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How bout Runescape 2.5


Graphical update with the trade limit and Pking in the Wilderness gone. Starting to sound like WOW one world is safe and the other you can kill.




That sounds good. I'd love to see who would actually still play a game with a trade limit and no wild over the one you said... I might as well stop being a tight wad and pay out the 15 bucks a month for WoW... at least it would be worth it rather then wasting 5$ a month to play a game that is long past it's glory. All it is now, is just a dieing cash cow that jagex wants to milk out every single penny they can before it finally dies.

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there is no point in this topic, it isnt coming back FACE IT




Exactly. They got rid of the Wilderness rules because of RWT and such. It's helped, and they've brought in 3 new minigames, where it's controlled pking. Things move forward, not backwards.

Achieved 99 Woodcutting on 12/06/08

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j-mod already stated that they will probably bring back the wilderness, but heavily modified somehow.




Bounty Hunter anyone?



Woodcutting does not raise your combat level because most people do not play as yew trees.
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Shut up you moron.


Thanks for proving my point. And if Runescape is such a flawed copy, why are you here? Is logic really that difficult for you to utilize when deciding your daily activities? I don't visit the neopets website every day to complain about how much the game sucks, so why would people keep doing that on the RSOF and TIF? It defies all logical thinking aside from them just being immature trolls with very little else to do with their lives.






Congratulations, you won todays 'failure to recognize intentional irony' award.




Why am I here? I quit RS a few days after the wilderness downdate ['Update' is too kind], and the TIF a few days after that. I'm not 'still here'. I came back to give it 'another shot' last week, and have found it sincerely lacking.




A question was asked regarding our enthusiasm for the chance to go back to 'old' rs2 or not - I simply stated and explained my preference.




So, once again, this time without sarcasm or intended witticism - Shut up you moron.




Face it, PKers sort of need skillers, but skillers don't necessarily need PKers. There are plenty of non-PKers willing to buy those foods and potions, but in a skill-less world, where do the PKers get the things they need?




This. Ever since the wilderness was introduced, PvP in RS was pushed aside - An activity to go and do after you do your 'real' playing, for a large amount of people. A skiller's game. While it would be slightly amusing to see the looks on the faces of the players who gloated and laughed at the PKers when our RS world was shattered, I know how it feels to have a character you've spent hours of your life working on be rendered instantaneously useless and would be able to sympathize with a skiller should their favorite activity be destroyed or changed beyond recognition. Enjoy your RS =) Let the real PvPers go play L2, AoC or even CSS.




Wow, awfully off topic there.

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Ratchet573 presents: WTF was Eatrunearrow thinking? (Quotable Quotes and arguments)




Eatrunearrow:I have an idea to see just how many people like Runescape the way it is.


Me: Oh really? What is it? Subject everyone to a day of nonstop club penguin action?


Eat:As you all know, we are soon getting a new graphical update next month.


Me: WHAT? Yes we are! Oh my god, I cannot wait! RS will look so awesome!]


Eat:Many of you know ( and have been annoyed by me ) that I support the return of the wild.


Me: Amen to that!


Eat:So anyway what my idea is..


Me: What? What?


Eat:Make new complete game with the new graphics. This game shall be known as Runescape 3


Me: Did god say that? Because I swear I read a line like that from Genesis...


Eat:And just like classic , players will have the option to choose to keep their items in RS 2 or move them to RS 3.


However, in Runescape 2 , the trade limit will be lifted, and bounty hunter will be deleted and the wild will be returned.


Me: Yeah...thats...stupid?


Eat:Runescape 3= New graphics and keep the updates.


Runescape 2= Graphics as of right now, no trade limit, and Wild back.


Me: Why can't we get RS2 and you get nothing?


Eat:Which game do you people honestly think will have more players? I know this isn't "realistic" due to "RWT" but I could care less about RWT. IMO you're a moron if you got your credit card stolen, and the whole game shouldn't suffor because of idiots.


Me: Well, none because...IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! Newge summed the credit card thing up best...


Freesia:And we could care less about pures like you who insist on living with the past.


Me: Ever remember the old forum, when he would hide his RS name from us so we would not know his levels...hmm...curious...


Newge:you're saying that the hundreds of thousands of people who had their credit card numbers stolen from TJ Maxx's parent company's central database are all morons for using their credit cards to purchase stuff at a store? :roll:


Me: Exactly!


Eddo89: This is such a silly topic.


It isn't even a debate. This is almost as if you are making the same transition from RS to RS2. Of course people is going to play the new one because of graphics, wild, trade etc and of course this will not happen because of RWT. So what is there to debate?


It seems as though the true debate is the stolen credit cards.


Me: The real debate is what grade eatrunearrow is in...


