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Bush Tells Israeli's Should get out of Arab Land


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Back in 1948, when Israel became a state, the boundaries were a lot closer to what had been drawn out in United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181.




Since then, Israel has been attacked by its neighbors scores of times and taken control of all of Palestine by force. And I don't begrudge them any of it.




If the Palestinians & the Arab States had not attacked Israel back then, there'd have been a separate Palestinian state standing on its feet by now.




They thought they could take it all by force, and they ended up losing it all by 1967.




If it gets repartitioned tomorrow, 50-50, they will still try to take it all from Israel the next chance they get.




As you can tell, I am skeptical about "land for peace."




I hate the UN. It's an absolutely absurd organization the most they ever seem to do is "condemn" someones invasion. Pointless organization.




On top of that "giving land for peace " is insanity. Hitler asked for the same thing he said to Neville Chamberlain that if he could have the Sudetenland he would stop, did he?.. See how history repeats itself? There will never be peace untill the Christ returns. Most that can ever be achieved is a cease-fire.




There is one other option:p


Nuke= Boom


But that would lead into world war 3 and total annihilation (Even george bush as nobel peace prize winner is more realistic then this)




Cease fire won't stand. Only one palestinian has got to be angry with Israel, launches another rocket, and bye bye cease fire.



RIP my main Xprozaccx.

Still Dreaming of Farming Cape

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Guys, Israel owns Palestine. Palestine sold ALL of it's land to Israel in 1948, peacefully.




And trust me, throughout the 50's there was a move in Israel towards a separate Palestinian state. Until the generals who had lost their power in Palestine rallied Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan to all attack Israel.




Israel earned the Gaza Strip in blood. You guys have no clue how CLOSE Israel was to using tactical nuclear arms to defend themselves. By the grace of God, they managed to turn the ground war around and go on the offensive.




There has been no apology from Egypt over the senseless violence they wrought, and until that apology comes Israel has every right to the Gaza strip.




And if it weren't for the greed of man, Palestine might have gotten Sovereign Statehood (like the U.S. grants Guam and Puerto Rico).


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Guys, Israel owns Palestine. Palestine sold ALL of it's land to Israel in 1948, peacefully.




And trust me, throughout the 50's there was a move in Israel towards a separate Palestinian state. Until the generals who had lost their power in Palestine rallied Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan to all attack Israel.




Israel earned the Gaza Strip in blood. You guys have no clue how CLOSE Israel was to using tactical nuclear arms to defend themselves. By the grace of God, they managed to turn the ground war around and go on the offensive.




There has been no apology from Egypt over the senseless violence they wrought, and until that apology comes Israel has every right to the Gaza strip.




And if it weren't for the greed of man, Palestine might have gotten Sovereign Statehood (like the U.S. grants Guam and Puerto Rico).




On the contrary, I think the conflict has been dragged on unnecessarily by religious motives on both sides. If this was purely a geo-political decision, a two state solution would have been sought long ago. As i've said before, Israel loses nothing by abandoning expansionism in the West Bank. In fact, it does itself a favour, because it confronts the internal clerical forces which want to create a theocracy for the Jews.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Guys, Israel owns Palestine. Palestine sold ALL of it's land to Israel in 1948, peacefully.




And trust me, throughout the 50's there was a move in Israel towards a separate Palestinian state. Until the generals who had lost their power in Palestine rallied Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan to all attack Israel.




Israel earned the Gaza Strip in blood. You guys have no clue how CLOSE Israel was to using tactical nuclear arms to defend themselves. By the grace of God, they managed to turn the ground war around and go on the offensive.




There has been no apology from Egypt over the senseless violence they wrought, and until that apology comes Israel has every right to the Gaza strip.




And if it weren't for the greed of man, Palestine might have gotten Sovereign Statehood (like the U.S. grants Guam and Puerto Rico).




Who sold Israel their lands? Was it the Palastenian gov't? Well, the people still have a right to be angry, and it's not like they can act against their gov't. If someone sold my land, I'd probably fight too. You can't seriously expect them to huddle in a corner and surrender.




Why should the other countries apologize? They feel threatened that any Western nation can just walk in, dispose of a government, and put foreign people in. They have a right to be angry as well.




It should be Palestine who should grant Israel a state and not the other way around. The Palestinians should be the ones to decide.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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They feel threatened that any Western nation can just walk in, dispose of a government, and put foreign people in. They have a right to be angry as well.




Exactly... When Hamas got overwhelmingly elected to the Palestinian parliament, western countries got mad and cut all their funding off because they're "terrorists" (I.E. you can't dictate them what to do by intimidation, or buy their opinions off)




Since most of all palestinians support their actions and voted for them, how can an entire nation be terrorists?




They aren't.




Were the colonial americans who fought against foreigners (British) taxing and claiming their land "terrorists" or people who wanted to live without foreign countries interrupting in their own affairs?

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There is so much misconception and/or pure ignorance regarding the Israel- Palestinian conflict going on on this thread i dont know even where to begin with..




First,regarding the title,stop relating this "2 states for 2 nations" idea to Bush. This was the base for the Oslo agreements back in 1993.




Second, this aint no western with good vs bad guys.This conflict is far more complicated than this.




As an Israeli, who served in the IDF and been to the occipied territories quite a lot during my service i've seen whats the occupation is doing to the Palestinians and to us Israelis.


