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The final fight was so emotionally draining I had to play "Through the Fire and Flames" to calm myself down. :ohnoes:




Wait... you listen to that when you want to calm yourself down? :-s I shutter to think what you listen to when you want to get angry/pumped...

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The final fight was so emotionally draining I had to play "Through the Fire and Flames" to calm myself down. :ohnoes:




Wait... you listen to that when you want to calm yourself down? :-s I shutter to think what you listen to when you want to get angry/pumped...


"And I think to myself.....What a wonderful World" :twss:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Anyone want to play? And congrats Gallade, you've just beat one of the biggest games in history. Yes, the final battle with Giygas is draining, and epic it scares me to death whenever I play the game back. Enjoy the ending to Earthbound and hope you enjoy MOTHER3 as much as you did Earthbound once the translation is finished over at http://mother3.fobby.net.




NOTE: The final boss battle of MOTHER3 is much more emotional draining than the fight with Giygas in Earthbound. I mean, it is enough to make a grown man cry.




Anyone want to go a few rounds on Brawl?


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Anyone want to play? And congrats Gallade, you've just beat one of the biggest games in history. Yes, the final battle with Gigyas is draining, and epic it scares me to death whenever I play the game back. Enjoy the ending to Earthbound and hope you enjoy MOTHER3 as much as you did Earthbound once the translation is finished over at http://mother3.fobby.net.




NOTE: The final boss battle of MOTHER3 is much more emotional draining than the fight with Gigyas in Earthbound.




Anyone want to go a few rounds on Brawl?




I will if you want.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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Hey Alex, when do you want to do our Tournament match? I'll check back here every 15 minutes and I'll be home all day.




As for Earthbound, it's an awesome game :D. And did you guys know Giygas' speech was based off of a rape scene in a movie?

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Yeah, I read Itoi's interview before, Caxis, I'm trying to warm up atm and am fighting Kent, be he is umm, afk atm..








Ok, just let me know when you're ready.

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Kent, how about an extra special challenge for you, how about no using high-tiers, cheap or broken characters, because, using an invincible character every thing is no fun. :twss:?




I really, really hope your not referring to snake. That would make you a noob, scrub, and stupid. Because mk vs snake has the odds of 7:3...




And Mk is broken. I owned you with my other characters too. It really does piss me off when idiots tell me snake is broken, and tell me to stop using him. Is Dk, fox, ike, luigi, pika, ic, all cheap now too?




Edit: I chose to pick snake before Brawl came out. Then it came out, and he fit my playstyle perfectly from melee. He was considered a pretty bad character when the game first came out, but I didn't mind. But a few weeks later, people started calling him cheap. And started flaming me. Yeah. People moved on to MK now, but thats not the point. What gives you the right to tell me to stop picking the character I love not because he's "broken" (Even though he's not. Scrub). /rant

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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Ready, Caxis.




Kent, how about an extra special challenge for you, how about no using high-tiers, cheap or broken characters, because, using an invincible character every thing is no fun. :twss:?




I really, really hope your not referring to snake. That would make you a noob, scrub, and stupid. Because mk vs snake has the odds of 7:3...




And Mk is broken. I owned you with my other characters too. It really does piss me off when idiots tell me snake is broken, and tell me to stop using him. Is Dk, fox, ike, luigi, pika, ic, all cheap now too?




Edit: I chose to pick snake before Brawl came out. Then it came out, and he fit my playstyle perfectly from melee. He was considered a pretty bad character when the game first came out, but I didn't mind. But a few weeks later, people started calling him cheap. And started flaming me. Yeah. People moved on to MK now, but thats not the point. What gives you the right to tell me to stop picking the character I love not because he's "broken" (Even though he's not. Scrub). /rant




Edit: So, you are comparing a broken character to another broken character who is strong to the first said broken character. You are pretty much admitting that the characters you use are broken, but Meta Knight is much cheaper. So, compare two even Players, one uses Mario and one uses Fox, Fox clearly has the upper hand by a bit. But lets compare one my characters to another: Ness vs. G&W, G&W has the natural upperhand because he cancels out Ness' air capabilities, the only way Ness can defeat G&W is a very wide gap of experience between the two players.




G&W, Ice Climbers, Zelda, Snake, King DeDeDe, Marth, and Ness himself are only but of some of Ness' many weak match ups. This is because these characters either negate his power to control the air space, can chaingrab Ness by taking advantage of his slow recovery from grabs or just out reach and out speed him.




Also, own me with every character? You can only 'own' me with characters that have advantages over mine and you know this for a fact.




I guarantee you would not use Snake anymore if he was the absolute worst character.




Also, do not call me a scrub, the I have been playing since Nintendo 64 days, if I'm a scrub, then what are you? Some ex-Melee player who uses all the techniques he can find on Smash boards? I think the next game would balance the game more, not making characters weak towards a majority and others have no weakness.




Good match, Caxis.


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Good Game Alex :D.




I lost my match 3-1 :lol:.




The new bracket is posted, and Ginger Warrior won't be here for a week so that game might be delayed.






just kidding. Hehe.




Edit: I pmed kfc. hopefully I'll get a responce soon.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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Anyone want to play with me and my friend? I'm at his house his friend code is 3824-0261-3247 If 2 people play we can have a 2v2.




I will.




And SS4, I have played since 64. You make many excuses. I pwned you. Get over it. I can beat you with almost every char.




Edit: Seriously, how much of a difference do you think CP's make? Why do you ALWAYS make excuses every time you lose?






Edit 2: Do you know something called a character's max potential? Fox is highest in SSBM's tier list, but he is extremely hard to use. If a noob used him he'll probably be mid.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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