Mico:Probably not, a graphical update can' t make a whole new Rune Scape. Besides, JAGeX fought so hard againts RWTing that they wouldn' t give them the luxury of botting again.


Atleast that' s how I think, but then RS 2 and RS 3 would really be different, RS 3 would be the game for laid back skillers or monster killers and RS 2 would be for the hardcore pvp fighters.


Me: It would not work, Jagex is not going to bring a new game into the mix, let alone one that would bring back RWT...


Pika-Tim-Tam: there is no point in this topic, it isnt coming back FACE IT


Me: Ding Ding Ding! Correct answer.


Compfreak847:Do people even read those development diary thingys? :roll:


Me: Those are too above the head of Eatrunearrow...


Comp: Jagex would be forced to disable credit card payment (Rendering hundreds of thousands of people unable to pay) or worse yet, shut down Runescape if they did not stop RWT.


Me: But oh...that would mean Eatrunearrow would complain about how RS is gone....


Comp:Runescape with a modified version of PKing is better then no Runescape.


Me: Yes, but they could think of no way to modify it completely.


Comp:And, like hundreds of thousands of others, I really don't miss PKing much.


Me: Neither do I, but their are still people who cannot move on...


Comp: Yes, I had a pure etc. etc. etc, but the wildy was full of no honor, one itemers that PJed you every time you got a kill, and tried to lure\backstab\team\pile you at every turn.


Me: That is true, but there is no honor among theives, let alone idiots.


Comp:Its not coming back, and I think the "silent majority" really doesn't mind that much.


Me: If I am part of the Silent Majority tell me, because that would make a great pk clan...oh wait...


Comp:Sure, the week of the updates the entire rants forum was filled with angry PKers, but now for every "bring the wildy back" rant is 10 people copying and pasting some mostly inn accurate widely spread list of why its not coming back.


Me: Oh, lord...I am copy and pasting...and yes, the forum was, but yet, here we are still talking about it...


Comp:. Common sense is prevailing, even if it is in the form of blindly following and copying anyone who sounds intelligent.


Me: That excludes Eatrunearrow right?


Omali:Here's a better idea, Jagex can not make an RS3, and the pures who want their own special version of Runescape can...stop playing because it isn't going to happen!


Me: Took the words sraight from my mouth!


Omali:It's a perfect idea, and everyone will come out happy. Well, everyone that matters anyway.




Eat:IMO you're a moron if you got your credit card stolen, and the whole game shouldn't suffor because of idiots.


Abyssal Whip:that has nothing to do with why the wild, RWT, or unbalanced is gone. :?


Me: Good Point.


Aby: many of the j mods have clearly stated that they're not going to bring back the wild or spoon feed you pures with updates that'll imitate the wilderness.


Me: But eatrunearrow likes to be sppon fed!


elit:What? Of course people would choose the one with the wild, no trade limit, etc. There's a difference, though, between what you want and what is possible. Your "RS3" thing cannot happen, regardless of what people desire. Why is that hard to understand?


ME: I don't choose the wild one...


Elit:Also, in your last line where you called people idiots, you spelled "suffer" wrong.


Me: He better learn to spell that, in fourth grade, that was one of my spelling words...


legilgalad:obviously 'RSC3' will have more people playing as most Pker's will quit when they run out of skillers to make their potions, smith their armour and cook their food.


Me: Another fine point...


3hitm4g3u:Shut up you moron.


Me: The name of a macroer, and the words of a four year old.


Giant Torti:HaHaHaHaHaHaHa.


Me: Let me join with you! HAHAHAHAHAHA!


Giant:So instead of coming back with a noteworthy reply you went straight for the 'lets get nasty and personal' option. Outstanding.


Me: Well, of course idiots do that, because they cannot come up with a valid retort.


Giant:If anyone has bothered to read and understand the detailed Development Diary on this subject, they would understand why the changes were made and also why they'll never revert them.


Me: Like I said above ^^^


Giant:Its a shame that even after eight months, people are still refusing accept that those changes and the ongoing development of this game are anything other than permanent.


Me: It was sixth months.


Doc-roe:Its been 6 months. If Jagex ever had any thoughts of bringing it back, they would have brought it back already.


Me: Probably...


Omali:Nice to know there's still pures to remind us that most of them were immature trolls.


Me: LOL...trolls.


Chained-life:j-mod already stated that they will probably bring back the wilderness, but heavily modified somehow.


Funny how people say "lol stop living in the past" when all I see is people whining about how great RSC was.


Me: Funny how I have heard no one say that in a long time...


Dark Aura:have you any idea how much of a bloody re-vamp would be required to do that? and besides, if they made a RS3, revamped RS2 to allow trading etc all we'd have to do is trade then send ourselfs off to RS3 to live a nice jolly life in high graphics.


