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Double post i know, but i managed to get a full sweep with my bellyzard :mrgreen:


[hide]Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Soul Dew Clause

demoliboy2 sent out Navi (lvl 100 Blissey ♀).

-vimomi- sent out Forretress (lvl 100 Forretress ♂).

demoliboy2 switched in Blaze (lvl 100 Charizard ♂).

Forretress used Toxic Spikes.

Toxic Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!


-vimomi- switched in Gengar (lvl 100 Gengar ♂).

Blaze used Substitute.

Blaze lost 25% of its health.

Blaze made a substitute!


Gengar used Thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

A critical hit!

The substitute took damage for Blaze!

Blaze's substitute faded!

Blaze used Substitute.

Blaze lost 25% of its health.

Blaze made a substitute!


Gengar used Thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

The substitute took damage for Blaze!

Blaze's substitute faded!

Blaze used Belly Drum.

Blaze lost 50% of its health.

Blaze's attack was raised.

Blaze's Salac Berry raised its speed!


Blaze used Fire Punch.

Gengar lost 100% of its health.

-vimomi-'s Gengar fainted.


-vimomi- switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ♂).

Blaze used Fire Punch.

Gliscor lost 100% of its health.

-vimomi-'s Gliscor fainted.


-vimomi- switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ♂).

Blaze used Earthquake.

Swampert lost 100% of its health.

-vimomi-'s Swampert fainted.


-vimomi- switched in Dragonite (lvl 100 Dragonite ♂).

Blaze used Fire Punch.

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Dragonite lost 100% of its health.

-vimomi-'s Dragonite fainted.


-vimomi-: critical

-vimomi- switched in Snorlax (lvl 100 Snorlax ♂).

demoliboy2: wow, i got lucky there

Blaze used Fire Punch.

Snorlax lost 100% of its health.

-vimomi-'s Snorlax fainted.


-vimomi-: yea

-vimomi- switched in Forretress (lvl 100 Forretress ♂).

-vimomi-: but thats a gg

demoliboy2: once i managed to pull a burn in a focus sight bibarel

Blaze used Fire Punch.

It's super effective!

Forretress lost 100% of its health.

Forretress hung on using its Focus Sash!

Forretress used Gyro Ball.

It's not very effective...

Blaze lost 0% of its health.

demoliboy2's Blaze fainted.


demoliboy2 switched in Neon (lvl 100 Scizor ♂).

Neon used Bullet Punch.

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Forretress lost 0% of its health.

-vimomi-'s Forretress fainted.

demoliboy2 wins!

demoliboy2: gg[/hide]





[hide]Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Soul Dew Clause

demoliboy2 sent out Navi (lvl 100 Blissey ♀).

Hazuni sent out Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ♂).

demoliboy2 switched in Blaze (lvl 100 Charizard ♂).

Heatran used Stealth Rock.

Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!


Blaze used Substitute.

Blaze lost 25% of its health.

Blaze made a substitute!

Heatran used Hidden Power.

It's not very effective...

The substitute took damage for Blaze!


Hazuni switched in Lucario (lvl 100 Lucario ♂).

Blaze used Belly Drum.

Blaze lost 50% of its health.

Blaze's attack was raised.


Lucario used Extremespeed.

The substitute took damage for Blaze!

Blaze's substitute faded!

Blaze used Substitute.

Blaze lost 25% of its health.

Blaze made a substitute!

Blaze's Salac Berry raised its speed!


Lucario used Extremespeed.

The substitute took damage for Blaze!

Blaze's substitute faded!

Blaze used Fire Punch.

It's super effective!

Lucario lost 100% of its health.

Hazuni's Lucario fainted.


Hazuni switched in Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).

Blaze used Fire Punch.

Rotom-w lost 100% of its health.

Hazuni's Rotom-w fainted.


Hazuni switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ♂).

Blaze used Fire Punch.

Gliscor lost 100% of its health.

Hazuni's Gliscor fainted.


Hazuni switched in Jirachi (lvl 100 Jirachi).

Blaze used Fire Punch.

It's super effective!

Jirachi lost 100% of its health.

Hazuni's Jirachi fainted.


Hazuni switched in Latias (lvl 100 Latias ♀).

Blaze used Fire Punch.

It's not very effective...

Latias lost 100% of its health.

Hazuni's Latias fainted.


Hazuni switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ♂).

Blaze used Earthquake.

It's super effective!

Heatran lost 100% of its health.

Heatran hung on using its Focus Sash!

Heatran used Hidden Power.

It's not very effective...

Blaze lost 0% of its health.

demoliboy2's Blaze fainted.


demoliboy2 switched in Neon (lvl 100 Scizor ♂).

Pointed stones dug into Neon.

Neon lost 12% of its health.

Hazuni has left the room.

demoliboy2 wins![/hide]


[hide]Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Soul Dew Clause

lkashi1 sent out Ambipom (lvl 100 Ambipom ♂).

demoliboy2 sent out Navi (lvl 100 Blissey ♀).

lkashi1: wow 3 in a row

Ambipom used U-turn.

Navi lost 28% of its health.

demoliboy2: lol, you're the sazme?

lkashi1 switched in Forretress (lvl 100 Forretress ♂).

Ambipom lost 10% of its health.

Navi used Stealth Rock.

Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!

Navi's leftovers restored its health a little!

Navi restored 6% of its health.


demoliboy2 switched in Blaze (lvl 100 Charizard ♂).

Forretress used Toxic Spikes.

Toxic Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!


Blaze used Substitute.

Blaze lost 25% of its health.

Blaze made a substitute!

Forretress used Rapid Spin.

Forretress blew away the pointed stones!

The substitute took damage for Blaze!


Blaze used Belly Drum.

Blaze lost 50% of its health.

