said. What I didn't see in the article was what the SWAT members had to say about the incident.

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Deloriagod, I believe the child has suffered more harm than good, after this incident. What about next time the kid bumps his head? He won't tell anyone because of what happeend, and in theory the state will have killed the child.




I do have to agree, but I would personally put blame on the parents for refusing medical treatment. Head injuries are serious business. I would never trust a bag of ice at home as the only treatment for a head injury. The gov't had justification to get the child proper treatment and as I said, the story seems blown out of proportion. I refuse to believe half the crap that was said. What I didn't see in the article was what the SWAT members had to say about the incident.




What is going on here ??? It was a bump on the head, anyone can tell difference between a bump on the head, or when a child is acting abnormally from internal bleedings, especially his own mother!


I've never had a bump on my head mixed up with a serious internal injury, even when I was 5 I could tell if something was wrong with me. And if I didn't know, my mother sure did.




The cops acted like the Gestapo. Even if the kid needed looking after the way they acted is sickening, downright disgusting if you ask me, and I'm a father with military first aid certificates perfectly capable of taking care of my daughter. To be honest I'd never trust a cop again.




The judge who ordered this action is the one who needs medical care, and the copes who deemed it responsible to contain the children in TORTURE POSITION (knee to back is a stress position) should be jailed.




The swat members were probably told to shut up, as nothing they could say, if honestly said, could help them most likely. Or maybe they are still high off the drugs they must have taken.

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