Me: oh, Bathing in these nice, beautiful graphics feels great.


Dark:its not a very planned out rant. if 85%+ can move on from that im pritty sure you can. you want wildy? go out and do me, jagex and other fellow players a favor and go on a ban-hammer spree and sue all the RWT companies and bots


Me: This is the court of idiocy, the honorable judge Eatrunearrow presiding.


Dark:if not then face it theres only 2 options: adapt or quit. and were NOT holding you to runescape by the leash, if we did i'd be inhumane and make you beg for food. :shame:


Me: But adapting and quiting are too hard, instead we have to spam up forums with stupid rants.


Dark:EDIT: tecnically/physically the wilderness still exists...


Me: Hee hee hee...POINT!


Gidion:Shut up you moron.


Me: Oh, this is gonna be good.


Gid:And for the record, should any updates / changes be reverted - Or the chance to live in the past be granted; I'd take RS over RS2 any day.


Me: Thats true.


Gid: Current RS is just a flawed copy of a flawed copy...


Me: Not exactly...RS was not flawed and RS is kinda flawed in some areas but all right pretty much everywhere else.




Nice to know there's still some people that don't enjoy staring at their virtual character whacking a tree for hours? Honestly, if they took out skilling, all you skillers would have your whitie tities in a bunch too.


Me: Nice to know their are people that used to enjoy staring at their virtual character whacking at another virtual player for hours. They won't take skills out, and BTW...they are called Tighty Whitties...which BTW, I do not wear, and I'm sure most women skillers don't wear either....


Nerdattack:You know, they never removed the Wilderness. It's still there.


As for choosing, I'd choose "RS2" for the trade limit removal, personally. But I'd bet more would move on to "RS3." Probably I'd play both.


Me: I'd only play RS3 to watch the wilderness people complain about it...

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Part 2:




Omali:Too bad, so sad. If you don't enjoy grinding, you should've never started playing an MMO in the first place, especially Runescape which is pretty much the king of endless grinding.


Me: Truth be told.


Omali:It's a fine double edged sword when talking about taking away skilling. I may have invested 5 years into this game, but I will still drop it like a rock and not look back if they'd removed my favorite aspect instead of sitting around for 6 months crying about it, a personality feature that most of the ex-Edgeville pkers (Yes, I said the Edgeville pkers. The real pkers aren't this immature and have either moved on or left the game) seem to be lacking.


Me: And the Pkers who don't complain all deserve something awesome for not complaining and spamming up the forums.


Omali:And what would removing skilling but keeping pking accomplish? No more food, armour, weapons (With obvious exceptions), quests, mini-games. You'd have a clone of the thousands of MMO's that Korea pumps out every year, but way less interesting, more basic, and with a player base too young to reach the steering wheel.


Me: Korean MMO'S: Kim Jongs find a nuclear missle, where you run around this hangar full of missles. The bonus round starts when you find the one that will target America!


Omali:The argument that is used against skillers about removing skilling is a moot point because, no matter how you look at it, it's not going to happen. Wilderness pking was expendable, skilling was not.


Me: Without skills, this would not be an MMO, and it would not exist...without skills there is no...well, skill to the game.


Omali:Oh and let's not forget all of those top pkers and stakers who were banned over the past few years for buying and selling gold (Whoops, did I bring that up? :shame: )


Me: WHAT? How did you bring that up? You should've kept quiet...


Omali:I have to say, with the updates that have happened, it's good to know that the Edgeville pkers are always there ready to protest. Protesting against luring being made impossible, against scamming being all but gone, drop trading between their main and pure being impossible, banning big pkers and stakers for real world trading, removing the glitch on the Granite Maul that let you kill someone almost instantly, no longer being able to camp the abyss. I even saw a group of pkers protesting at the fight pits (after the killing spree) using that as a reason to bring back the wilderness pking.


Me: Really, now thats just stupid...


Omali:If there's a rule to be broken, or a player to be scammed, or a reason to act like five year olds, they'll be there. When the cry goes out for immature ranting, nonsensical "riots", and threats of "lol i qit", they'll be there. And six months from now on December 10th, the one year anniversary, there will probably be another riot because, you guessed it, they'll still be there. Ready to be banned and muted en masse. Ready to use words like "Ruinedscape" and "[bleep]ex". Ready to type "@" over and over and over to get their point across. Ready to question Jagex's right to stop them from buying gold. Ready to make references to players like Durial as heroes. Ready to wear pink skirts and drop fires and random clothes in a lame attempt to lag the servers to crashing.