Blaze's attack was raised.

Forretress used Spikes.

Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!


Blaze used Fire Punch.

It's super effective!

Forretress lost 100% of its health.

lkashi1's Forretress fainted.


lkashi1 switched in Ambipom (lvl 100 Ambipom ♂).

Ambipom used Fake Out.

The substitute took damage for Blaze!

Blaze's substitute faded!

Blaze used Substitute.

Blaze lost 25% of its health.

Blaze made a substitute!

Blaze's Salac Berry raised its speed!


Blaze used Fire Punch.

Ambipom lost 90% of its health.

lkashi1's Ambipom fainted.


lkashi1 switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ♂).

Blaze used Earthquake.

It's super effective!

Heatran lost 100% of its health.

lkashi1's Heatran fainted.


lkashi1 switched in Arcanine (lvl 100 Arcanine ♂).

Arcanine used Extremespeed.

The substitute took damage for Blaze!

Blaze's substitute faded!

Blaze used Earthquake.

It's super effective!

Arcanine lost 100% of its health.

lkashi1's Arcanine fainted.


lkashi1 switched in Gengar (lvl 100 Gengar ♂).

Blaze used Fire Punch.

Gengar lost 100% of its health.

lkashi1's Gengar fainted.


lkashi1 switched in Jirachi (lvl 100 Jirachi).

Blaze used Fire Punch.

It's super effective!

Jirachi lost 100% of its health.

lkashi1's Jirachi fainted.

demoliboy2 wins!

demoliboy2: gg

lkashi1: jeez how fast is that charizard?[/hide]



Man i love these

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I love it when I pull off a sweep with Cleric Dragonite.


I like it better when they try to kill Dragonite with Swampert or something with Ice Beam, just to find out that it doesn't do enough :P

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The problem is no one will buy Pokemon White because they'll feel racist. Way to go, Nintendo. :-|


By that logic black people would buy pokemon white, but what about the red skins and asians? Thats where the problem resides :mellow:

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The problem is no one will buy Pokemon White because they'll feel racist. Way to go, Nintendo. :-|


By that logic black people would buy pokemon white, but what about the red skins and asians? Thats where the problem resides :mellow:

I will be flipping a coin tbh :x

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If I do decide to get one of those, I'll probably get Black. Although it will probably depend on the game-exclusive legendary :rolleyes:.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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The problem is no one will buy Pokemon White because they'll feel racist. Way to go, Nintendo. :-|


By that logic black people would buy pokemon white, but what about the red skins and asians? Thats where the problem resides :mellow:

Red skins got their own in generation 1. As did Asians, who are typically represented by the colour yellow.


I will probably get both, if I ever even get around to buying HG/SS...

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The problem is no one will buy Pokemon White because they'll feel racist. Way to go, Nintendo. :-|


By that logic black people would buy pokemon white, but what about the red skins and asians? Thats where the problem resides :mellow:

I will be flipping a coin tbh :x

My foolproof plan: get the one with the cooler looking boxart. Then curse at all of the poke's I want being exclusive to the other game.

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When is the tourny?


My friend code is: 4941 7902 9297


Can any1 explain how to make a bellyzard and all of those things like a flinchkiss etc


Noobs: We pay we say

JaGeX: How much will you pay?


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Those are just nicknames for the moveset.


Bellyzard: Charizard @ Salac Berry, Adamant/Jolly Nature, Blaze ability

252 attack, 252 speed, 4 hp


-Belly Drum

-Fire Punch



Stuff like Bulky Gyarados and Priority users give you a lot of trouble. You will be at 25% health or less the entire time you have a +6 attack boost


Flitchkiss: Togekiss @ Life Orb/Leftovers, Modest/Timid Nature, Serene Grace ability

252 hp/ 252 sp def/ 4 def

-Body Slam/Thunder Wave

-Roost/Nasty Plot

-Air Slash

-Aura Sphere


Body Slam if you want to paralyze ground types. You can use Nasty Plot over Roost to hit harder, but sacrificing durability. If you use Nasty Plot, use 252 sp attack/252 speed/4 def instead.

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Can someone help m euse the AR i need to get into Diamond to get the event arcues so i can get palkia/dialga on Heartgold (CBF doing events)


I enter the game id and it turns blue and freezes


Noobs: We pay we say

JaGeX: How much will you pay?


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I have a question on the flinchkiss. I've made one, but it seems that it's speed is too low to go first and make them flinch. How do you fix this?


Lots of Carbos.

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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Also, Paralysis HALVES the afflicted's speed stat. That's why it's so essential to have Thunder Wave or Body Slam on Flitch-focused Togekisses (as opposed to tanks or special attackers), because sometimes, despite Modest Nature 252 speed EV 31 speed IV, you just aren't fast enough.

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Can someone help m euse the AR i need to get into Diamond to get the event arcues so i can get palkia/dialga on Heartgold (CBF doing events)


I enter the game id and it turns blue and freezes

I have two different codes for use in HG/SS for the Arceus. If I can get the AR program working I'll PM you one of them.

One code you may also want is an EV/IV checker.

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Focus Sash, endeavor, and quick attack? The rattata has to be level one; there might be a few more things I missed. Basically, a pokemon will out-speed rattata and attack, which should decimate it. However, because of focus sash, rattata will survive with one hp left. Rattata then retaliates with a boosted endeavor from the massive hp loss and just from the massively lower hp a level one pokemon would have compared to a level 100 pokemon. On the next turn, rattata finishes up with quick attack. A ghost pokemon, damage-inflcting weather, even switching out usually alleviates this problem.


And for mckinzy, I think you could try Macho Brace, or whatever the equivalent is now. The thing that reduces speed while you train evs. Of course you'd want to avoid tricking the few pokemon that would benefit from that!

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