On the other hand, i've seen human bombs explodes in the middle of Tel-Aviv, people (kids & women) get massacred by a suicidal terrorist attack, and rockets are flying, as we speak, from Gaza to the Israeli city of Shderot making the people lives their a living hell.




This is not one way story.


The Palestinians...did you know there was no such thing as a "Palestinian nation" before 1948?




Did you know the Arab countries refuses to accept Palestinians refugees as a rightfull citizens even after 60 years?




Yes, in 1948, after the U.N declarion of Israel, a lot of Palestinians run away from their home but thats because they thought they are going on a few weeks trip till their allies(Egypt,Syria,Jordan..) attack on Israel will conquer back Israel lands for them nice and neat...


unfortunately, we kicked their butts.




And yes, in the brilliant six days war (1967) we conquered the ancient part of Jerusalem and the gaza strip but it wasnt from them Palestinians, it was from Egypt (Gaza) and Jordan (Jerusalem).


Btw, Egypt never wanted those lands back ...




There's a lot of hypocrisy going on in the western world regarding the Israel- Palestinian conflict.


Apparently, we are not moral enough for some of them (which is a nice joke if you take a brief look at the history)..


Just wonder how moral England,France or any other european country would have been if one of their cities would have blasted on a dialy base..






I'll not go into arguments regarding who was here first or who has the right on this land,us or the Palestinians. this is pointless.






Back in 1993, it seemed for a moment that we are heading on a good direction...however extremist on both sides eliminated this little hope real quick.






Perosnally i truthly support the 2 states solution and i do hope my kids wont have to serve a single day in the army.


however, it will happen only when the Arab world will truthly accept the fact that Israel is here to stay and invest their resources in helping Palestinians with better education and technology rather on better weapons and hate.


unfortunatly i dont see it happen in the near future.









Exactly... When Hamas got overwhelmingly elected to the Palestinian parliament, western countries got mad and cut all their funding off because they're "terrorists" (I.E. you can't dictate them what to do by intimidation, or buy their opinions off)


Since most of all palestinians support their actions and voted for them, how can an entire nation be terrorists?



They voted Hamas because their former P.L.O goverment was corrupted and used the money given for their own personal usage,thus,keeping most of the people there in their poverty.


Call me naive but i believe 90% of the Palestinians still just want to live there lives peacefully.

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It's very easy to criticize Israel when buses in your country do not explode, killing everyone inside and when your homes aren't constantly bombed by rockets, and your options to retaliate are limited.




A common misconception that has been repeated in this thread that I'd like to point out is that jews left Israel some time during history (some say 4000 years ago, in our national anthem it says 2000 years ago) this is not true. There have always been jews in Israel, even when they were few (talking tens of thousands).




Another point is that palestines were offered a large portion of Israel (45%) in 1947 in the UN partition plan, which they declined because they wanted the entire country to themselves. We, of course, accepted it.




Yeah, and then the entire Egyptian airforce left Egypt and bombed the living daylights of every single airfield in Israel so the Israeli airforce was left severly crippled. Amirite?


The next time your country is attacked by 5 opposing armies combined, each one more powerful than yours, you do what seems fair and moral in your eyes.




Wow, those pesky terrorist, unhuman monsters. They should just suck up the attacks against their own population and accept it silently, just like the Americans did when Pearl Harbor was attacked, just like the Finnish when the Russians shelled their towns...


Just like Israel does when the palestines keep bombing our towns (sderot)? (and we do "suck up" the attacks, barely doing anything due to international opinions limiting our options to react). If this were to happen in your country I'm sure you would immediately symphatize with the enemy though.




What would you do if that was your child? Just praise Israel for it's efforts?


I would do anything in my power not to let my child be a terrorist's last defence, and that is what they are. (although I'm not a muslim extremist wanting his children to die in the name of Jihad) Palestine terrorists surround themselves with children as a means of defence (which is extremely effective, affecting both Israeli generals' decision making and international public opinions when innocent palestine children and civilians die). But who cares about preventing the deaths of tens and hundreds unknowns when you see the deaths of a few before your eyes?




Last thing I'd like to say is Israel has been willing, and has indeed given land numerous times in return for peace, and that will probably happen again. I hope so at least. We are willing to make compromise. We don't need the gaza strip, nor do we want it. We do have the right to live here and defend ourselves, whether you agree or not.








It was not lack of foreskin, but foresight that is causing this terrible problem anno 1959-2007.




So so creepy. Are you writing this from jail?

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Just like Israel does when the palestines keep bombing our towns (sderot)? (and we do "suck up" the attacks, barely doing anything due to international opinions limiting our options to react). If this were to happen in your country I'm sure you would immediately symphatize with the enemy though.




There's a lot of cases when people could sympathize with the enemy or invader, such as the kurds openly sympathizing with coalition forces destroying all Iraqi military command centers and cutting off roads, executing Saddam...




I don't fail to see why some palestinians sympathize with Hamas swearing to revenge civilian casualties when this is what IDF aistrikes cause to the general population on a nearly daily basis (Article is from Haaretz so you can't say it's biased either)




It's not like all Israelis are fine with the idea of occupying foreign people and not care about casualties that results, there's plenty of Israeli bloggers who strongly disagree with how Israel should be treated in the media as a "victim" in a case where it's the aggressor, in fear of being labeled anti-semitic.





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