ME: Wow...Hats off to you sir, one of the best reports ever put on a forum. =D> =D>


Omali:Thanks for proving my point. And if Runescape is such a flawed copy, why are you here? Is logic really that difficult for you to utilize when deciding your daily activities? I don't visit the neopets website every day to complain about how much the game sucks, so why would people keep doing that on the RSOF and TIF? It defies all logical thinking aside from them just being immature trolls with very little else to do with their lives.


Me: I have put up rants about this. And its always the same mied replies, yet the Pkers are always the immature ones with nothing nice to say, they just want to make players who followed the rules and enjoyed the game, not as a way to make money, but as a way to let the hours pass.


Max:nice ;)


Me: Yes it was, Omali has made an amazing report...


Mini-Me: IF this happened, I'd say it would go about 70/30. 70 being for the new graphics. There weren't as many PKer's as everyone thought. Besides, any new players would choose graphics as they wouldn't know what they were missing. Other than that, I'm going to have to agree with most people here and say quit dragging your feet and leave if you don't like the game anymore. :|


Me: MINI ME! OMG! I love you in Austin Powers! But, let me quote you from GOldmember so you know what Pkers sing when they cry:




Wizzkid: How bout Runescape 2.5


Graphical update with the trade limit and Pking in the Wilderness gone. Starting to sound like WOW one world is safe and the other you can kill.


Me: Wow...I want to kill a world!


Nerd Attack: Let me just point out that since attack, strength, defense, hitpoints, range, magic, and prayer are technically skills, removing skilling would also remove combat. Then what would we do?


Me: True...


Nerd Attack:


If "skilling" but not combat skills were removed, where would the armor, food, arrows, and weapons come from?


Me: I don't think these idiots thought that out yet...


Nerd:But the counter-point: aren't many of these things easily available from monster drops or stores? Of course, things like prayer potions and super sets and cooked sharks are nearly impossible to obtain in large amounts without someone to make them, the prices would be absolutely absurd.


Me: But they could easily get gold from stealing other accounts.




Face it, PKers sort of need skillers, but skillers don't necessarily need PKers. There are plenty of non-PKers willing to buy those foods and potions, but in a skill-less world, where do the PKers get the things they need?


Me: Jagex should just hand it to them... :wall:




That sounds good. I'd love to see who would actually still play a game with a trade limit and no wild over the one you said... I might as well stop being a tight wad and pay out the 15 bucks a month for WoW... at least it would be worth it rather then wasting 5$ a month to play a game that is long past it's glory. All it is now, is just a dieing cash cow that jagex wants to milk out every single penny they can before it finally dies.


Me: Than go damn it, and leave us alone before your keyboard comes back and hits you.


Sky Fleet:there is no point in this topic, it isnt coming back FACE IT




Exactly. They got rid of the Wilderness rules because of RWT and such. It's helped, and they've brought in 3 new minigames, where it's controlled pking. Things move forward, not backwards.


Me: But thats still not enough, god forbid we live with what we have, no, we have to complain about a video game...


leg:Bounty Hunter anyone?


Me: But we can't play that, the level limits suck...just like the wild...


Gidion:Congratulations, you won todays 'failure to recognize intentional irony' award.


Me: LOL...now thats quotable!


Gid:Why am I here? I quit RS a few days after the wilderness downdate ['Update' is too kind], and the TIF a few days after that. I'm not 'still here'. I came back to give it 'another shot' last week, and have found it sincerely lacking.


Me: You are apparently "Still here" if you are writing on the TIF...


Gidion:A question was asked regarding our enthusiasm for the chance to go back to 'old' rs2 or not - I simply stated and explained my preference.


So, once again, this time without sarcasm or intended witticism - Shut up you moron.


Me: Omali is not a moron, he could at least go through a whole post without stating a stupid comment about someones opinion...


Gid:This. Ever since the wilderness was introduced, PvP in RS was pushed aside - An activity to go and do after you do your 'real' playing, for a large amount of people. A skiller's game. While it would be slightly amusing to see the looks on the faces of the players who gloated and laughed at the PKers when our RS world was shattered, I know how it feels to have a character you've spent hours of your life working on be rendered instantaneously useless and would be able to sympathize with a skiller should their favorite activity be destroyed or changed beyond recognition. Enjoy your RS =) Let the real PvPers go play L2, AoC or even CSS.


Me: Yeah, you worked hours on a character with 99 attack and strength, and with 1 def. Thats really their fault. :roll:


Gidion:Wow, awfully off topic there.


Me: And part of it is you calling people moron because, ultimately, you cannot think of a betterretort than to make fun of someone because, as the wildy people said, they are "Pooning" you.

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Congratulations, you won todays 'failure to recognize intentional irony' award.




Why am I here? I quit RS a few days after the wilderness downdate ['Update' is too kind], and the TIF a few days after that. I'm not 'still here'. I came back to give it 'another shot' last week, and have found it sincerely lacking.




