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Weirdest nicknames


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In 7th grade I was called "short" because I was pretty short.Today in 8th grade,some people call me "short" even I'm higher then my friend who is a little bit shorter than me.




Teachers in school who doesn't pronounce my name very well say my name in a different way (I'm Vietnamese... :wink: ).








Other people:




My gym/math/nature study/ teacher.We don't have suitable nickname to him but we often call him "Nature freak" or "Stone age man".We was on France but instead of hotel,we lived in tent... :lol:








My other teacher is very angry teacher.We don't have any suitable nickname for him yet.When our class have nothing to do,this teacher suffer... :lol:

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One of my Friends is called sam, and another friend has a dog called sam. So we call the dog sam, and sam dog. Naturally this has extended to Sam being called anything from dogsbody and dogmatix, to poodle and pooch.








People seem to mispronounce my surname. Especially French people. On my last French exchange I was known as 'DogBowel', because my surname 'Godbold' was mispronounced completely.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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My friend Arran, we call him Guppy because he looks like a fish.




My friend Shawna, we call Pedros, because I saw a drink named Pedros and just called her Pedros, and it stuck. We call my other friend Brooke, Frogbert, because she's small and looks like a frog. And that's about all the nicknames.

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Bacon started because it kind of rhymes with my surname.








Brow - he used to have a monobrow lol




Styles - We put his real name in a song one day and kind of messed it around when me and a few mates were out drinking.




Scud - his brother used to kick his [wagon] and shout scud lol




LB - abbreviated from 'little *' he isn't very brave lol


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Got a friend called 'Skittles' because we were at his place once and his granparents (he lives with them) came in and said (his name) remember when you were 3 and got a skittle stuck up your nose? just kinda stuck lol :lol:

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AT my school we call my lang. arts teacher Mr. Dinosaur cuz he's pretty big and nobody likes him. My friend got yelled at cuz he stepped on the seat of a desk to get over by us to talk and dinosaur man yelled at him. :P




It's still pretty funny to call him dinosaur man, we also call our counsler Mr. Turtle :D








Ah yes Dinasaur.








Today he said "i don't take any questions seriously" since i was going to say when i person sleeps maybe their eyes go in back of their head, i really didn't know.








we call a kid "McMuffin" since he lives right next to a McDonald. our friends hung up signs everywhere in the school telling them to call him a McMuffin.

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I used to get called birdo cause when i was in grd 4and 5, when i ran i flapped my arms like a bird... it left cause i started running properly.








In grd 6, i was on the wrestling team,and they called me the fish, cause each time they got me in a half nelson, i got out.








This year... nothing.


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Last year, I was called "The Mullet Man!" Even though I didn't have a mullet... Just long hair.








I was also called "Fur", which is how I pronounce four. Gotta leave a wierd speech problem.








Anyways, this year, there were like... Two other Alex's in my homeroom alone. And many more all over the school, so I'm pretty much called by my last name. Though, out of all the Alex's, most people just call me Alex.










It really has

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lol my nickname is boy scout :P got that cus im good with the bush if u get my means and i can start a fire anywhere anytime also ive given a couple like gonzo to a friend or forest cus a friend of mine aint that bright but is very fast lots more but not for these boards :P

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Christian boy- got called that at work




Mini me (of my cousin) which i'm taller and older than




Squeak and mouse by some girls in middle skool...dunno why..








Then we call this one african american guy at work Oreo cookie. Black on the outside white on the inside. LOL he's a pure white boy :lol:








Then we have this one white boy who swears he's black :roll: ...we call him oops oreo. White outside, black inside.


Dragon drops: D med x3, D Spear x2, Left Half x1, D2h x1

Crawling Hands X4, Cockatrice heads X2, Basilisk head X2, Kurask head X1

Support me in the drop race

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i have a few
















mr beef
















hamster boy








noodle head




smoking hippo




long haired poofter








walking mop





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lol they call me nasty [wagon] nate cuz one time at our basketball game i saw some skittles on the floor and i ate em :o

"Ive always tried to kill the greatest man alive, but then I finally realize that suicide is not the answer"



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