A question was asked regarding our enthusiasm for the chance to go back to 'old' rs2 or not - I simply stated and explained my preference.




So, once again, this time without sarcasm or intended witticism - Shut up you moron.




Feel free to point out the "intentional irony" in the phrase "Shut up you moron", because it's gone way under my radar.




But as for the rest of your post, thanks again for proving yourself to be the perfect example to keep my point valid and fresh with today's youth.




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Congratulations, you won todays 'failure to recognize intentional irony' award.




Why am I here? I quit RS a few days after the wilderness downdate ['Update' is too kind], and the TIF a few days after that. I'm not 'still here'. I came back to give it 'another shot' last week, and have found it sincerely lacking.




A question was asked regarding our enthusiasm for the chance to go back to 'old' rs2 or not - I simply stated and explained my preference.




So, once again, this time without sarcasm or intended witticism - Shut up you moron.




Feel free to point out the "intentional irony" in the phrase "Shut up you moron", because it's gone way under my radar.




But as for the rest of your post, thanks again for proving yourself to be the perfect example to keep my point valid and fresh with today's youth.






I liked the awards name but now that I think of it...it is true...there is no irony in that phrase...if you call someone a moron, its called being an immature child.

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Cry -.-




Irony is a literary or rhetorical device, in which there is an incongruity or discordance between what a speaker or writer says and what he or she means, or what is generally understood.




I didn't think he's a moron, yet I called him a moron to parrot the awful reply he was already given and dealt with so deftly.




It was 'a joke'. Clearly not a good enough one for your highly tuned sense of humor, my apologies for failing to tickle your metaphorical taste buds. Deepest regrets.




The rest of my original post on flawed RS was dealing not with Omali, but with the question posed by the OP on whether or not i'd like to revert back to old RS and lose the 'new graphics'.




I called him a moron the second time, to demonstrate my contempt for the personal attacks upon me.

"immature trolls with very little else to do with their lives."


Which, knowing very little about me - Was clearly unwarranted.




I thought that re-iterating the phrase I had previously said in jest, would gain me stylistic points and lend my post greater emphasis.




Hmm, I missed rants. Always spend more time clarifying and explaining to the more cognitively challenged the true depth, meaning and sheer brilliance of my posts.




I truly am awesome.




And offtopic once again.




Edit: In retrospect, taking into account the history of this thread; please familiarize yourself with the idiom 'tongue in cheek' before replying.

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Cry -.-




Irony is a literary or rhetorical device, in which there is an incongruity or discordance between what a speaker or writer says and what he or she means, or what is generally understood.




Irony is the contrast between the expected outcome and what actually occurs, as well as the actual meaning of a statement being the opposite of its literal meaning. What you said wasn't ironic, it wasn't even sarcastic.




It was taken as a personal attack by myself and you're apparently the only person who can vouch that they saw it as anything else. This is the same kind of reasoning used when O'rielly talked about lynching Michelle Obama, Rush Limbaugh advocated rioting at the DNC, ED Hill using the term "terrorist fist jab, and I'll only assume Michael Reagan will use that excuse when he takes heat for offering to sponsor and fund the bullets required to kill anti-war activists (naming Mark Dice personally) on his show. In all of these cases the speakers took heat for what they said, and in the case of Michael Reagan, may be spending time in a state prison because they said something stupid, ED Hill lost her show, Rush Limbaugh will be receiving a fine from the FCC in the near future, and Bill O'Rielly's show lost its stand in the ratings.




While you won't see any reprimand for this comment in particular, I would advocate that you keep in mind how your comments will be perceived. I had an article on my (extremely old) website that I published back in 2001, after 9/11, where I discussed what attacks would still work, why, and what we need to do to defend against these attacks. I'm not going to go into detail, but I was contacted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) several weeks later about that article, that someone had actually reported it to them, and that I basically needed to shut the F*** up about the subject, pull the article, and not write anything in that manner, or I would find myself being investigated for intent to aid the enemy.




A big comparison to what you said, but I always remembered to keep it in my head about how people will perceive what you say, considering it almost got me in a lot of trouble about 7 years ago.




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Cry -.-




Irony is a literary or rhetorical device, in which there is an incongruity or discordance between what a speaker or writer says and what he or she means, or what is generally understood.




Irony is the contrast between the expected outcome and what actually occurs, as well as the actual meaning of a statement being the opposite of its literal meaning. What you said wasn't ironic, it wasn't even sarcastic.




It was taken as a personal attack by myself and you're apparently the only person who can vouch that they saw it as anything else. This is the same kind of reasoning used when O'rielly talked about lynching Michelle Obama, Rush Limbaugh advocated rioting at the DNC, ED Hill using the term "terrorist fist jab, and I'll only assume Michael Reagan will use that excuse when he takes heat for offering to sponsor and fund the bullets required to kill anti-war activists (naming Mark Dice personally) on his show. In all of these cases the speakers took heat for what they said, and in the case of Michael Reagan, may be spending time in a state prison because they said something stupid, ED Hill lost her show, Rush Limbaugh will be receiving a fine from the FCC in the near future, and Bill O'Rielly's show lost its stand in the ratings.




While you won't see any reprimand for this comment in particular, I would advocate that you keep in mind how your comments will be perceived. I had an article on my (extremely old) website that I published back in 2001, after 9/11, where I discussed what attacks would still work, why, and what we need to do to defend against these attacks. I'm not going to go into detail, but I was contacted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) several weeks later about that article, that someone had actually reported it to them, and that I basically needed to shut the F*** up about the subject, pull the article, and not write anything in that manner, or I would find myself being investigated for intent to aid the enemy.




A big comparison to what you said, but I always remembered to keep it in my head about how people will perceive what you say, considering it almost got me in a lot of trouble about 7 years ago.






You sir, are a master at writing this stuff...you should go into reporting, because you are an amazing report writer...And by the way Gidion...you are not awesome, you are just trying to make yourself feel better, either that, or you are a complete narcissist.

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Shut up you moron.


Thanks for proving my point. And if Runescape is such a flawed copy, why are you here? Is logic really that difficult for you to utilize when deciding your daily activities? I don't visit the neopets website every day to complain about how much the game sucks, so why would people keep doing that on the RSOF and TIF? It defies all logical thinking aside from them just being immature trolls with very little else to do with their lives.






Congratulations, you won todays 'failure to recognize intentional irony' award.




Why am I here? I quit RS a few days after the wilderness downdate ['Update' is too kind], and the TIF a few days after that. I'm not 'still here'. I came back to give it 'another shot' last week, and have found it sincerely lacking.




A question was asked regarding our enthusiasm for the chance to go back to 'old' rs2 or not - I simply stated and explained my preference.




So, once again, this time without sarcasm or intended witticism - Shut up you moron.




Face it, PKers sort of need skillers, but skillers don't necessarily need PKers. There are plenty of non-PKers willing to buy those foods and potions, but in a skill-less world, where do the PKers get the things they need?




This. Ever since the wilderness was introduced, PvP in RS was pushed aside - An activity to go and do after you do your 'real' playing, for a large amount of people. A skiller's game. While it would be slightly amusing to see the looks on the faces of the players who gloated and laughed at the PKers when our RS world was shattered, I know how it feels to have a character you've spent hours of your life working on be rendered instantaneously useless and would be able to sympathize with a skiller should their favorite activity be destroyed or changed beyond recognition. Enjoy your RS =) Let the real PvPers go play L2, AoC or even CSS.




Wow, awfully off topic there.






Thank you thank you thank you! finally someone on here who isn't a complete bias skiller...! Many people's hours and hours of work has just been thrown out the window... so has mine... of course I'm gona care! I'm not getting over my countless hours lost in one night!

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You have a job, say making license plates.You've worked there for years. One day management comes in and tells you machines took away your job. You either A)Find a new job within the company or B) Go to a different company. You do not protest the company for making their company more efficient.




Moral of the story:Find a new job(skill, fight monsters, whatever) or leave for another MMORPG.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Thank you thank you thank you! finally someone on here who isn't a complete bias skiller...! Many people's hours and hours of work has just been thrown out the window... so has mine... of course I'm gona care! I'm not getting over my countless hours lost in one night!







God dammit, its your fault for being an idiot and deciding "Hey, lets make a character with 99 strength and attack! Than I could own the wild."


Guess what? This game was never intended to have people do that. Boo hoo, you lost countless hours working on one skill. Guess what? RS is a video game, and if you are so worked up over this, tell daddy to buy you a tricycle so you can ride to the park, and do something constructive...I am sure dad would appreciate you not wasting his money on paying an electric bill because you are wasting time writing stupid rants, and apparently trying to start a fight.




This topic is turning into nothing but a flame war over something stupid. Learn to cope with the wild being gone or stop spamming everything up with your incessant chatter.




This topic should be locked, only because Gidion has turned a topic from a normal, "Get over it", to a "Your a moron Omali because you keep making good points."

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well i also enjoy the wild and it was the only thing i enjoyed doing in the game. With the rwt problems jagex r never going to have a wild like that again. The only wild they might bring back is through mini games like bountyhunter where u cant bring coins. however they must make it so that the coin transfer will be through armor cost. otherwise its just not going to happen even though i wish it to be. If wild was there hands down i would pk there despite the graphics. runescape is just one of those games that doesn't need great graphics to be successful. even with the new graphical release its graphics r a joke compared with other games who spend more money on their improvements. So me and other pkers would definatley go pk because bh is a joke. its not bad its just not good enough. (personally would be better with better crater level differentials)

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Thank you thank you thank you! finally someone on here who isn't a complete bias skiller...! Many people's hours and hours of work has just been thrown out the window... so has mine... of course I'm gona care! I'm not getting over my countless hours lost in one night!




You remind me of when the news covered the Iphone's release, they talked to a woman who was there with several thousands of dollars in cash so she could buy out the entire store to sell on Ebay for a profit, and paid the kid in front 800 bucks for his spot in line.




Needless to say, she was blocked: They wouldn't let anyone buy more than one, and the store had more than enough for everyone.




Moral of the story: Just because there's a lot of money or time in it, doesn't make your investment that less worthlesss and pointless.




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Omali, I made a joke. You, and others failed to get that joke. Probably because i'm British, and we have a far superior sense of humor. ;) [see, I put a smiley face there, so you and your underlings can see i'm fooling around, still].




Perhaps it wasn't appropriate, I really don't care. If someone said that to me, under those circumstances - I'd laugh.



Clearly not a good enough one for your highly tuned sense of humor, my apologies for failing to tickle your metaphorical taste buds. Deepest regrets.




Get over it.




And by the way Gidion...you are not awesome, you are just trying to make yourself feel better, either that, or you are a complete narcissist.




If you could get your head out of Omali's arse long enough to read my post's completely - It would really help things.





In retrospect, taking into account the history of this thread; please familiarize yourself with the idiom 'tongue in cheek' before replying.






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Tongue-in-cheek is a term used to refer to humour in which a statement, or an entire fictional work, is not meant to be taken seriously, but its lack of seriousness is subtle. The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "Ironic, slyly humorous; not meant to be taken seriously".




I don't honestly think I'm awesome, well - I do, but in that case I was just poking fun at myself. An activity I can see you're eager to assist me with.




You have a job, say making license plates.You've worked there for years. One day management comes in and tells you machines took away your job. You either A)Find a new job within the company or B) Go to a different company. You do not protest the company for making their company more efficient.




Moral of the story:Find a new job(skill, fight monsters, whatever) or leave for another MMORPG.




Great point! Although think about it in terms of a skill you have spent time learning, and your company still decides to replace you with a machine, you would be very upset. You'd probably kick up a little fuss, ask for compensation from the company and if enough people were getting replaced, Unions would get stuck in also.


However, RS is just a game - Not life or death. And the vast majority should have spent a little time protesting the changes at the start, until they realized nothings changing back, then bite the bullet and leg it over to WoW. Like I did. Although that's pretty poor PvP also >.>




God dammit, its your fault for being an idiot and deciding "Hey, lets make a character with 99 strength and attack! Than I could own the wild."


Guess what? This game was never intended to have people do that. Boo hoo, you lost countless hours working on one skill. Guess what? RS is a video game, and if you are so worked up over this, tell daddy to buy you a tricycle so you can ride to the park, and do something constructive...I am sure dad would appreciate you not wasting his money on paying an electric bill because you are wasting time writing stupid rants, and apparently trying to start a fight.




Being an 'idiot' to play the game as efficiently as possible? Seriously? Some people played to PK. Certain character builds were much more effective than other character builds.




You're an idiot for building your character to be as effective as possible in your chosen field of interest?




Imagine you've just finished three years of law school, ready to rock out into the courtroom an kick some [wagon]; bam! New legislation comes out of the blue, and changes the law so you must have a duel honors Law and Business degree before you're legally eligible to practice?




You'd be a little bit miffed. I would.



This topic should be locked, only because Gidion has turned a topic from a normal, "Get over it", to a "Your a moron Omali because you keep making good points."








No I didn't.






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Tongue-in-cheek is a term used to refer to humour in which a statement, or an entire fictional work, is not meant to be taken seriously, but its lack of seriousness is subtle. The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "Ironic, slyly humorous; not meant to be taken seriously".







Moral of the story: Just because there's a lot of money or time in it, doesn't make your investment that less worthlesss and pointless.




That's true, but as things stood - Investing your time making a wilderness centered character was not a worthless or pointless endeavor for someone who planned to spend their gametime in the wilderness.




I'm sure you can relate to the ire that would be felt by someone who's persevered through a serious grind, only to find that the goal posts have been moved - Or they need to start again from scratch to be effective?

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Omali, I made a joke. You, and others failed to get that joke. Probably because i'm British, and we have a far superior sense of humor. ;) [see, I put a smiley face there, so you and your underlings can see i'm fooling around, still].




Perhaps it wasn't appropriate, I really don't care. If someone said that to me, under those circumstances - I'd laugh.





Actually, I already took the liberty of showing your post to real English people (Not UK, they don't want to associate with the Irish) who agreed with me that it would be impossible to tell the true intent of your post so no, you're not using "British Comedy".




By the way, typo: You were looking for the word INferior, not SUperior. Easy mistake, won't hold it against you.




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Actually, I already took the liberty of showing your post to real English people (Not UK, they don't want to associate with the Irish) who agreed with me that it would be impossible to tell the true intent of your post so no, you're not using "British Comedy".







I'm sorry, i'm past trying to explain to some guy on a forum why what I said was funny, to me at least. And I'm certainly above showing said internet joke to an uninvolved party to reassure myself that my sense of humor is not broken. So no 'Yeah but I showed it to my mate who laughed sycophantically and patted me on the back' comeback here.




Lesson learned, I'll avoid attempting witticism when in the presence of uptight internet ranters, and their ratchety lackeys.








By the way, typo: You were looking for the word INferior, not SUperior. Easy mistake, won't hold it against you.


You're doing it wrong.




Edit: Out of interest, was Ireland joining the United Kingdom a recent development that I have missed? >_>

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Omg how dare you Omali! Gidion's sarcasticism is the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen! The words "Shut up you moron" are OBVIOUSLY sarcastic, if you had made the effort to read his mind you would have known! How dare you question Gidions talent, he is simply an artist, with very little ego, and a sweet personality. We should worship him, and agree with everything he says. After all hes british, hes automatically smarter and has a better sense of humor than all of us!

2480+ total

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Omg how dare you Omali! Gidion's sarcasticism is the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen! The words "Shut up you moron" are OBVIOUSLY sarcastic, if you had made the effort to read his mind you would have known! How dare you question Gidions talent, he is simply an artist, with very little ego, and a sweet personality. We should worship him, and agree with everything he says. After all hes british, hes automatically smarter and has a better sense of humor than all of us!




LOL...and BTW, my head is not up Omali's arse, rather your head (gidion) is too far up your own arse. You were not playing the game as effeciantly as possible you were playing the game in the wrong way, the way that Jagex never intended to be played as...but of course if you would quit complaining, pull your head out of your [wagon] and actually understand myself and omalis posts, then maybe you would finally be hailed as stupid instead of completely moronic.




Since gidion likes pictures:








congratualations gidion, you fail...

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I'm sorry, i'm past trying to explain to some guy on a forum why what I said was funny, to me at least.




If you laugh at your own jokes in in poor taste and only goes to prove that they aren't funny. Odd how quick it went from "You're the only one who found it funny" to "I'm the only one who found it funny".




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For eveyones convenience here are gidions stats from the hiscore list.






Defence - :o Not on the list...










Everything else is not on the list...

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I'm sorry, i'm past trying to explain to some guy on a forum why what I said was funny, to me at least.




If you laugh at your own jokes in in poor taste and only goes to prove that they aren't funny. Odd how quick it went from "You're the only one who found it funny" to "I'm the only one who found it funny".




I love how you can do a comeback without including anything personal toward someone...

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Omg how dare you Omali! Gidion's sarcasticism is the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen! The words "Shut up you moron" are OBVIOUSLY sarcastic, if you had made the effort to read his mind you would have known! How dare you question Gidions talent, he is simply an artist, with very little ego, and a sweet personality. We should worship him, and agree with everything he says. After all hes british, hes automatically smarter and has a better sense of humor than all of us!




I love you. rawr :thumbup:




LOL...and BTW, my head is not up Omali's arse, rather your head (gidion) is too far up your own arse.




Yes it is ;)




No it's not.




You were not playing the game as effeciantly as possible you were playing the game in the wrong way, the way that Jagex never intended to be played as...




No, that's nonsense. Sorry.




Jadex designed the game so that each stat is individually trained. Had they intended a certain stat pattern to be the 'correct' playstyle - They would have designed the game so that it was the 'only' playstyle.




If building a character who's stats achieve your purpose best is 'playing the game wrong', then how the hell do you play the game 'right'?




but of course if you would quit complaining, pull your head out of your [wagon] and actually understand myself and omalis posts, then maybe you would finally be hailed as stupid instead of completely moronic.




Who the hell's complaining? I accepted that the wilderness was 'gone' a long time ago, and moved on to better things. In this thread, the question posed by the OP asked if we would like to return to older versions of gameplay, all I've done is answer that question honestly.




I understand your post's. I just disagree with a lot of the points you make.




Is that okay, sir?




Oh, and the pic made me lol. 8-)

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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